08-24-2021 06:11 AM - edited 01-06-2022 03:13 AM
Rewards====here is my reward file now go see below my payment on credit card
08/23/2021 | xxxxxxxxxxxxname | PUBLIC MOBILE | $25.29 |
i have no time for this bull**bleep** it seems i been screwed last 3 years
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-28-2021 02:16 PM
Really? Gee I wonder who has the better memory? Please check your insults at the door. I kindly did not report your perma-ban-able private message to me and chose to ignore it out of courtesy. In other word's....mind your P's and Q's.
10-28-2021 10:22 AM
@dboxtvinfo715 : You can't.
Transfer in - original number disappears.
Transfer out - account closes.
Maybe, with luck, you can pick-up that original number in the not too distant future into a new PM account.
Some might say that maybe the CSA's will do this for customers. But it's against their policy.
Is that acceptable from the peanut gallery?
10-28-2021 08:28 AM
anhow moving forward i do want to move a virgin mobile customer to public mobile and i have already a number from public mobile therefore i would like to transfer from virgin but keep my public mobile number
sorry for confusion
i have no time myself but i try my best
10-28-2021 08:25 AM
darlicious you seem angry about the past, go out take some air, may i sujjest i ride to the cirque du soleil----invite your followers the peanut gallery. i come here and read this inside clown joke about the history of the posts
i remeber you ---darlicious
do you remeber me
you asked me to refer you
no time for bully political posts
i come here as customer not to be insulted by your insider message
08-28-2021 04:39 PM
Better be careful if that dead horse has any life left in him he'll be reaching for that report button!😄
08-28-2021 02:35 PM
@darlicious Sorry, while that old thread looked familiar, it doesn't help clear up the confusion..... no matter, we're just "beating a dead horse" here anyway.....
08-27-2021 07:32 PM
The original reference was @BlueB wondering about the emojis added the puck drop because you read the thread before it got deleted as I never saw it but maybe this will jog your memory....
06:58 PM
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02:52 AM
@darlicious wrote:The OP a long time ago misconstrued a comment about the Habs and putting the puck in or keepng the puck out of the net....back when only Carey Price wore a mask.👺
And there was some reference to that in this thread? Guess I missed it, somehow....
this does get confusing.....I thought this was the lounge half of the thread!😉
Which is why I read through both halves of the thread, and still didn't see what you were referring to..... that is, unless there were more chopped sections of the original thread, strewn about somewhere(wouldn't be the 1st time)...... 🤔
08-27-2021 06:16 PM
I can't say I agree with this one....I think it would best be left unsolved until the OP comes back ( he always does eventually) and either inquires further or decides to contact customer support if necessary.....which I highly suspect will not be needed. I believe the OP has either mixed up his accounts and payment dates or has had a few referrals in suspension.
But reinforcing that first past the post with "the contact the mods/CSA's" gets the solution to a new member while other regular members are trying to guide less experienced members really undermines our purpose in the community and efforts to mentor new members.
There is no disrespect meant by this .....just we should all be working together to achieve a common goal.
03:05 PM
- last edited on
02:52 AM
The OP a long time ago misconstrued a comment about the Habs and putting the puck in or keepng the puck out of the net....back when only Carey Price wore a mask.👺
this does get confusing.....I thought this was the lounge half of the thread!😉
08-27-2021 12:56 AM
@darlicious wrote:
It's a bit of an inside joke.... @CFPartDeux or rather @CannonFodder would know about if his memory is serving him today😎...lol...but look at the OP's post history to get half of the humour anyways....😃🦂
Sorry, my memory isn't workin' on this topic, and neither is CF's, because I read this entire thread, and what I suppose is the "chopped & banished to the abyss" version of this thread, and I can't make any sense of either the "inside joke", or whatever the "half of the humour" consists of, i.e. after being chopped, it DON'T MAKE NO SENSE! 🤔
08-24-2021 05:54 PM
This one is actually to help the OP.....if you are going to move posts(rightly so in this case) please be sure to only move the off topic ones. I know it's more work but if you are going to slice and dice lounge threads you can put the same attention to detail in help only posts as well.
This is what happens with the OP post and run and another slow day in the community. Hopefully now that it's quitting time the OP will be back to answer our questions and get back on track.
Did or do you have a couple of referrals that are suspended right now? If they have suspended via lost/stolen their phone numbers will not show on your rewards pages ( click the tiny arrow) accounts suspended will show and the $ amount but will not be applied upon renewal if they are still suspended which is why it says estimated payment when calculating rewards.
Your correct renewal date upcoming is Sept 22nd? The Sept 10th date is either a glitch or you're comparing credit card charges with the wrong account.
It's a bit of an inside joke.... @CFPartDeux or rather @CannonFodder would know about if his memory is serving him today😎...lol...but look at the OP's post history to get half of the humour anyways....😃🦂
08-24-2021 05:42 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:
I was wondering how long it would take for this to happen... 😅
08-24-2021 03:41 PM - edited 08-24-2021 04:30 PM
Did or do you have a couple of referrals that are suspended right now? If they have suspended via lost/stolen their phone numbers will not show on your rewards pages ( click the tiny arrow) accounts suspended will show and the $ amount but will not be applied upon renewal if they are still suspended which is why it says estimated payment when calculating rewards.
Your correct renewal date upcoming is Sept 22nd? The Sept 10th date is either a glitch or you're comparing credit card charges with the wrong account.
It's a bit of an inside joke.... @CFPartDeux or rather @CannonFodder would know about if his memory is serving him today😎...lol...but look at the OP's post history to get half of the humour anyways....😃🦂
08-24-2021 03:20 PM
08-24-2021 03:15 PM - edited 08-24-2021 03:45 PM
A little history here....the OP has indeed been a customer for nearly 2 years. He is a Quebec customer and works on the road thus an early morning post and nothing since as we encourage customers to leave their phone alone when behind the wheel. I suspect we will hear from the OP in 2 or 3 hours unless they themselves has realized their confusion.
From what I have gathered in this time since the OP joined pm is they have a side business of reselling phones and helps manage some accounts and help activate others on pm. This may be their personal account with autopay $2+ loyalty $1+referrals $2 or community $2=$5 (as of writing I suspect there maybe a community reward I will have to check....) This where the confusion probably lies that a reward was earned and the OP thinks this should be applied every month/renewal which is why the previous autopay charge is $2 more than the upcoming estimated payment. I was hoping the OP would clarify the question be asked.....
But it's all about getting the puck in the net.....right?
lol..... @dboxtvinfo715 .....sorry I couldn't resist!!😃👍👢➕😈🎁🎄....💩💣💥🤔.....lol😅😅😂😂🤣🤣🤣
08-24-2021 03:15 PM
i still thinking something not add up here.
cycle starts Sept 10
payment showing August 23
08-24-2021 03:09 PM
@barndoor : I was going on the payment made. He showed $22 (+tax) on his payment card. I worked back from that. That comes to $3 in rewards. Could be the peculiar referral thing we see on occasion for the other $2. Which is why I asked.
08-24-2021 02:40 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
Where are you getting $5 rewards from?
$2 autopay , $2 years loyalty , maybe a referral $1, maybe a reward for community he does have a number of posts ? They do just throw them in the "reward " pot at times don't they ?
08-24-2021 12:43 PM
Like the others, I'm both curious about what happened and also wanted to mention about timing. It's possible to get "overcharged" despite having rewards/credits in your account, either because of the timing of when credits get awarded, or a system glitch. Credits "missed" (hence the overcharge) are usually applied the next month. Regardless, a CS Agent will be able to pinpoint the exact issue for you... let us know how it goes! 🙂
Good catch on that calculation, @Anonymous - I wonder if that scenario is what occurred here.
08-24-2021 10:52 AM
@t_p wrote:What's the point of coming up with all those "solutions" that ultimately will send the OP to Customer Service to sort it out?
So what is the point asking question in a forum supported by customers like you then?
Anybody who just glanced at the forum will figure out that some answers are referral to CSA who are PM employees. Almost all such answers have links and suggestions which link is preferable.
Most of us here are not chasing few bucks rewards (well... maybe some do) but are here to help others, learn and understand how PM works.
Not to mention that community has wast knowledge and way faster response than CSA.
08-24-2021 10:44 AM
@esjliv wrote:EDIT: looking at those dates...do you have more than one account with Public Mobile??
If somebody has multiple accounts with PM and is using the same credit card, they all will be charged separately and shown separately in cc statement, not as one payment...
08-24-2021 10:36 AM - edited 08-24-2021 10:46 AM
@t_p wrote:What's the point of coming up with all those "solutions" that ultimately will send the OP to Customer Service to sort it out?
The time he spends reading through all the "maybes" and guessworks would be more productive dealing directly with a CSA whose job is specifically required in this kind of situations.
@t_p First of all, only couple users like answer by straightly asking them to go to open ticket with PM. Most of us don't
Second, CSA does not reply by live chat or on phone, they reply via messages. And trust me, CSA initial replies would be the same as our asks for the OP. But.. CSA takes at least 30 mins for a reply back and forth, could be 2 to 4 hours. For us, we reply quick. As long as the OP stays on the forum and reply, the back and forth time could be within 5 mins. So, it is a lot more productive
Also, many OP did not explain clearly what was wrong, what have been done. We aske all those questions and OP at least tried some of the workarounds. We help to better prepare OP when he/she finally go back to PM and open the ticket. The OP could tell CSA what was done and again that cuts down the back and forth.
08-24-2021 10:30 AM - edited 08-24-2021 10:35 AM
Good point @hairbag1 .... maybe someone needs to go back and read the how to be nice posting . 😉 😀
All about making a learning experience for others I would guess as much as helping the original problem owner .
08-24-2021 10:28 AM - edited 08-24-2021 10:31 AM
@t_p...good point, but sometimes a seasoned PM'er has seen this issue in the past and is able to clear up the confusion while waiting for a client customer support agent to get back to OP.
08-24-2021 10:26 AM
@t_p : Then what are you doing here? It may as well just be a race to see who can post first with contact the CSA's. And then maybe the thread should auto-lock. Is that what you'd like this crowd-sourced support community to be?
We often get questions from folks that could go several directions. The regulars try to interpret what was asked. Others pipe in with other interpretations or fill in some other detail. And we never hear from the OP.
08-24-2021 10:20 AM
What's the point of coming up with all those "solutions" that ultimately will send the OP to Customer Service to sort it out?
The time he spends reading through all the "maybes" and guessworks would be more productive dealing directly with a CSA whose job is specifically required in this kind of situations.
08-24-2021 10:01 AM
$22 * 1.14975 = $25.29
25 - 2 autopay - 1 maybe referral or maybe a year of loyalty = 22
Where are you getting $5 rewards from?
The payment card charge line does not indicate anything about which account. I seem to think you manage several accounts. Are you sure you're not confusing accounts and payments?
08-24-2021 09:50 AM - edited 08-24-2021 09:52 AM
@dboxtvinfo715 wrote:Rewards====here is my reward file now go see below my payment on credit card
As of today your estimated payment is: $20Your next plan cycle starts: Sep 10, 2021Plan Cost (Including Discounts)$25($5)Total Rewards earned
Available funds in your account$0As of today your estimated payment is:
$20Actual amount may change based on account activity prior to your payment due date.
10 day plans are not eligible for rewards.
08/23/2021 xxxxxxxxxxxxname PUBLIC MOBILE $25.29
i have no time for this bull**bleep** it seems i been screwed last 3 years
Just a guess due to ambiguity but I see $25 plan ... 5$ worth of rewards and a withdrawal of 25.29 from cc. .. that explains the being screwed for a while ...but not the wonky dates .
Cut to the chase and talk to a csa but please do come back fill in the gaps ...because you are obviously an experienced customer here .
08-24-2021 08:38 AM
@dboxtvinfo715 wrote:Rewards====here is my reward file now go see below my payment on credit card
As of today your estimated payment is: $20Your next plan cycle starts: Sep 10, 2021Plan Cost (Including Discounts)$25
08/23/2021 xxxxxxxxxxxxname PUBLIC MOBILE $25.29
i have no time for this bull**bleep** it seems i been screwed last 3 years
your next payment date is Sept 10 but you have a charge at 8/23 on you credit card. Was that your question? Are they different accounts? Look like they are. They have different charged and they have different cycle date.
How many accounts you have with PM?