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Cancel the plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I want to cancel the plan as I moved out of country . However I am not able to register to self service to cancel autpay. To register for self serve, I need one time code on my phone and my sim  is not working as I am out of country. 


Mayor / Maire



Scenario 1:

Do you have any funds in your account? No funds perfect, just remove your credit card from your account so that no money is removed from your credit card. And autopay will fail. And after 90-days, your account will be closed forever. 


1. Click on Payment:
Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 2.48.57 PM.png


2. Click on Manage my Card
Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 2.49.10 PM.png


3. Click on Remove this credit card.

Scenario 2:

If you have funds and want credit back to your credit card, then you need to chat with SIMon and the mod team. I do believe someone here has already provided the details in contacting SIMon or the mod team. 


Scenario 3:

If you have access to your computer, look at the keychain passwords or your web browser's security passwords. If you are like most people, they just save it. I know I shouldn't, but I do. Plus, I am also old school, and I write everything down on paper too. Check that too if the mods haven't gotten back to you. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Luddite wrote:

@xs2rohit  Call +1-855-4PUBLIC; as long as you know your 4 digit PIN you can cancel autopay there.


In addition to what @Luddite said, after disable autopay, your account will be suspended on your next renewal date.  90 days after suspension, your account will be canceled.


If you don't remember your pin#, check your text messages from PM.  After your activation, PM sent you 2 text messages with 4 digit PIN#.  The first text contain a PIN# randomly generated PIN # just in case you did not supply a PIN# during your activation.  The second text message contains the  PIN# to supplied.during activation.


If all failed, create a moderator support ticket for help using the ? button at the right side bottom corner of this page.

1. Tell SIMon what is the issue
2. Ask for "moderator"
3. SIMon will give your 2 choices. Click on the "Account-specific question"
4. Then, click on "No, I want a human"
5. Click "Submit a ticket"
6. Follow instruction to create support ticket.


After submitted a ticket, members should check their private message SENT folder for their ticket which they just created.
If you cannot find your ticket in your SENT box, You did not create your support ticket yet. Also monitor your INBOX for any reply from moderator.
Click the envelop icon at the top right corner to access your private message mailbox.


You can also enable email notification after receiving a private message at your INBOX.
My settings --> PREFERENCES --> Private Messenger --> enable "Receive email notifications for new private messages' --> Save


Mayor / Maire

@xs2rohit To solve the issue, contact moderators : click the "?" in lower right side of the page, type "contact moderator", and follow directions (give as much info as possible), OR send a message:


@xs2rohit  Call +1-855-4PUBLIC; as long as you know your 4 digit PIN you can cancel autopay there.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Mayor / Maire

@xs2rohit wrote:

I want to cancel the plan as I moved out of country . However I am not able to register to self service to cancel autpay. To register for self serve, I need one time code on my phone and my sim  is not working as I am out of country. 

If you do not have a credit card on file set to autopay, then there's nothing to do. Your account will Expire at renewal. After 90 days in Suspension, the account will close for good.

If you do have a cc on file, then follow directions provided by @Dunkman  to have a moderator close out your account.



If you can't access your self service account, you will need to contact moderator to remove autopay.  


To contact moderator via 2 methods:

New Ticketing system - faster

Click on the question mark on the right lower corner of website to start ticketing process to contact moderator.  Type: Contact moderator. Follow the prompts to submit ticket.  


Send a private message to moderator through the following link :


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