I like to see pricing go lower, but is a suggestion like this going to fly? Because add-on data doesn't expire, it's priced higher than plan data. This pricing is getting rather close to plan data pricing.
@srlawren, if the customer base had pull on pricing, I would say bring back the 2016 fall promo and make it permanent. This will give all of us sufficient data to not need any add ons. I tend not to consider making suggestions related to the money making side of the business. That is purely something for the people in the corner office to decide. We partake in shaping the plan costs in an indirect way by voting with our wallets. As customers, we try to directly help make the business better in non monetary ways.
Well apparently 4 GB isn’t enough for a lot of users, because they refuse to use WiFi when it’s available, or just do not understand how to use their data responsibly. I have more than enough, way more in fact, than I need on the promo. I only took the promo as it was the same price as my then current plan. A no brainer for the future, which still has yet to come.
I think I suggested long ago.... $4/GB but have to buy a block like 100 GB or somehting to that effect. Revenue would sky rocket for PublicMobile. I for one would go for it. I like to view security cameras and browse freely when not at home.