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Forum Posts

[NEW] Important Update Regarding Recent Account Notifications

Hello Community, Due to a recent system issue, you may have received an email and/or text message incorrectly stating that your account is in suspended status. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. To validate your account status, plea...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 23 replies
  • 12 Bravos

Important Update: eSIM QR Code Now Included in Activation Summary Emails

Hi Community, We're happy to share some news that aims to make your eSIM installation process smoother and easier. As of June 15, we've started including an eSIM QR code in our activation summary emails. Why does this matter? If you encounter any dif...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 149 replies
  • 35 Bravos

Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Hey Community, We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.  I...

A_CX_PM by Public Mobile
  • 185 replies
  • 29 Bravos

Subscription not renewing

Hello, I have paid for a new plan, but my subscription is not renewing no matter how many times i try. i even have a receipt downloading but it just says my subscription is still suspended, even after it saying successful. please help.

rivb2xx by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Service trouble

I have tried to renew my plan and have paid for it as well, yet my subscription will not renew. please help me! 

rivb2xx by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Urgent!!! Porting out without a SIM card

Hello,I'm trying to port out to another provider but I dont have a sim card to approve the text message that's being sent. I lost my phone. How can I get around approving the port without a SIM.

gl12001 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
  • 1 Bravos

I switched for 5g

I paid for 5 g but I don't see 5g my phone is compatible 5g but I don't see it

Mart27 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! payment

I have closed my public mobile account. I still have old account number. I made a payment to closed account. How do I get a refund? I have tried chatbot it was a waste of time. How do I contact a real customer agent?

confused5 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
  • 2 Bravos

Resolved! Call Forwarding not working

I have tried*67*xxxyyyzzzz#67xxxyyyzzz#and they don't work. How do I get it to work?  

mountain by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 10 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! correct email address

I can not log in my account, becauce my email address was incorrect in the system,it was miss one number  ,so I can not receive any links from public Mobile. Can I correct my email address?

chen3 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 6 replies
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Resolved! Unable to log into account

My phone service was stopped due to my credit card being suspended and a payment was missed. I'm now trying to log into my account to pay, but it is asking for a code sent to my phone that cannot receive text messages because the service is stopped. ...

Bandolin1 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 12 replies
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Resolved! Huge issue with service

@CS_Agent - I was unaware my phone number was in limbo between my old serivce and new service because i was not able to receice texts from anyone, because of my phone number being in limbo. So i called my old providor yesterday and they told me about...

BethH by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! how to leave Public Mobile?

@CS_Agent I want to move to a different service provider as I am getting 10GB of 3G data per month for just $25. What is the process to discontinue public mobile service

Umang by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Is older Samsung phone compatible?

I had to resort to my old Samsung S3 until my current phone is fixed. Tried to insert my SIM Card, i do get texting and phone calls but no DATA internet. I have tried getting APN, etc So i am wondering if the old Samsung S3 is compatible with Public ...

Danielle1964 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! Account is locked

Hi there, One of my public mobile accounts is locked. Every time I try to sign in and even after I update my password successfully, it doesn't let me log in. How do I fix this?

Tofu14 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 3 replies
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Resolved! Refer a friend questions

Hi everyone,I just refer my aunt to PM 2 days ago. I got a message that i just added to a refer program, and ask my to view of rewards, but when i check my rewards page, i see nothing change, Here are my questions:1. with the added to refer program m...

Meowington by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 33 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Data Usage Contradiction

My data is no longer working and when I consult the Subscription Usage tab it says I have used all of my data.  However, when I View Usage History and when I look through my phone, I have only used a fraction of my available data.  What is going on? ...

Flyboy1969 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 3 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! New SIM

I’m ready to activate my new SIM and start my plan. I want to transfer my current phone number from a different provider. What are the steps I need to take?

Amy97 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 6 replies
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i need to cancel plan

k i used an old sim card and set up an account with a phone number. Obviously the accout doesnt work and i need to cancel the subscription. But when i try to login to the account, it send a 6 digit verfication code to the phone number which i dont ha...

lori7 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! activating my account

I have received my SIM in the mail and am now trying to complete Step 4 to finish set up.  I cannot see  where to go next.  I am using the online website as the App is not working on my phone.

TG66 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 11 replies
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I purchased roaming for USA last week. While in the USA I was not able to access data or make voice calls. I am now home in Canada and seeing as how the roaming add on was of no value to me I would like a credit back to my acct. How do I manage this ...

KAROD by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Logging in and accessing account

I am trying to update my account information/payment/subscription plan. I am already a customer for 3+years and every time I login it only gives me two options: "Resume Activation" or "Go to Login Page". When I click resume activation and put in my a...

Tay3 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 9 replies
  • 0 Bravos


This is just stupid here...... HOW DO I REGISTER MY NEW PHONE?

rob24 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 9 replies
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Add on data not working

I purchased add on 1 gb of data. I’m at 100% of my monthly data usage and my add on isn’t kicking in. I can’t see it anywhere on my account, but can see I purchased it last week. I CANT GET A TICKET GOING and CANT TALK TO ANYONE!!  1 month new subscr...

DeanJ by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 16 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Resolved! Issue accessing some websites

Hello,I've been unable to access links (e.g. from Outlook e-mails) and some websites for the past week. Even links from Google searches won't open on my Android phone. I've tried with mobile data on and off.  Same problem when I'm on my home wi-fi.  ...

PJP97 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 4 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! Package upgrade

Will I loose any balance of International Minutes if I upgrade my package? 

Bari by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 4 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Resolved! connections

my card was comprimised,i got it reactivatted,made my payment to pm, but talk doesnt work,only texts 

markt538538 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 2 replies
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Resolved! ESim question

Noticed PM advertise $5 for an eSim - I thought that Esims are digital. Also can any phone use an esim. I have an older iPhone 8 .

Old4 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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please help! @cs_agent

@CS_AgentHi! Please help me! Could you please send me a private message? Can you please send me a phone transfer confirmation through email? I somehow missed the first one when I changed my number on the 19th. I am asking for email please because I c...

Phone service

I need payment taken out so my phone works.

Rick78 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 2 replies
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