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By referring to 3G speed alongside 4G LTE speed in the plans description, it is causing major confusion for new customers deciding which data plan to select.  Very often, there is confusion between speed and network connectivity.  In particular, new customers tend to associate 3G plans with connection on the 3G network only.  It is suggested to take the some of the details from the fine print and put it right up front.  For 3G speed, refer to it as LTE data at 2.5 Mbps max download.  For the 4G speed, refer to it as LTE data at full download speed.  This way customers will understand that both types of plans are actually LTE data, with the difference being the speed limit only.  


By the way, it's quite misleading to refer to 2.5 Mbps as 3G speed.  HSPA is far more capable than that.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@will13am I fully support this, but I've been pleading with @Jeremy_M to do this since before they even launched their "3G" plans.  Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you--it doesn't seem that they are interested in rebranding the 3G plans any time soon.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Perhaps rebranding the 3G as "LTE Lite" could also work.  I too understand why the term 3G works but it is a bit mis-leading for customers and leads to a number of related questions for people trying to understand what and how 3G works on their device.


@srlawren, I suppose that is why we are not in marketing.  We make too much technical sense and consequently don't appreciate the finer points of marketing.  @Taekgun, the suggestion of LTE-lite hits the spot for me.  But then again, I know nothing about marketing.  

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