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Forum Posts

Important Update: eSIM QR Code Now Included in Activation Summary Emails

Hi Community, We're happy to share some news that aims to make your eSIM installation process smoother and easier. As of June 15, we've started including an eSIM QR code in our activation summary emails. Why does this matter? If you encounter any dif...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 148 replies
  • 35 Bravos

Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Hey Community, We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.  I...

A_CX_PM by Public Mobile
  • 185 replies
  • 29 Bravos

Oh no! It looks like something went wrong, but don’t panic.

Can't log into acct since I asked to upgrade my acct to the 6gb vs the 4gb.  A bit of a problem with a self serve provider...  Getting help has been a challenge.  For starters email inquiry form asks for acct number, sorry can't give that to you sinc...

jpharand by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 4 replies
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Resolved! My phone doesnt work

My phone doesnt have talk, text, or data yet my bank account was already charged the money. On top of that i cant login to my self serve account and when i hit forgot password and enter in email it says not verified even though i know i have verified...

spitnut by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! Account disabled

I left public mobile last month for another carrier but have decided to return to PM. I tried to login but the account has been disabled. Is there anyway to get account reinstated?

Ttlj by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Email to Text/SMS

Hello! First post and hopefully soon  to be Public Mobile user! I am a real estate agent and depend heavily on my brokerage office's email to text service to get alerts and timely updates on my business. I am currently with Rogers and paying about 70...

polish_jr by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 26 replies
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Cellphone Unlocking Suggestions

Does anyone have trustworthy unlocking services other than carriers for iPhone 5? I am under Virgin/Bell and am looking into my options. There are a lot of online options but I don't know which ones are successful/trustworthy, would love to hear any ...

ellenyw by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 14 replies
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Accidentally overpayed during change of plan

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with billing after switching from the 90$/90days to the 111$/90days plan. I sent the request on my self-serve account to switch on August 9th and my renewal date for autopay was August 10th. I don't really remember wh...

kl3458 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 6 replies
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password reset & security question

Hello - my credit card was recently compromised and so i missed the payment date for my phone. I got my service suspended. I was trying to log in to put in my new credit card info but my log in attempt failed. I tried resetting my password but it ask...

TC by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Data used for speedtest

I was reading on various speedtest apps and the data they used to conduct the tests. On an average the app uses 18-20 mb of data for one speed test. However I also read another article which states that T-Mobile now does not count data usage for spee...

neo911 by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 10 replies
  • 2 Bravos

Resolved! forgot to add texting to my plan

I just signed up as a new customer.  Had some timing out issues, so went back and entered everything again, and somewhere in the confusion, I forgot to pick texting.  I picked provincial calling, 6 GB data for 90 days and meant to add texting (I paid...

carwel33 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Is it mandatory to port your number over to PM?

Just wondering if it's mandatory to port over your current number if you want to use public mobile. I'm planning to get one of the plans on PM while keeping my current plan for my brother.

jwo92 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! Need Advice

Hey Guys, So I want to give my mom my old phone, but I'm not too sure of how to go about it. It's a moto g first gen, which needs a micro sim so right off the bat I know we're gonna need a new sim (her old phone is using a regluar sized sim). In whic...

lubikar by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! PM in Downtown Toronto

Hello people, I tried out PM in downtown Toronto. Although I do not work there, I had to go there today for two meetings. One in the Financial District and another near Eglinton subway station. Well happy to say that PM worked great throughout and mo...

neo911 by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 3 replies
  • 7 Bravos

Resolved! iPhone Voicemail Error

I am getting Call Failed message whenever I try accessing voicemail from my iphone.  I setup vm by diallng my phone number but wondering if anyone else has experienced the same issue and how they fixed it. Thanks

roadrunnerb99 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 11 replies
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Anyone Else Getting Following Error Message When Logging into My Account

Sorry newbie here.  I get this when logging into my account.   Exiting and or closing browser and returning to the login page, same result.  Anyone know how to resovle? Generic ErrorOh no!It looks like something went wrong, but don’t panic. Log out a...

jp4 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 9 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! added more data. but it won't work

Hi I added $30 more of data to my phone. But it hasn't been applied. My phone wont connect to Internet please help asap . Thank you

fingerlessjoe by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
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Does this phone work with PM? Its basically an unlocked iPhone 6 plus. And this one :

trdtdtd by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 4 replies
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Text Messages from Paypal Do Not Arrive

Have two-factor authentication set up for my PayPal account.  The text messages sent from Paypal with a six digit code for the authentication do not arrive since I have switched to Public Mobile. Has anyone else noticed this issue? The PayPal text me...

dwayne by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 1 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Resolved! Community Badges

I am just trying to understand the badge system.  Here is a screenshot of a badge I have not yet earned:  What does the number after "Earned by" refer to. I cannot figure it out.. lol

earned by.PNG
geogolem by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 31 replies
  • 3 Bravos

Resolved! New Subscriber, No LTE in Pickering Area?

Hi, I have just activeated within the past couple days.  So far, I am only able to see the 3G network, although since subscribing I have only been in and around the Pickering area.  Using an Iphone 6 and LTE is turned on.  Is this nomal,  I am not ex...

jp4 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 6 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Resolved! Unable to receive some text messages

Good evening Public Mobile,I have recently become a member and have created a new phone number. I have not been able to receive all incoming text messages. I am only able to receive a couple text messages from certain contacts.Please help.

Lizzsicle by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 2 replies
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Use of telephone in USA

If I have the plan with the global texting and data will I be able to use PM in the USA (1)  Be able to use the internet in the USA? (2)  Text from USA to Canada?  Appreicate any information on this. Thanks. Randi

randis1 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 8 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Resolved! Time to get a SIM card

Does anyone know how long it takes for a SIM card to be sent from PM once you order one? Randi

randis1 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 18 replies
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Resolved! Changed from $50 plan to $47 issue

Since the new $47 price is out, I have decided to renew my account with that current price but it still shows my account expired and that I still owe $3.00. Help please! Really need the phone to work.

Fozee22 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 16 replies
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Roaming charges

If I bring my PM device into USA, and forget to jump into airplane mode. Will I be charged roaming fees? Or is the device shut off from connecting to any local out of Canada towers?

tazb by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 11 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! Cannot make or receive calls after plan change

I topped up my account with sufficient funds and changed my plan before the original plan expired.  But nothing has worked since the original expiration date (Aug. 5th) - cannot make or receive calls.  Whenever I tried making a call, a message stated...

ashtonj by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 3 replies
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Resolved! Can't make phone calls

When ever I try to make a phone call, I get a message saying that talk is not included in my plan.I do not have talk included in my plan, however I do have a 400 minute add on.

zouloum by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 12 replies
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