05-24-2023 05:20 PM - edited 05-26-2023 02:01 PM
Hey Community,
We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update.
In the meantime, please try the following temporary workarounds:
We will post as soon as we have resolved the issues.
UPDATE workaround for password reset 6:30 PM EST: if you successfully reset your password and get a confirmation email: you can exit and ignore the OTP page, go back to log in, clicking resend if you need a new OTP.
UPDATE: 5/25/2023 6:30 PM EST: We're working on consolidating your feedback and are prioritizing a fix. Thank you for your patience over the next short while as we iron out launch kinks as fast as possible.
06-17-2023 07:51 PM
It asked me for a new password and says I logged in, but the site no longer loads and says there was an error processing something. Then it said to go back to the previous page, but it just keeps erroring out.
When will the site be fixed? I can't access anything right now.
06-16-2023 05:45 PM
@magic57 if you use the web to login , and click Resend code, the option Send email might be there
06-16-2023 05:43 PM
If we are trying to log in through a PC, we do not see option of sending via email. I solved it by downloading the mobile app android. It gives you an option by SMS or Email.
06-12-2023 09:38 PM
Since a number of us have contributed issues that need to be resolved. How about showing us a master list of issues that have been deemed as needing a fix and the current status???
06-12-2023 09:41 AM
having the same problem, still cannot login.
06-11-2023 12:37 PM
@Reyn did you check the inbox here?
I message support yesterday and I got a reply in an hour
Please submit ticket again with agent:
06-11-2023 12:28 PM - edited 06-11-2023 12:35 PM
@Reyn wrote:It hasn't been fixed. I still can't get in and it's now June.
I'm more than annoyed and frustrated
@Reyn , if you tag the person your posting a message to (like I did to you) that person will see it 🙂
That’s a very long wait for services that you’ve paid for!
How many days/weeks ago did you send a private message/submit a support ticket to CS_Agent if you’re refused help to have it fixed for you send another message & you should receive a different CS_Agent. Some are not so helpful. Sorry 😕 I know this is all very frustrating & tiresome.
06-11-2023 11:11 AM
I submitted a ticket. Nothing yet.
Still no login
06-11-2023 11:10 AM
How did you finally login?
06-11-2023 11:06 AM
Switch to one of the other unfriendly providers. I guess most customers will have to jump ship. Maybe Telus wanted this
06-11-2023 11:04 AM
Agreed. Can you use your account now that you are in? What about your phone?
06-11-2023 11:01 AM
How are we as your customers supposed to access our accounts or agents if we can't use your website?
06-11-2023 10:56 AM
@Reyn- Are your services working? Have you tried using different browsers on different devices? Non-mobile and mobile? The web site log in or the app log in? What errors do you get or at what point does it seem to not continue? Did you go through the whole new system changeover?
06-11-2023 10:56 AM
What if u can't get get in the website?
06-11-2023 10:55 AM
It's now June. I still can't login. Any luck?
06-11-2023 10:54 AM
It hasn't been fixed. I still can't get in and it's now June.
I'm more than annoyed and frustrated
06-11-2023 10:52 AM
It's been three weeks now. Have u gotten in yet?
06-11-2023 10:47 AM
Three weeks. Really? This is more than annoying and frustrating.
I still can't get in to my account. I can't sign in. Is public mobile really helping? What's the deal?
06-10-2023 08:04 PM
Adding fund tab takes you to chatbot instead of being able to just add funds to your account.
06-10-2023 08:03 PM
When you try to login to your account the request to enter a 6-digit code but recieve only a 5-digit code.
06-09-2023 12:37 PM
@Michou1978 the account just not got linked to the Eversafe id. Easy fix but you need to engage PM support. Please message them:
06-09-2023 12:36 PM
Ever since I signed up with EverSafe I haven’t been able to access my account!!!! How am I supposed to pay for service if I cant log-in??
when will this be fixed it’s been over a week!!
06-09-2023 12:10 PM
Inappropriate content removed
06-09-2023 02:33 AM
06-09-2023 02:28 AM
I am sorry but the issue is not fixed.
06-08-2023 05:30 PM
@cooleh19881 issue is fix. All you need to do is to open ticket with support
Please message them here:
06-08-2023 05:28 PM
any news in regards to the fix, cannot logon to my account since the eversafe change
06-08-2023 08:23 AM
Thank you for sharing your experience with our Community. You can access report phone lost inside the web version of your self-serve. Also, one of CSAs can support you with restoring your old Community account.
I’ll be sure to share your feedback with the team. Thank you.
06-07-2023 11:53 PM - edited 06-08-2023 12:57 AM
@Korth_ , when you login to your self serve account do you see an arrow to the lower left of the page? If so click there, then profile, scroll down, Report Lost/Stolen Phone on left. SIM Card Number on right, click the little pencil next to it.
Edit: To add some have stated that using a computer/laptop with a browser in private/incognito mode works better when changing SIM #.
06-07-2023 11:33 PM - edited 06-07-2023 11:39 PM
I had problems a couple weeks ago, the day after Public Mobile's grand upgrade. I couldn't login to my Self-Serve to report my phone lost/stolen. Because the only 2FA options were SMS and voicemail, no email. No phone, no way to login, no way to report it lost/stolen, lol. Thread here.
I don't know what Public Mobile changed. But today I tried again, I was given an email 2FA option back, I logged into Self-Serve successfully.
Apparently something got fixed, thank you. So now I'm able to get into Self-Serve. I'm less stressed now that I have a way to continue using (and paying for) my phone number. I see my plan and rewards are still intact, the current "owner" of my phone (my SIM card) hasn't depleted my account, there' s no recent activity on the account aside from a flurry of useless Self-Serve 2FA texts, lol.
But I'm still unable to report my phone lost/stolen, to change SIM card, etc. I even have a spare phone and spare PM SIM cards I could use. Those options were in Self-Serve before, they aren't in Self-Serve anymore? I sure hope these functions haven't been migrated out of Self-Serve into the App, not only because I have no desire to use an App, but also because (without a phone) I have no way to run an App - report the phone lost/stolen, to activate a different SIM card (to deactivate the old SIM card) for damage control, etc.
And, strangely enough, I can't login to the Community as @Korth ... so I made this (temporary) name. My email has always been the same for Self-Serve and Community, it is still the same, nothing changed on my end. But it seems the link between them is broken and I'm locked out of my stuff. I hope this can be fixed and that it doesn't disrupt my future Community Rewards.
I don't know much about the whole Telus "EverSafe". But I have to say that it was implemented very poorly, it broke things which worked fine before - and it's disappointing that any requirement/responsibility to set it up was never announced or mentioned anywhere by Public Mobile until after people got locked out and the damage was done.