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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have no outstanding balance, why my account suspend.


I set up auto pay, and charged today on my credit card, please check my account.

Very bad service, difficult to get help, it is not good company  


HI @sunflowershine   Actually during renewal , from around 6pm the night before renewal date to 12 pm noon of the renewal date, the account will show "Expired" 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@hildaszet It is common to show "Account Suspend" on the renewal date. But you should still make call. 

Mayor / Maire

Do you still have service? Call/SMS/Internet?

Do you see this on your account



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We can't do anything because we are mostly customers on this forum so we can't help you with the phone number. Please remove your phone number.

I also suggest you contact the customer service representative.

Mayor / Maire

@hildaszet    Use the downward arrow and edit/delete your phone number from your post as this is a public forum.


If you phone service is working then you can ignore any message you see in your self serve as, unfortunately, that is the normal message during and on the morning of the renewal of your new cycle.  However, if you're not able to use your phone then log into your self serve and if you see the Reactivate button (top right) click that a few times to try to push your payment through.  Otherwise use the Payment tab and make a payment for the due amount.


Make sure to clear cache/cookies and use incognito/privacy mode when logging into your account.


@hildaszet   Please update your post and remove the phone number.  You don't want your number posted here.

You can do so by click on the down arrow on the top right of the post and then "Edit"


Yes, Autopay fails sometimes.


Can you login to My Account?  Login to My Account , Payment Tab and make a manual payment


Start with using Amount Due and see if payment goes through (If not, try to use the choice "Other" and manually type in the Plan Amount and submit again)


Once payment goes thought, click the Reactivate current plan if the button is still there.  

The logoff My Account and reboot your phone


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