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Troubleshooting Login Issues: OTP, 2FA, EverSafe

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update. 

In the meantime, please try the following temporary workarounds: 

  1. Try clicking "resend" to get options for email, SMS and voicemail (this workaround only works if you have created your Eversafe ID)
  2.  If you are copy and pasting your code, delete the last number and type it in - the button should no longer be greyed out
  3. Some individuals facing this issue are entering incorrect e-mail and/or password: please retry your credentials or attempt a reset
  4. Updated 5.26.23 1:55PM EST:  Potential workaround (for some): If you don't have access to SMS OTP, try entering an incorrect OTP code 4 times. For some individuals, this is giving the option of an email instead.

We will post as soon as we have resolved the issues. 

UPDATE workaround for password reset 6:30 PM EST: if you successfully reset your password and get a confirmation email: you can exit and ignore the OTP page, go back to log in, clicking resend if you need a new OTP. 

UPDATE: 5/25/2023 6:30 PM EST: We're working on consolidating your feedback and are prioritizing a fix. Thank you for your patience over the next short while as we iron out launch kinks as fast as possible.

Learn more about EverSafe ID


Please note: I am not a CS Agent and can't provide 1:1 support.
I do not monitor my direct messages.
185 REPLIES 185

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there.  Please help.  I created my account using my laptop, got to the payment screen, payment complete, there it tells me to download the public mobile app.  I do so on my iphone 5s and when it goes to the eversafe site, it stops and won't load the site so I can finish the activation process.  What do I do to get this phone activated?  There is not an option to continue on the website using my laptop.  This seems odd.  Please help.  Thanks

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

"We will post as soon as we have resolved the issues"  The issue can easily be resolved by removing a dysfunctional security system.  That would be a great start.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I won't keep extra track with this mess any further or future issues I will just quit Public and move else where for my cell provider service. I don't have the time and more so don't want to spend endless time to try and rectify the ongoing issues here.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't have an issue with the hassle of changing provider cause if one continues with ongoing issues here that too is a great hassle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No it can't be change because the profile I create to seek help in the community with my previous issue now stands in the way of my original profile. Therefore it will not allow me to change anything until I can get rid of the one created to chat with the community.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Personally I think who ever decided to go with such a dysfunctional security system made a poor decision cause all it caused was problems for many here that doesn't appear to have any solid solutions.  I am venturing a guess it was a Telus move since Public is affiliated with Telus.  No doubt it is to discourage users for a low cost provider and to sign up with more pricey providers.  It is sad that this has happen as Public used to be a good peovider.  I hate to move on but if I have any more problems I will seek another provider.

@Slava3711 wrote:

100% agree. I'm trying to log in for the last 2 months with hundreds of messages from support and still no luck. Very frustrating.

to be a good provider.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

You have the patience of a saint. I'm pretty sure it's in a business' interest to do all they can to maintain their client-base. Crazy how much we've been conditioned to endure just because the alternative of switching is also a hassle with its' own cost. 

Cheers and hope you get the optimal outcome.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Agreed. Just had a CS person attempt to help me resolve a simple "update payment" issue. I know there's not much the folks in the CS dept. can do; as it is definitely an authentication issue with Eversafe. Almost guaranteed I am shutting my Public account as well.

@MATARA53- The eversafe phone number for the 2fa is in the eversafe profile. You can change it to your new number. I certainly agree with much of your other comments.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Really sad since all was fine until the Eversafe that does not do what its suppose to do.  It locks people out of their own accounts.  They need to implement another software that is workable.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes the security system is terrible.  I changed my cell number due to relocation and entry intercom at my new place.  It was updated with Public but not with Eversafe and now if I try to get in I can't get the code.  So I work around by hitting resend then Eversafe sends code to my email and I get access.  But this is ridiculous that there is a security system set up here at  public that does not work or is not user friendly at all. If I have any more issues I will shut down my Public and go else where.  It appears the techs here are unable to resolve the issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

100% agree. I'm trying to log in for the last 2 months with hundreds of messages from support and still no luck. Very frustrating.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks. Will give it a try.

@cc_chamber the prompt about reactivate sim indicates system unable to link up the correct My Account, please open ticket with support and they can manually link it up for you

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It's almost like you guys are doing everything in your power to lose customers. Fine. If that's upper m's goal then you guys are doing an excellent job. 

I have a cc number that has expired and needs to be updated so as to ensure that I can keep my service with PM. However, what used to take less than 5 minutes to do, has now taken me over a week to even attempt to log-in. 

I've downloaded the app and it has forced me to "re-activate" a sim... even though I already have a working sim with PM! What's even more hilarious is that when I try to simply click my account via the web experience I get redirected to the "required activation" or "Log-in" again page. You guys are literally doing everything in your power to make it so that I am NOT paying you for your service.

It's ok though, if I can't solve this before my next pay period you won't have to worry about redirecting me to error 404 screens and non-working webpages. Seems you guys have chosen to redirect your customers to other competitors. Solid plan!


Eversafe suffers from cached data.  From time to time, I am able to be connected to an online account and community account that are not associated in two browser tabs.  I don't think this is by design. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes... I've been communicating with agents the problems were surmountable almost unforgivable. I'm needing to clear this up soon..the cell phone is not setup to send or receive...and to top that off the number assigned the other day  is an existing cell number from my second cell phone...two phones, the same cell #



@kozzo12  is that number a working one now on PM network?

you said an agent was working with you but unable to find it?  You should reply back the agent and work with him.  Or ask him to escalate for engineer to further investigate 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm having a difficult time trying to enter my account. An agent went looking to find my account only to come back to say the account does not exist. so...I need that cell number to communicate to the outside world.



Or if you have an account,  an active line on a sim card, just cannot login My Account, then you just need to open ticket with PM support, they will locate your old account, the email address used, and they will try to help with that

message them here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

@kozzo12 wrote:

I would like to move a sim card to open a new account.

@kozzo12  move a sim to open a new account?

you need a new, unactivated sim card to open new account

or if you are replacing a new sim card to exiting account, you will login to My Account and change sim card

Can you give us more details what you are doing? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I would like to move a sim card to open a new account. Only do to the recent trouble and confusion my present account is having.
I tried and failed...the page says after I tried, sim card is already in use...HUH
Now the reason why I want to gain a new account is that I am locked out of my existing account with that sim card I want move...K    Is there a chance the system is experiencing a flood of new subscribers to PM. And  the website is not capable channeling the new business. So, if I could keep my account as it is...I would kindly wish a PM agent see this error I'm having and direct my dispatching my email & password once again, many times over to enter the said account with the said sim card already in use problem. Kris






@Bookworm88    For now there's no other option to bypass the verification code being sent via SMS by default and your only option (as you know) is to click resend.  I found most of the time that works well but once in a while it seems the code being received can take almost a minute adding to the frustration.

I'd also prefer that PM lets us disable this verification feature altogether like we used to be to do previously since the "remember this device" feature is hardly reliable.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Do you know if there's a way to always have verification codes sent to email instead of by SMS?  Whenever I try to login, it will send an SMS to my phone first, but I always find that I receive the code really late, sometimes after the website already times out for that code.  I only receive the option to send the code to email after I click "resend".  Instead of having to go through this process, I'd rather be able to always get the codes by email instead, but I can't find any such option in Settings.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The 'Eversafe' is not functioning properly.  I got into my account as stated in the work around but managing the 'Eversafe' options of unchecked or changing my number is not working. Wanted to do that just to use basic security of email. Won't let me do that either. What good is having a Public Mobility account. When I need to struggle to get into my account? Could this issue be corrected asap please?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Over a month later and still no fix. I get the feeling Telus wants to lose customers and kill PM.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Nothing is fixed. Everything is broken. Endless loop of “error try again “

if your company’s entire marketing is simple because everything is electronic and self serve then your platform better work from day one and the way it’s intended to! (Right now it’s not doing that)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes I have 2 weeks ago, the CS agents have been most unhelpful

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