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[NEW] Important Update Regarding Recent Account Notifications

Hello Community, Due to a recent system issue, you may have received an email and/or text message incorrectly stating that your account is in suspended status. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. To validate your account status, plea...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 28 replies
  • 13 Bravos

Important Update: eSIM QR Code Now Included in Activation Summary Emails

Hi Community, We're happy to share some news that aims to make your eSIM installation process smoother and easier. As of June 15, we've started including an eSIM QR code in our activation summary emails. Why does this matter? If you encounter any dif...

Ck_PM by Public Mobile
  • 149 replies
  • 35 Bravos

Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Hey Community, We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.  I...

A_CX_PM by Public Mobile
  • 185 replies
  • 29 Bravos

Resolved! Missing Credits

I was getting a monthly credit for loyalty and prepay.  It was missed on the oct billing and I received a text that it was an error and that it would be corrected on the next billing.  The next billing was in Jan and there was no adjustment for the p...

rvh by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 12 replies
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Resolved! Today I referred a friend but did not receive a text confirmation.

Today I referred a friend but did not immediately receive a text confirmation as I have in the past but I can see the new number on my account. He set it up early AM today or very late last night. But just in checking I did recieve a text at exactly ...

iPhoneUser by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 33 replies
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Resolved! Android update schedule

Is there a link where it shows when an upcoming software or security update will be rolled out for android phones? Or will they be on the same day as this link shows for Telus phones

iamcdn by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
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Not receiving some text messages

I've been having issues with receiving some text messages.  Some don't show up at all, others show up hours later.  This has been happening consistently for several months.  I purchased a new phone (iphone XR) in hopes that it would solve the problem...

Jlow79 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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NO SIM shows after number transfer

hi, i just transferred my number from Fido to Public and activated my new SIM card. it has been over 2 hours, but my phone still shows NO SIM with new SIM card in. Has anyone come across the same issue? thank you

zhonglin1002 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Autopay went through, but account marked as inactive

Is anyone else having issues with having their account marked as inactive today in error? Autopay went through, but my account is inactive now and I can't even login to My Account. My son's phone wasn't working either, but his account doesn't show in...

Niceboots by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Resolved! Community Rewards

How long do earned community rewards last?   Do you earn them for the month and then they expire the next? Once you earn say $1 of community rewards do you get that reward every month ? I could not find the answer to this any where. Thanks!

jaguarbass by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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verification code not received

I wanted to set up and SIGN UP FOR YOUR SELF-SERVE ACCOUNT. After I had written my phone no, I received a message that I need to put in my activation code sent by a text message. The message never came. I repeated the process, but the result is the s...

Drlamba by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 6 replies
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Resolved! When not connected to the Telus/Public Mobile network?

 The plans specify that you have to be connected to Telus/Public Mobile networks or you need a roaming package.  Talk, text and data services refer to services offered while connected to the Telus/Public Mobile network. For service when not connected...

ayoung106 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Resolved! Can't access the internet using my cell phone

I am new to Public Mobile (since Jan 17/20).I can't access the internet using my LG G5 cell phone and the $25 PM plan.Using local library wifi, I added the correct APN in Settings (thanks to a post in the PM Community). As soon as I did that and disc...

LoriM by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 19 replies
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Resolved! Clarification on unlimited Canada talk

I just signed up to Public Mobile yesterday with a $25 dollar prepaid plan. I just would like clarification on what unlimited Canada Talk means here, is it incoming AND outgoing or just outgoing?

iamcdn by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 14 replies
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Invalid page on last payment screen 🤔

Hello all, Just trying to sign up and it's giving me some difficulty. Filled out form, sim#, and payment screen...them on final screen says the page is not available with a link error. Tried to do it all over again... It says sim# is not valid, I'm a...

PHSHOMES by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! Data not working on LG G4

I've heard this can be a problem with this phone, but I was able to fiddle around with APN settings on Virgin until it suddenly started working. But none of the settings I've tried from the forums have worked yet on Public Mobile. I've heard mods can...

mpmacdonald by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 20 replies
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Hello, is there another way to track ur minutes used or do I have to sign in to always check my usage 

Arvin1 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Writable sim card

Does public mobile offer writable sim cards so I can clone my sim for my smartwatch?

caseyshea89 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 3 replies
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Resolved! Plan

I have the $25 plan and since I've been with you i get a bit of data every month. But, last month i did not get any i looked and thought ok maybe its been used. But i do not remember using it so, I kept a close eye on it this month when I paid my pho...

JenL by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 2 replies
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Resolved! USA Talk and Text addon- can you call within USA and to Canada?

Going to Arizona for 2 months.  Wondering if the "USA Talk and Text" addon for $15 for 10 days will allow me to make calls in both the USA and back to Canada? I currently use the $25 plan on autopay and think I could drop down to the $15 plan and add...

Redfisher by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 11 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Resolved! Rewarding a Friend

A friend told me about Public Mobile a few months ago.  I have been a very happy customer sincle the beginning of October, 2019.  My friend has just activated his account today.  Is there a way he can be rewarded by Public Mobile for letting me know ...

KSG by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Re: Phone not working

My phone does not allow me to make calls. It worked before and just stopped few days ago and there is a lot of minutesIt give me this message: "this call is not covered by your plan"Thank you  edited by computergeek541: account information removed

andrzejszkura by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 40 replies
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Resolved! Getting 8uv2 message

I am trying to make a call and the i get a 8uv2 or 8uv1  message . Its my moms number and I call it often so I dont understand what is wrong . Any help please . I have restarted my phone and have made other calls and they went through . 

Ndi67 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Trying to set up a new account

Well, not a good start joining the community.   I purchased 3 sim cards for me and my two children.  I was tryign to just connect myself.  Went through the process and the action either timed out (404) or said there was a little problem.   Now when I...

otoolerj by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 28 replies
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Not sure what is going on?

I have 2 public mobile accounts. The other one the service has just stopped working and I can no longer login to the account, what the heck is going on?

phunction by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Unexplained data usage

Simple fix if you have your Mobile data "off" and your account shows more data used just toggle airaplane mode to on for 30 seconds then back off, your account will reset I do this every 2 days

Clive2 by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 14 replies
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Resolved! Phone not working

I recently had a suspended account for about a week. Signed in, made the credit card payment successfully and had the balance on my account. I downgraded to the plan below mine and I chose for it to be effective now. My account is showing active and ...

Ryanwarman by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 7 replies
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Sim unlock pin

My old phone just died. I put my sim card in other phone. To turn my public mobile service it asks for sim unlock pin.I can't remember mine. How can I get my public mobile service turned on. Or who do I contact to help. I need my phone turned on. 

mcassiano by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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If my data finished, can i get a plan with data only until be original olan expires?

Senaya by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 4 replies
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Resolved! Where's that post?

Did someone accidentally remove the most recent post titled "Am I out of luck?" You can see the replies to the original post under "Latest Posts", but the orginal post is now gone or hidden. It's the Access Denied scenario: You do not have sufficient...

LovesToPM by Mayor / Maire
  • 21 replies
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