Mayor / Maire
since ‎12-19-2022

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It’s mostly a useless stunt to buy your vote in hopes you’re not bright enough to realize Justin  trying to dupe you a 3 third time . Don’t fall for it 
New plan community 20GB for $29 for new and some existing customers check your account if this interests you  
Conservatives with a majority government and NDP having there best showing ever I think . Love how the liberals are being silenced. And I’m sure the turd will delay the federal election now knowing his time is coming to an end … bye bye Justin the wr...
As tile says CAN/US /MEX  plans have arrived community wow weeee have a look  Black Friday sales shaping up to be the best ever 
For anyone considering the 65GB for $45 on the website on sign up Be sure to immediately check your account for this exclusive offer same price with extra 10GB of data 75GB for $45 essentially the same plan same price for 10GB extra and make change f...
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