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September RAF $5 Credit

Mayor / Maire

Has anyone received the first $5 credit ($25) for the September RAF promo? The expectation was that it would arrive yesterday... being the end of the first week of October?


Mayor / Maire

And the latest response.....


The promotion was advertised on our website:


Limited to one credit per customer — One-time $25 bonus ($5 every 30 days for up to 5 months). 
Eligible customers will receive a monthly SMS confirmation when the credit has been applied to the account.


@computergeek541 @Dunkman @Luddite @ShawnC13 


Did I miss something with these promotions? Care to weigh in? Any insight?


Mayor / Maire

Blaaaagh!! I can't believe I'm on my third day of dealing with this issue. Here's the latest...


Early this morning I resubmitted a new private message copying the majority of my original message asking for the credit to be applied. Two hours later a new agent replied saying the previous agent resolved the issue. After I asked for clarification they reiterated that the previous agent was correct.


I have double checked, and the information provided by the previous agent is correct.


The terms of the promotion are the following:  Limited to one credit per customer — One-time $25 bonus ($5 every 30 days for up to 5 months).


I apologize for any inconvenience!


I again for clarification on eligibility and asked that my issue be escalated to the appropriate department.


If I may share with you, we do not have a different department. We are all Community Moderators.


I explained that I know that there is an escalations department but may well be run out of Koodo and asked again for it to be escalated or to confirm with either 

@Tiana_Vor  @J_PM 

(Geez this stuff below the post box and cancel button can get in the way of tagging!!)

Or I will contact them myself for clarity. Two hours later I received this response....


We do not have an escalation department, however I got in touch with my manager and the situation will be addressed as soon as possible in order to edit the information available and the eligibility conditions for this promo.


The refer a friend August promotion was until September 2, and it was then extended until September 30.


Again I asked for clarity....."To the best of my knowledge it is one $25 credit per customer per promotion not one $25 credit per customer PER ANNUM."


Two more hours pass and lucky me I get the original agent and this response....


All the customers were eligible for the RAF promotion in May and September however the promotion only allows referring a single friend with it. So, if an account referred a friend and got the $5 monthly discount in May, he will not be eligible for the promotion from September as that account still have the $5 monthly discount from May.


I have asked for a written response from Jade that clarifies the eligibility of the promotion is as above. As I await another hour has passed.....?

Mayor / Maire


Hmmmm....not that there should be a hmmmm....but both of my referrers had the Christmas RAF which I would classify as last year. But really it's a moot point however once someone says they received at least 2 this year (February, May, August and/or September) I'm golden!


To tell you the truth I almost liked the idea of the promotion extending thru September 30th as I made 3 referrals on my unlucky $13 plan between July 7th and August 11th and another for the bf on September 6th. Lol....🧑‍🦲👣👩‍🦲👣👨‍🦲

@darlicious   I had the Christmas special RAF $5 for 6 months, too... I got the full $30 without issue

Then the special RAF in August, got 2 $5 payments so far

Mayor / Maire

This is just gets better and better! We'll at least the two new customers got their full $25 bonus referral credit. But the two referrers have been denied based on apparently being limited to one bonus referral credit per annum?!!


@softech @barrascuk 

Has this been your only bonus referral credit promotion this year? I know the CSA is wrong but I am curious to see who has received more than one this year?


Same goes for @Outdoorsman @gpixel @DDM69 et al......?

Mayor / Maire


Honestly where do your customer support agents get this malarkey?!! This is the reply I received when I inquired about the missing September RAF $5 credit. Both referrers also referred customers for the May RAF.


The agent replied.....


The reason why he did not get another $5 recurrent credit is because he already has referred someone previously and had the offer applied on the account.


As per the offer details: " Existing Public Mobile customers can get the opportunity to refer a friend for a one-time $25 bonus.....Offer details : Limited to one credit per customer — One-time $25 bonus ($5 every 30 days for up to 5 months). "


When I asked the agent to double check that bonus referral credits are not limited to one per customer per annum I was given a screenshot of the May RAF promotion conditions and told the promotion was extended to September 30th?!!


I responded that I would forward to the agent the info of 7 other referrals made between May 19th and September 30th that did not qualify for bonus RAF credits because they were made outside of the three RAF promotion dates but since the word from the agent is that the promotion was extended to September 30th then they surely qualify and must have also suffered from this glitch affecting the RAF promotion?


Why must both new and old customers participating in these RAF bonus promotions fight tooth and nail with customer support agents who clearly have no idea what they are talking about and are flying by the seat of their pants to justify their own misinformation and lack of knowledge?


Every customer who comes up against this kind of customer support should get a bonus $25 credit on top of their rightfully earned $5×5 month credit!! We are your unpaid salespeople asking for our "commission".....we know the correct eligibility requirements why do the paid employees NOT know the eligibility requirements?!!


Unbelievable.....this needs to stop!! Send CSA's the memo because apparently they didn't get it or they didn't read it?!!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sounds like a good plan 🙂 Nobody should have to go through that, much less a 2nd time.

Mayor / Maire


Oh I have a simple resolution for this because I've already done the four months of hassle. So if it's the same glitch I'm asking for $25 on each of the accounts that need the $25 credit and will be done with it. I am not going through what I went through for my referral and myself for the May RAF again!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Oh no! Well, fingers crossed for you that the credits get sent out without you having to ask for them. Big hassle, otherwise.

Mayor / Maire


Thanks for the updates hopefully they're rolling them out over a few days because otherwise I have four different complaints to make to customer support?

Thanks @Tawny  for the update.


yes, I checked mine just now and yeah.. Got it.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My credit came today 🙂 Hope everybody else got theirs too!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm still waiting for my $5 credit.  My "Upcoming Bill" sections says: $15 plan - $1 Loyalty - $2 Pre-Authorized Payments - $1 Refer-a-Friend = $11 subtotal.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yesterday, I was expecting my 2nd $5 credit for the Aug 16 - Sept 2 RAF promo, but it didn't come. The first credit had been given to me on Sept 9 without any issue.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Mayor / Maire


Thank you. I was thinking around and no one was answering my question. And I was thinking oh Gawd not again.....?





Mayor / Maire

@darlicious Hi no haven’t seen mine yet


@darlicious I suspect they haven't give out any RAF $5 credit yet..  


I have the August one, got the first payment on Sept 9, haven't got the Oct payment either

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