Researching Internet providers I came across this web site: Mobile is not even mentioned in any rating and particularly not in 'cheapest plan' selection.Their favorite is Fido $15 plan with same features as PM's $15. ...
Glanced at right side of the screen while browsing post and seen this:Few milliseconds I was amazed with such PM response improvement. Then realized what it is...
It will be nice to have time and date somewhere at the top of page as a proof that one CAN log in even though some claim they cannot.Something like this:
Does anybody have and use Pixel 7 or 8?Any comments regarding phone?I read it is pure Android without any bloatware and other garbage manufactures bundle with their versions of Android.
If you change your subscription NOW you will be immediately charged for new plan cost.If this is only few days trip maybe USA add-on will be more cost effective. You will have to decide...
This might be all spoofed number you see on display as spammers are trying to find out if your phone is active and then to try to molest you with annoying calls.If you do not recognize number - do NOT pick up a call, simple as that. Legitimate calls ...
To stop any calls going to voice mail, set up extended absence in vmail system and then NOBODY will be able to leave vmail.Otherwise, just do not pick up calls from unknown numbers. I always reject unknown number if phone is close by.
Correct. From what I can see you do NOT have US/Can plan but just 'plain' Canada plan so you would need to buy USA add-on in order to have service in USA.