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Forbidden A1.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Is anyone else having login issues on the Website? Mobile App is working fine with my Primary Account already logged in however I'm trying to check my secondary Account from a Private Browser.. when I logged in it directed me back to the Public Mobile Home Page, when I pressed sign in again it said 'Forbidden A1'. 

There is no way the Account got closed because I signed in two days ago and the bill just renewed on the 30th, and with $400+ in the Available Funds, there's no way it would have closed. 

Account was not suspended either. 

@J_PM: This should be an Announcement if there is Maintenance.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the exact same issue

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 10.18.41 PM.png

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am having this problem today too. I have until Jan 26 to renew my subscription after 90 days of travel, and I am getting "forbidden A1".  I cannot let this number die as I need it and I'm out of country at the moment. What can I do? I have tried the app and it doesn't work either. I just get redirect on the app to the same page asking me to log in. My logins are can I log in and top up my account??

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

awful experience so far. registered my Dad for new account, accepted payment, and now getting forbidden a1 message. tried clearing cache, using different browser, and device.

no support available?

@Owa2- Yes, seems to be an unannounced shut down. We all just have to wait. What are you wanting to do?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I tried to log in to my account but got an error message as below. What should i do to log in? My phone seems work properly. 

Forbidden A1


@Chalupa_Batman  Sorry, but pinning topics is beyond our remit. 

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Mayor / Maire

Update: I’m able to sign in to My Account & Public Mobile app now, Tuesday, August 15, 3:30am (ADT)!

Mayor / Maire

@Priority & all, Please see the Announcement post My Account experiencing issues: service not impacted 

@Community_QA_ wrote:

unable to login as well.  Just maintenance? was not in earlier, is this a scheduled one?

@Community_QA_ , we’re all experiencing this for several hours now! No, not a scheduled maintenance! I asked a CS_Agent about it & was told no maintenance is being done yet the My Account webpage & PM app says it is under maintenance!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

unable to login as well.  Just maintenance? was not in earlier, is this a scheduled one?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm also unable to login and getting the same "Forbidden A1" message. Any update on this issue?

@Priority wrote:

Mine still will not sign in at all, the app is no longer under Maintenance but every single time I sign in, it takes me right back to the login screen instead of the My Account. 

@Priority , on my iPad my PM app still says under maintenance!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Mine still will not sign in at all, the app is no longer under Maintenance but every single time I sign in, it takes me right back to the login screen instead of the My Account. 

Actually I notice one thing, I logged in, but not all section populated with details.  So, not full resolved still

@softech wrote:

@Jcsam  and all, 

I can login just now. Try agin.

If fails, try Incognito mode or try a different browser.  Also, if you see an error, try refresh.  I got the A1 error, refresh and I was in

@softech , I tried incognito mode/private using Safari, DuckDuckGo, Firefox & Chrome plus the app & none of those work for me!

Please share your lucky charms! 🤗 


@Jcsam wrote:

No still AI error

I logged out and login again and still work

I was using a browser, not app.  

did you try using browser with Incognito mode? try using a different browser or even different device?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No still AI error

@Jcsam  and all, 

I can login just now. Try agin.

If fails, try Incognito mode or try a different browser.  Also, if you see an error, try refresh.  I got the A1 error, refresh and I was in

@Jcsam wrote:

Do we know an ETA of when the site will be up? Is this a sudden outage? I don't log in to PM often so i dont know if it is a recurring issue.

@Jcsam , it should be working again by the morning! We will post an update as soon as it is though. 
Happy that things worked out for you. 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Do we know an ETA of when the site will be up? Is this a sudden outage? I don't log in to PM often so i dont know if it is a recurring issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i called bak 611 to check what Add-ons i have and US Roaming is one of them 🙂 phew it worked. Just wanted to share with y'all

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Helping fellow Community members is what these threads and posts are for. 

I don't mind, truly. 

@Priority , whoops, I think we overrun your post! Sorry 😞 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

will do. thanks for your support. I was able to do stuff by using all of your tips and comments


select LTE or Automatic.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

ok, i thought it sends a text or email saying now i have purchased add-on Roaming. 

im not in US yet. i wanted to wait till last minute so i can save all 15 days of roaming. but it is unfortunate site was down.

@Jcsam wrote:

ok thats good. I was able to make the add on over the phone. but i didnt receive any confirmation as such. i will have to wait until the site is back online or when in US or see if my credit card has been charged 🙂


@Jcsam , I misunderstood you! Sorry. I thought you were already in the US trying to purchase the US Roaming add-on! It starts the moment you purchase it!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have set it to 3G. So when i switch off wifi it becomes 3G. When in USA i have to change that to LTE ?


when you're at home, turn OFF wifi and dial a local number...does the call drop to 3G or stay with LTE ?

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