01-29-2018 03:25 PM - edited 01-05-2022 04:01 AM
Hey Community,
From time to time Lithium, our community platform, updates the system and causes some issues that changes how we interact with this community. Issues such as users are not receiving community notifications OR users are not being redirected to the first unread post. These examples might change the way we browse this community.
Use this topic to discuss and report any Community related issues. Out staff member, @David_J, will use this to track all reported issues. Let's help him to make this community even better.
Thank you.
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03-16-2020 07:09 PM
For the last 3 days I get this message when I try to link to willmyphonework.net from my Samsung tablet using Chrome.
03-16-2020 03:31 AM - edited 03-16-2020 03:32 AM
Well I guess I won't be quoting anytime soon and for the most part copy and pasting is giant waste of time to put it all in context.....but I do like the new "autocorrect". The last one had no idea how my brain works or my train of thought so I was constantly going back and correcting the crazy words it would replace mine with for some reason. It was very presumptive of crazy talk and I can only assume bad spellers. I haven't had to correct anything for the past two days....instead of at least 5 words per post.
03-15-2020 06:17 PM
Oh well, so much for good planning, programming, and testing 😕
03-15-2020 05:03 PM - edited 03-15-2020 05:04 PM
@dabr wrote:I'm still not able to find the quote button.
Edit your post afterwards (on desktop), then click the "..." (ellipsis) and only then it will show up.
03-15-2020 04:23 PM - edited 03-15-2020 05:07 PM
@CannonFodder wrote:
@AE_Collector wrote:
Yes I agree, quoting should almost always be snipped down to just the sentence or so that you are referring to.
Yeah, I'd agree too, generally speaking, but there ARE occasionally times where I've quoted the entire previous posts/quotes, simply because they provide some relative context for the discussion.
And speaking of this stupid disappearing quote button, it worked great for me yesterday, and now it's back to disappearing until you edit your already posted message..... it's like a game of "hide & seek"! 🙄 🤬
@CannonFodder I'm still not able to find the quote button. To answer your question on the other thread, I'm using FF and desktop and clicking the the 3 dots menu doesn't bring up the quote button for me.
Oh well:) I guess we'll have to wait until it's been properly restored again and have to make do with the annoying copy and paste (when necessary) until then!
@Nezgar Haha, it worked thanks! Must have missed that bit of info in earlier discussions:)
03-15-2020 04:03 PM
03-15-2020 02:48 PM - edited 03-15-2020 02:49 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:I went through several software updates as a moderator on a different forum and
Yeah, I was an admin on a forum that was only around for a few months, and while poking around in the system, I found there were TONS of tweaks you could make to the software that ran the forum. One particular function that is SOOOO handy(since we're talking about the quote button), that other forums have, is "Multi-quote", which would be nice here. Sure, we can do a BOATLOAD of copy & paste to accomplish the same thing, but Multi-quote is just so much more elegant.
03-15-2020 02:42 PM - edited 03-15-2020 02:42 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:
Yes I agree, quoting should almost always be snipped down to just the sentence or so that you are referring to.
Yeah, I'd agree too, generally speaking, but there ARE occasionally times where I've quoted the entire previous posts/quotes, simply because they provide some relative context for the discussion.
And speaking of this stupid disappearing quote button, it worked great for me yesterday, and now it's back to disappearing until you edit your already posted message..... it's like a game of "hide & seek"! 🙄 🤬
03-15-2020 02:05 PM
Hey at least they are “labelled” now so helps me identify them! Smiley:sad
I went through several software updates as a moderator on a different forum and inevitably after an update a bunch of previous features disappeared or quit working. Eventually that would be fixed and soon it was software upgrade time again!
03-15-2020 01:46 PM - edited 03-15-2020 01:48 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:That didn’t work on my iPad but did on your desk top?
Correct, only on desktop, as the mobile version removes the "..." button, so you can't even get to the additional options where the quote button resides... And now look at this - the emoticons work in the editor but not once posted:
03-15-2020 01:41 PM
That didn’t work on my iPad but did on your desk top?
Yes I agree, quoting should almost always be snipped down to just the sentence or so that you are referring to. If just trying to refer to a particular member the “@“ should be used to accomplish that.
03-15-2020 01:21 PM - edited 03-15-2020 01:22 PM
@AE_Collector wrote:In my opinion the “quote” button gets WAY over used. But it is occasionally needed.
I agree. Personally, I often only have a comment on one small part of someone's post, so most of my quotes are quite snipped. So lets try this 'quote by editing after posting' on this post...
Edit: heh, yep there we go... quote added after posting.
03-15-2020 01:16 PM - edited 03-15-2020 01:38 PM
In my opinion the “quote” button gets WAY over used. But it is occasionally needed. Some other forum software has a quote button at each post but only a post button to make a new reply at the very bottom. Thus the quote button becomes the default instead of used sparingly. In a very many cases just using the “@“ symbol to specify a screen name is far better than quoting a large post for everyone to then have to scroll past.
As always.... JMHO
03-15-2020 01:08 PM - edited 03-15-2020 01:14 PM
Well, the quote button is missing again for me today in desktop browser. Argh!
Edit: wow.. Edit your post after posting, and then it shows up ...
03-14-2020 10:38 PM
@David_J wrote:@NDesai I was just about to reply that I am seeing the quote functionality when using Chrome/laptop combination, but it looks like it may not be consistently working across all browsers.
I am seeing it too now on the same browser i was trying yesterday. I have confirmed it will not work on phones or tablets as it loads mobile site. Forcing desktop mode will also not work as the browser window size needs to be larger for the option button to show up.
On a bright side, I like the built-in spellcheck. I would not mind using this new version.
Thank you for the reply.
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If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.
03-14-2020 10:37 PM
Well, if PM and/or Khoros already needs to fix the text typing/editing boxes then please do something about the frustrating and obnoxious Simon overlay. Give users the option of pushing Simon out of our face so we can actually see what we're typing. And make Simon actually work outside a locked frame so - if/when we actually choose to do so - we can actually see what he's saying and what we're typing while interacting.
Not right for a forum-based mobile-centric business to run forum software which is broken on mobile devices.
And not right for the support bot to be an unwanted obstacle on mobile screens yet also be nearly unuseable support channel on mobile screens.
03-14-2020 10:24 PM
@NDesai I was just about to reply that I am seeing the quote functionality when using Chrome/laptop combination, but it looks like it may not be consistently working across all browsers.
Yes - we (Public Mobile) did push some changes to the versions of certain functionalities during the middle of last week. Additionally, Khoros pushed a version change during last week as well. I'm going to have to take a look at this and potentially revert back the changes I pushed to determine if it was the Public Mobile or the Khoros changes that is causing the issue.
ps. no, Dave's departure does not mean Trump is in charge
03-14-2020 10:06 PM
@CannonFodder Now it shows up for me when I reply and edit. This is so weird.
Those of you on Phones, Tablets or small screen computers won't even see the expand toolbar (three dots) button. The page must be large enough for it to show up. You can test this by minimizing the browser window on your PC. I hope @David_J is still around so he can contact Khoros about this.
cc: @Alan_K
I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.
03-14-2020 05:54 PM - edited 03-14-2020 06:05 PM
Well, there is a solution IF you are using a desktop browser, but NOT on a mobile browser, so we're 50% there!!
Click the "..." (ellipsis) button at the top of the edit box, then choose the quote button:
Click the "..." (ellipsis) button
Then click the quote button
I still find this somewhat discouragingly annoying to participate.
03-14-2020 05:37 PM - edited 03-14-2020 05:44 PM
Interesting..... no "Quote" button while using Chrome!
Edit - and just like yesterday, when I use the function to edit my post, NOW it shows up again!
Edit #2 - and now logged back in, once again using Firefox, and the "Quote" button is there, whether I'm simply replying to a post, OR editing one! 🙄 Guess PM and/or Khoros need to fix this...... either that, or EVERYBODY needs to use Firefox! 😉
03-14-2020 05:33 PM
@dabr wrote:I still don't see the quote button...I'm using a desktop computer and have expanded the toolbar. While it's annoying but probably not the most important issue for PM to sort.
Hmmm, I JUST used it again, to quote you. Did you see the pics that @NDesai posted? If not, here's another, with the quote function highlighted. Also, I'm using up-to-date Firefox.... don't know if it makes a diff. using Chrome..... guess I should try that too, and see.
03-14-2020 03:46 PM - edited 03-14-2020 04:20 PM
I still don't see the quote button...I'm using a desktop computer and have expanded the toolbar. While it's annoying but probably not the most important issue for PM to sort.
Anyway, I remember the last time PM was making some changes that it disappeared for a few days (can't remember how many), but it was eventually restored, so I guess we just have to wait until they (or Khorus?) do so.
03-14-2020 03:00 PM
@CannonFodder wrote:
@pm-smayer97 wrote:Whose brilliant idea was it to remove the Quote button? Clearly shows that the programmers do not use their own product in a real-world environment, otherwise they would not have made such a gaf. 😕
See this thread(more specifically, the last couple of pages): https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Community-Technical-Issues/m-p/513231/hig...
Interesting...I had tried that and did not see it. Tried again and it's there. Thx for pointing it out.
Not sure why this needs to be hidden though, given it is needed so regularly given the design of this forum. So my comment still stands.
03-14-2020 01:33 PM
@CannonFodder Very true.....who needs to be quoted too often? It might go straight to their head!
03-14-2020 01:24 PM - edited 03-14-2020 01:26 PM
@darlicious wrote:@CannonFodder Ok thx but thats still dumb....ill give chrome a go. I'm using Firefox.
Edit: Ok it shows up for half a second when you edit (and the expanded toolbar) and then switches back to the shorter version. Doubley dumb . Whats pm trying to distract us from? Did Trump take over from Dave?
Well, maybe they're still workin' on it.... yesterday it was on & off, as you can see with the previous posts in this thread, but SO FAR(fingers & toes crossed), it seems to be working quite nicely here, so MAYBE they still need to properly implement it for mobile devices..... it's always POSSIBLE that it's an issue that Khoros needs to fix, rather than PM.
03-14-2020 01:13 PM - edited 03-14-2020 01:19 PM
@CannonFodder Ok thx but thats still dumb....ill give chrome a go. I'm using Firefox.
Edit: Ok it shows up for half a second when you edit (and the expanded toolbar) and then switches back to the shorter version. Doubley dumb . Whats pm trying to distract us from? Did Trump take over from Dave?
03-14-2020 01:02 PM
@darlicious wrote:@CannonFodder This is what I get on my tablet....no three dots?
Well, I DID say, "when using a REAL computer", because I remembered you said you mostly used a tablet. So which browser.... Chrome? If so, maybe give Firefox a try, although I suspect it's probably because there's a slightly different version of PM's site that shows up on "mobile" devices, which I've often seen gets automatically detected and served up to the user, even if they want the "full" site, rather than the "mobile" version.
03-14-2020 12:56 PM
@CannonFodder This is what I get on my tablet....no three dots?
03-14-2020 12:48 PM - edited 03-14-2020 12:49 PM
@pm-smayer97 wrote:Whose brilliant idea was it to remove the Quote button? Clearly shows that the programmers do not use their own product in a real-world environment, otherwise they would not have made such a gaf. 😕
See this thread(more specifically, the last couple of pages): https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Community-Technical-Issues/m-p/513231/hig...
03-14-2020 12:46 PM
@darlicious wrote:This is what happens when we complain that were bored.....its a whole new learning curve. So much excitement on fridays....i come home from work and it's pandemonium the community.
Ok so where's the "expand" the tool bar button?
On the right end of the toolbar.... when using a REAL computer, and you pass the mouse over each of the items in the toolbar, they tell you what they are, and when you click on the "Expand Toolbar", it does just that, and sometimes yesterday, AND just now, the quote button shows up, just like @NDesai 's post earlier in the thread shows.