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Forum Posts

Important Update: eSIM QR Code Now Included in Activation Summary Emails

Hi Community, We're happy to share some news that aims to make your eSIM installation process smoother and easier. As of June 15, we've started including an eSIM QR code in our activation summary emails. Why does this matter? If you encounter any dif...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 148 replies
  • 35 Bravos

Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Hey Community, We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.  I...

A_CX_PM by Public Mobile
  • 185 replies
  • 29 Bravos

Re; How to get back my original public mobile number.

Hi - trying to find out whether its possible to get back my original public mobile number.Im a pioneer member and somehow my number was give out to someone else - however at the moment that number is idle and not in use - therefore is it possible for...

urash by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 4 replies
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Resolved! "SIM locked... SIM not found"

I keep getting a SIM locked sim not found "technical error on my phone. This has happened a dozen times or so. Was thinking it would only happen when I was getting a weak signal... but now not so sure.I think it as be an issue with the sim cards itse...

bondmi by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! Picture messaging not working

I've never been able to send or receive pic messages with PM, but I could with Koodo. My daughter set my APN as per the instructions here and my data is on. Ive tried my sim in another phone and it still doesn't work. Anything else I can try?

b1791 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 19 replies
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Where's my SIM card?

I've been told that the SIM card should've arrived last week, but it still hasn't and I've been waiting for a week and a half. I've asked Public Mobile if they have any information on its status, but they haven't given me concrete information. I'm ve...

raq_ann by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Add-on Data - Not being applied

Hi there,I have bought additional add-on data. Mine has expired. 1 gig of it. I can see that my available funds are $30 but the data was not added as I can't access data on my phone.Any ideas?Thanks in advance!Sam

boshek by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Telus Moto E (2nd gen LTE) - $50 <Loblaws/RCSS/Independent>

Original Post from RFD: The Loblaws and affiliates sale is continuing. Was in Loblaws here in Ottawa and bought a couple of Telus Moto E's for $50 a piece. (Homer's edit: If you see a price tag of 100, ignore it! Scan the barcode and it will show $50...

homer by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 6 replies
  • 5 Bravos

Question about plans

Hi. I just signed up with Public Mobile.   I got the province wide talk and canada wide text plan.  I also got the $8 add on minutes.  What happens if I get a call from another province ? Will it go through to me? Will I have to pay for it?What if I ...

sgreen4 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Text message content retention (R v. Telus)

In 2013, it became clear in Canada that Telus Mobility (the owner and backbone of PM) "routinely" keeps computer database records of all text messages sent and received from/to a Telus subscriber for a minimum of 30 days. This includes all contents i...

chrstyles by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 5 replies
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Re: Loyalty Pays

I have been a customer of public mobile for over 4 years now and am charged the same amount every month....when will I see MY discounts.? Also,  I'm having alot of prank calls lately and would like to change my phone number.  I'm in south Oshawa (Ont...

osbournejmo by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Text messaging to a Canadian recipient issue

I have encountered a few errors when trying to message some friends IN CANADA living near me. I get a text message saying "Public Mobile here. Sorry, we do not offer text messaging outside of Canada at this time."I even texted a friend who has a publ...

Jule1750 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Re: International Calling Rates

Dear, If I good understand, I have to add more minutes, after that I could to call an another country ? I would like to call in number France. With my forfait, I can to receive the call free. I wait your answers. Best regards, Thanks, Oumy,

Oumy by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 15 replies
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Resolved! Perspective

As a regular contributor I periodically think about whether Public Mobile service is good or poor. It is certainly poor if you are having a problem, but is it so poor to consider moving to or away? Actual statistics for the various cell phone provide...

Luddite by Oracle
  • 2 replies
  • 4 Bravos

Resolved! Issues changing plan..... again!

Hi, I was supposed to get my plan changed on my due date which is today. It was still all fine yesturday night and I had 125$ of funds in my account and my plan was 120$. What was not my surprise to see this morning that I still have the 45$/month pl...

Abygael1984 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 4 replies
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Public Mobile Doesn't Care About Customers

I am absolutely furious with Public Mobile. I ordered a new phone beginning of June received it in 2 day. My new phone ordered from their 3rd party site they sell phones from and my SIM was too big so I ordered a new one June 7th.. it is now JULY 14t...

IWIK's "Data Witness" for Android - Getting started and brief overview

Hi folks, If this is repetitive information, please forgive me, as I don't recall seeing this posted before.  I'm here to let you know (you may already!) that Public Mobile community member @IWIK has built a great data usage tracking application for ...

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srlawren by Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
  • 94 replies
  • 27 Bravos

Account suspended

Hi, my account is suspended for no reason, autopay not working, I re-entered my credit card information but still can't make a payment.Please help  @bdds100 sent me a private message. I have the flu; someone please respond directly to @bdds100. Thank...

Luddite by Oracle
  • 1 replies
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Resolved! Re: Phone 5s A1533 compatibility

Well...I received my sim today (ordered on the 29th of June),  but it was worth the wait because within minutes I was up and running on my iPhone 5s that the IMEI tracker said was NOT compatible!!! I took a chance and tested the sim. So very happy an...

LHBC by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Moto G X1032 and 3G

Hi all,is 3G still ok for this older phone or should i go with 4gG and will i need a new simm card as well?

Heavyrocker by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
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Where is my SIM card?

Hello,  I have ordered my SIM card a week ago and I haven't been given information as to the status of my order and when it's expected to arrive. *EDIT: Thank you for all your helpful responses.

raq_ann by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Legal grey areas?

I've read the Public Mobile Terms of Service.  And I understand that by continuing to use the PM service I will implicitly "agree" with any future amendments to these terms. My question in plain English: will I be violating this compact with PM by us...

Korth by Mayor / Maire
  • 9 replies
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Resolved! Still waiting for SIM😢

I ordered mine on 06/29 and still nothing....def longer than projected 2-5 days. Not a PO box. Anyone else waiting this long? 

LHBC by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Is there any public mobile app for android phone?

Hello Everyone, I have just activated my sim. I was searching for android app for this network but didn't find any. Can someone please help me with this? I have activated 90 days data plan so want to track it. Is there any other app?  

amrita183 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 8 replies
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Resolved! Switch After Testing

After testing the data only option and playing around with it. going to wierd areas and such. i have now full on switched to Public Mobile from Wind.  Biggest difference is the fact im traveling in the summer and Wind just wont do it for me. And cant...

BrrMcGrr by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
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Account has been suspended

I am set up on auto pay and payment was to come out today. But apparently that didn't happen and I am now without phone service. Sure hope I don't have an emergency.will this situation correct itself or do I have to do something? 

iCruise by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 8 replies
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Resolved! problem with mms

I send couple mms to my friends. Only carrier with PM can receive it. But it's working before. Is anybody else have same issue??? I send to 4 different carrier, rogers,fido, wind and PM. But only PM can receive mms

William by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 10 replies
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problem Porting number from koodo to public mobile

Hi comunity I am writing this message to find out how to get help porting my number from koodo to Public mobile as it was writen on activation page I had to choose a new number then contact PM customer service inorder to port my number since it is fr...

Ali1 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
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What is the proper procedure to activate new account (SIM) with porting

Hello,I have read the stickies, but failed to find an answer to my specific question. I was following the procedure as per Sim Card Details and Set-up Your Self Serve Account are no problem. However, at Step 2 Phone...

tommyleeyyz by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 9 replies
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