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Postal Code Issue.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I've recently had 3 Referrals all from the same household, it was a mother + her son and daughter. I first Activated the mother and her daughter which worked perfectly fine, the system accepted her Credit Card and Postal Code even though it's a newer Development, their home was just built in the last few years and Google doesn't even recognize their Postal code yet, however thankfully Public did for these two Accounts and accepted Payment.

Where I bumped into my issue was with the Sons Activation, the mother wanted him to use his own Card now since he's working and is responsible enough to pay for his own Phone Bill and have his own Account, which is usually not a problem however for him it said the Billing Address didn't match and refused to accept his Card, even though his Postal Code is the same as the one I just used to Activate both of his mothers Accounts Sucessfully it didn't work with his..

We checked with his Card Holder and they confirmed the Postal Code was correct, Public Mobile just wouldn't recognize it for his card? We tried for over 30 mins all his old and previous Postal Codes, and the one Google thinks it is but nothing worked.. 

We had to resort to also using mom's Card on his Account, and paying her cash monthly for the Bill since for some reason it won't work on his card.. even though it works on his mom's Card with the same Postal Code and Billing Address..

I even tried updating it to his Card after the Account was created and first payment was made with his Mom's card, but even within the Payment Section of the 'My Account', it still said the billing address was incorrect and refused to take his card forcing his mom to do this for him.


I had this same issue a few weeks ago with another Referral as well who lived in a Development that had just gotten Physical Postal Codes in the last year, and since Google hadn't registered them yet it wouldn't recognize his Billing Address and also refused Payment no matter which one of his Cards we used during Activation. In his case, he had to buy a Reloadable Joker Card from a Gas Station to make payments and switch to Public Mobile.. and again in this case, I tried all his old and Previous Postal Codes with no success.

I'm just wondering when thus issue plans to be worked on, because if Google can't update their systems fast enough clearly Public Mobile shouldn't be relying on them.. instead Public needs to use something like Canada Posts AutoComplete since it's alot more accurate and has even the newest Development Postal Codes added in already. 

So many are unable to Complete first payment as a result of your system not taking Cards, when the Postal Code is 100000% correct. Not having a voucher option when Activating like there used to be, Solutions are few and far between. 

I've battled this issue not only myself multiple times, but almost every second day I see someone on The Community with this issue. 

@J_PM could we switch to Canada Post AutoComplete instead of Google for better accuracy, or could it just be made like the old Activation Portal that took any Postal Code that you entered? Because to be clear this was never, ever an issue before EverSafe ID. The system took any card regardless of the Postal Code.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@J_PM I suggested Google make edits to the Addresses and update the Postal Codes to the Correct the ones that I shared with you and they actually fixed 2/4 of them, however Public Mobile still won't take the 2 correct Postal Codes now even though Google has it correct now.

Will it just take a few days for Google to configure it and Public Mobile finally able to accept it?

Can we get an official Announcement on this Postal Code issue?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Chalupa_Batman For the other one who didnt want to use a Pre-Paid Card or Vouchers in Navin/Lorette, I found a way that an individual could send a monthly e-transfer to Pay their Public Mobile Bills. 

If they sign up with Koho they get a Free Digital Mastercard that you can put under any Postal Code so that it works with Public Mobile, they add funds to the Koho Account monthly via e transfer to pay the Public Bill and the Koho card pays the bill with those funds. 

Best solution I've found at the moment.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I had another Friend Referral come last night to Activate two Phones, this individual lives in Dugald, Manitoba and had an Account with Public Mobile about a year ago which has since closed. 

However, they're Postal Code which worked a year ago is now invalid and we can't use their card to Activate the new Accounts as a Result of this... same Postal Code issue (R5P). 

I resorted to taking Cash from them and using my Card + Postal Code for Activation since they want to use Vouchers moving forward anyways, I removed my card afterwards.

I made a suggestion for Google to update the Address and they did with the Correct Postal Code, however Public Mobile still won't recognize it.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


@Priority wrote:

@computergeek541 can you please stop hiding my new posts regarding existing issues away in my old threads from before, I'd really like this issue worked on and you tucking it away all the time isn't helping the situation...

Please be aware that starting multiple threads about the same issue doesn't spread awareness.  Some members have actually got in trouble in the past for doing this.  Continuing the discussion in your pre-existing thread helps from an orgnization standpoint, and it doesn't hide the issue in any way, nor does it prevent discussion. 

Loud & Clear! 

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

@Priority Thank you for the very detailed summary and examples shared in this post. We'll share this sentiment with the team on how we can improve the postal code impacts. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Chalupa_Batman In most cases Pre-Paid Credit Cards work, Joker/Cash Passport Reloadable to Vanilla Non-Reloadable but the person has to be willing to do that, in most cases they are but this person doesn't want to go through that trouble with no Guarantee it will ever work with her actual Credit Cards and she doesn't want to do Vouchers forever either. 

Pre-Paid MasterCard and Visa Vanilla Gift Cards work with any Postal Code, but this lady would like to use her actual card and not have all this inconvenience. 

The Postal Code Validation System needs to be switched to Canada Post or abandoned all together, it truly isn't the customers responsibility to go through all these extra steps when the Postal Code is right and the system doesn't recognize it. Like we used to be able to use any Postal Code with any Credit Card even if it didn't match the actual billing address of the card and now we can't which has caused so many issues since it won't even take correct ones. 

So yes, @dust2dust I've used the Pre-Paid Cards in the past and had sucess before with other Referrals whos cards didnt work, but this Referral doesn't want to go out of the way to do all that like the others have in the past so I don't know what to do.. if they can't afford to pay for the right services than it this stupid Validation needs to be removed to people can finally use their cards with success again.

Even if it costs them money to use Canada Post, it would be made back in the people who would than actually be able to make Payments.. it would also cost them nothing to abandon the Validation System and than they wouldn't lose out anywhere. - Googles 'Free' or 'Cheap' one, it preventing people from Joining and losing Public revenue.

Like I said this person was a hard switch already, so this hiccup really didn't help my situation.

Koodo Pre-Paid is still on the same update/version Public was on before EverSafe ID, and on that system you are still able to use any Postal Code with any Card even if it doesn't match the Card issuers records, again just like Public used to be.  

If Virgin can take her Payment than why can't Public.

@computergeek541 can you please stop hiding my new posts regarding existing issues away in my old threads from before, I'd really like this issue worked on and you tucking it away all the time isn't helping the situation...

@Chalupa_Batman- I had thought from before that that was the workaround that he used. ?? But no one should have to workaround straight forward credit card entry.
But in the end it's just lazy programming. I have to think CanadaPost has API hooks to validate entered postal codes on web sites. Maybe it costs money. Maybe Google is free. Tough. This is Canada. We have CanadaPost.

Just throwing this one out. What about a pre paid credit card? With a pre paid credit card, use their work address when they sign up and postal code. This in theory SHOULD work. Once they are connected and using PM, you guys can reach out to a CS Agent to change credit card info and to their home postal code. The CS Agent will say they can't do it and that's when you escalate it higher. But at least if they purchase say a $100 pre paid cc, that will give them a few months to get this fix. Thoughts?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We tried that, but unless it's the same Postal Code on the Card Issuers side Public Mobile Refused to take their Payment or card.

We tired mine and even her Parents, since it didn't match her Card, Payment couldn't be completed...

The old system used to take a 'Work' or any Postal Code with any Card but not since EverSafe ID which had caused alot of issues.

First, no thanks on the hat. Looks too much like....   eh.

Here's a thought. Why not tell them to use their work address as a work around? Or use a family members house in Winnipeg or surrounding area? In the past 4 years I've been with Public Mobile, I've NEVER received anything in the mail. 

What do you think of that idea?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@J_PM @Tiana_V This is a major issue with the Postal Code/Payment System and needs to be resolved immediately. Please read my Post thoroughly and have this worked on!

I have a Friend whome I've been trying to convince to join Public for over 6 months due to a variety of reasons, the first and main one was she thought the deals were to good to be true.. after I finally convinced her Public is worthy of her Business, she came to switch today from Virgin Plus where she's paying $58 for 12GB. 

Everything is going smooth until we get to the Postal Code Screen where it rejects their Postal Code and Refuses the Credit Card. They live in Narin, Manitoba which was previously Lorette, Manitoba. In two years Google hasn't yet updated the City + Postal Code for that area and still shows that it's Lortette with the old Postal Code. 

We tried the old Postal Code, the Neighbors Postal code, Narins default Postal code, Lorettes Default Postal Code, her old  house Postal Code, and many more and none worked to Validate her Card since her Card issuers have her new Postal Code correct and your system/Google has it incorrect.

Considering how long she procrastinated joining, this wasn't a nice welcome experience considering she can't even join if she wanted to at this point! I'm extremely frustrated as a result of this, I tried so hard for so long and now because your systems don't work I can't Refer Friends?

I've had this issue more times than I can count with Friend Referrals since the change to EverSafe ID in May, and everyday I also see posts about it everyday in The Community like This one. 

It's clearly an issue with the Address Auto-Complete from Google which Public Mobile is using, so if Google doesn't recognize the Postal Code than neither does Public Mobile and Payment will be Refused. 

Public Mobile needs to switch and use Canada Post for reliablity and correct information for Billing and Payment details or Remove this stupid Validation all together. This is just ridiculous, and how has this not been worked on and fixed already??? - It's been MONTHS!!! 

It's a huge, huge issue for people who just got Physical Addresses and switched from a P.O. Box to Community Mailbox, or people in Newer/Changing Developments like this, causing them to he unable to make the first payment to join Public Mobile. 

The old Activation Portal before EverSafe ID never, ever had issues like this and took any Postal Code with any Card. Why can't it still be like that, why doesn't Public Mobile not want rural Subscribers or people from newer Developments all of a sudden? 

I bring so many people to Public Mobile and do so much that i dont have to, I've noticed and pointed out many issues that have been corrected because of my findings thanks to J_PM for escalating them to the correct team to be worked on, but this is one that still hasn't been escalated and is the worst issue I've ever experienced Activating people on Public Mobile in the last 3-4 years... it is preventing so many people from Joining Public Mobile. Every 5 Referrals someone has this Postal Code issue and the solutions and work arounds aren't working.. 

I don't know what to do anymore, the issue has become to common and everyday there is someone I can't Refer because their Postal Code doesn't work, and you can't use a Payment Voucher when Activating so thats not even an option..

If I'm going above and beyond to do so much good, why can't Public do the same and fix this ridiculous system already??? They're losing revenue because of it. 

I've posted everytime I have this issue to try and get J_PM to escalate it to be fixed but either a CS_Agent or an Oracle deletes it before anything can be done everytime saying 'I've posted about it before', BUT ITS STILL NOT FIXED AND NEEDS TO BE MENTIONED EVERYTIME UNTIL ITS RESOLVED!!! 

This is my last post regarding it, and I'll continue to post until this issue is resolved because someone needs to do something, and I seem to be the only one who cares??

Anyone want a Hat?Snapchat-1714203502.jpg

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I had the issue again today with yet another Refferal who lives in the boonies and just got a Postal Code in the last few years. It wouldn't even recognize the Postal Code to let me Type in a Card number.. it just refused it still. 

I asked her what was your Postal Code before when you had a P.O. Box, she told me that and I tried it with success this time..

It's so weird. @J_PM can we get this fixed?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Priority The new post code released to new development is issued by Canada Post not by Google I believe, therefor PM should check Canada Post not Google for new post code. And I agree with you.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I tried calling Google the first time it happened but spent over 90 minutes on hold sitting with the guy, still with no answer so I eventually hung up frustrated. (650-253-0000)

I guess if I waited long enough maybe someone would have answered and been able to help but I didn't have time and we found an alternative solution using the Joker Card for the first Referral, and for the second case we used his mothers Card.. 

I want Public Mobile to fix this system, it's not fair that we can't pay with our Credit Cards using the correct Postal Codes. We used to be able to use any Postal Code we wanted, and the system never had a problem with them until EverSafe ID and the updated Activation Portal.

Canada Post should be used over Google for better accuracy and up to date information, Google is unreliable and is missing alot of newer Developments or just has the wrong Postal Code listed on Google all together.

My Grandma lives in a complex and her Postal Code is RXX 0B2, yet on Google & Google Maps it says it's RXX 0B1 and doesn't even recognize when I type in 0B2.. her Postal code and Cards are all under the correct Postal Code(0B1) and Public can't take her card because 'Billing Address doesn't match', since Google only recognizes 0B1 but that's not her Postal Code?

Canada Post on the other hand can pull it up without me even typing it in Fully, yet Google doesn't even recognize it? 

If Google isn't working, this 'Check of the billing address' it should have never been added to Activation, it's only going to create more problems than it's going to solve. 

HI @Priority 

can you share the steps or phone number to have Google to update the Postal code? is it instant? like you said within an hour?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Yes, I can call Google to have it updated but that makes a what should be a 20 Minute Activation turn into almost an hour or more since I have to sit on the phone, explain the situation, and wait for Google to hopefully update it so it works.. 

It's now happening so often, that whats the point in calling Google when there is so many missing? Public Mobile should use an AutoComplete that is more reliable and more up to date to prevent issues like this.. I mean we never used to have these issues before the change to EverSafe ID on May.

It's such a pain going out of the way to do that and Call Google, when the system being used could be just be better in the first place, and these aren't my responsibilities - it's losing Public revenue if their system doesn't take payments for no reason.. I don't want to be the one who has to find a solution everytime when Public Mobile could possibly just introduce something that takes any Postal code regardless like the old Activation Portal which always worked with any Postal Code.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Priority but you found way to help to update Google with the new postal code? I thought you said that in another post earlier


Mayor / Maire

@Priority  great suggestion and well said 🙂

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