Hi everyone, I have noticed that there are many fantastic threads started by fellow community members and Oracles providing very helpful tips and tricks for other members. I have seen things ranging from basic troubleshooting steps to detailed explanations on how cellular service works. I think it is a shame that these threads often get burried after a certain amount of time, and I also understand that not all of these threads can be stickied or added to the official PM Knowledge Base Articles. Therefore, I am proposing a new forum section titled "Tips from the Community" or some other catchy name along those lines, whereby community members can submit posts containing general information that could be helpful as a reference for other people to view. In this way, the information wouldn't be burried in the current sections we have now. Of course to ensure that the information in this repository is accurate and organized, I would suggest having an Oracle approve of such posts, and once approved they can go up in this special section. Thus, we can share and leverage community member expertise, one that is more dynamic and current than the official Knowledge Base published by PM. Let me know what you guys think!
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