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Forum Posts

Pack Your Bags – Public Mobile’s Trip to Mexico Contest is Here

Hello Community, We’re thrilled to announce an exciting contest to celebrate our new CAN/US/MEX plans. Get ready to spice up your travel plans because we’re sending a lucky winner on a trip for two to Mexico. Who’s Eligible?  New customers who purcha...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 0 replies
  • 0 Bravos

[NEW] Important Update Regarding Recent Account Notifications

Hello Community, Due to a recent system issue, you may have received an email and/or text message incorrectly stating that your account is in suspended status. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. To validate your account status, plea...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 31 replies
  • 14 Bravos

Important Update: eSIM QR Code Now Included in Activation Summary Emails

Hi Community, We're happy to share some news that aims to make your eSIM installation process smoother and easier. As of June 15, we've started including an eSIM QR code in our activation summary emails. Why does this matter? If you encounter any dif...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 148 replies
  • 35 Bravos

Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Hey Community, We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.  I...

A_CX_PM by Public Mobile
  • 182 replies
  • 30 Bravos

Problem paying

Hello Two things have happened. First off, my autopay apparently did not get processed at midnight. I awoke to find that my account was suspended due to non-payment. The strange part is that it said I owed $15 and that I had a balance of $15! Anyway,...

sailorboy by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 5 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! 6.5 GB plan not showing up on data usage

Can't seem to find how much I've used, but I got a text saying I used up 95% of my data with only the 1GB promo showing up on my usages. Tried submitting the ticket but all I'm getting is error logging in.

Rpnjon by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 6 replies
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Resolved! Add-ons needed to use phone for 5 month while in USA

I want to use my plan while in the US for 5 consecutive months. I need to know what add ons I can pay for so that I can call and text US to US and US to Canada numbers. I am reading that add ons are for calls originating in Canada which won't work fo...

Mimi33 by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 92 replies
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Resolved! Where is 10CAD plan?

Hi I was looking for 10CAD plan I saw it few months ago - it disappeared.

tigranh by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 12 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! Rewards not applied

My plan renewed today, and for some reason it charged me the full $15, when it should be $7 because of my credits from rewards. Also, last month it charged me $9, when it should've been $7 as well. So why didn't my rewards apply this month? 

Morgan20 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! Porting number

Hello, my daughter activated her PM sim yesterday and was told by the boutique attendant that she would need to get a new number. Being new to this process, she went ahead and activated her account with a new number. Is it possible to port her old nu...

Gunner17 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! How to locate my account?

I have more than one phone number with public mobile. I have forgotten the email address and password for one of my accounts. I have the phone number. I would like to review this account for the referral code and to view my usage. How do I locate my ...

Glennie by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Phone number transfer

Hi all, I just switched over to public mobile this morning and everything seemed to be working fine. This afternoon the alternate phone number I provided received a voicemail saying I gave the wrong serial number from my previous provider (which I th...

lfehr by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 9 replies
  • 2 Bravos

Signup for AutoPay not working

Hi,  Every time I try to add my credit card details for autopay it gets declined. I tried other cards and still the same issue. What should i do for it to work? I really don't like the hassle of getting vouchers. Not to mention, i'm losing on the ben...

danbari by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 4 replies
  • 3 Bravos

Kiosk at Super Store n Medicine Hat, Alberta

We went here for a new phone activation, waited for more than an hour while he was helping an elderly lady get set up on a different phone  (They also do Koodo). He said it would be a bit, so we shopped then came back. This same elderly lady had been...

bros3n by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 2 replies
  • 3 Bravos

SIM card issues

I have two phone/tablets by the same manufacturer. One tablet works perfectly however the second one shows Public Mobile in the SIM card settings. However, on the phone display it says "emergency calls only". I've tried two SIM cards and neither will...

gordsabean by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 6 replies
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Incoming calls

Callers get busy signal. I have an i5 phone. No calls coming through!

1945 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 3 replies
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Who else is LOV'IN Public Mobile?

It has been 5 days now, since my husband's phone got converted and activated and I am 3 days and counting since the conversion! Loving this ! Never felt so free from Rogers! the handcuffs have been removed!!!! Thank you to all who reviewed PM on line...

Timberlandfarm by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 19 replies
  • 9 Bravos

Resolved! Data not working

I'm not able to connect to the internet using my data. Please advise 

skittles22 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 11 replies
  • 0 Bravos


I was overcharged on my last bill. How can I have this rectified 

skittles22 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 9 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! Rewards no applied

I have not recieved my autopay reward for my last billing, any thoughts?

philauffray by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 4 replies
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Resolved! What has happened to my account.

My number is 7******78. I have made no outgoing calls but it I cannot make or recieve calls.  I did recieve a long distance call from for 43 minutes but I was told I would not be charged for incoming calls.  Do incoming calls ger charged against my 5...

tonyfielding by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 6 replies
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can you buy extra minutes

obsurv1 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 8 replies
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Resolved! Long distance to UK not working

I just bought an international add on. But when I try to call UK it says Talk is not included in my plan

Hmmm by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 9 replies
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missed monthly credits this month -solved

I have $25 plan. I have credits for auto pay $2, referral $1, royalty $1. I paid $21 every 30 days till last month. I just fond today I am charged $25 from my credit card. I don't know why I was not given my $4 credits this month. I don't know how to...

Liuhongying by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 25 replies
  • 0 Bravos
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