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Wifi calling

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have an iPhone 13 and pretty sure I used to have wifi calling on it so my phone would work off wifi at our cottage.  I recently switched to esim - and I don’t seem to have wifi calling as an option??  Does public mobile not support wifi calling ?   Or is it an esim issue ??  Thanks for your help!! 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Did you make the submission as a complaint on CRTC site? Would like to do this as well.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Download WhatsApp. It's free and you call over wifi. Down side everyone you want to call has to have it. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just exactly what is WIFI calling - does that mean that mobile phone should have WIFI off in order to receive telephone calls -----


there is no Wifi Calling with PM.  If you need it in your location, you will need to check with Koodo or Telus

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How do you do wifi with esim?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I say a safety issue, I mean for times when you are in places and there is only WiFi available. There are places throughout our great country of Canada that is cellular service void . 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Here's what it looks like when you try to enable wifi calling on a pixel device.


if you meant safety as to calling 911.  Not sure if you are aware, you can call 911 on any wireless phone on any network even you don't subscribe to that network. So, even you lost signal with PM, if your phone sees Rogers or other network, you can make the 911 calls

But I agree it would be nice if Wifi Calling is added to PM service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree, they won't add it unless they are pushed. I have just made a submission to the CRTC calling upon them to require providers to include this feature in all plans as a basic safety feature. I encourage others to do the same. 

my reply about typo was more a joke only.  I read many posts on the forum and most long term customers seems all agree the Wifi Calling will probably not come here as Telus likes to reserve this feature for it's upper tier service providers

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The difference between what I got and what you post above isn’t explained by a typo. Yours clearly says it’s not available and that it might be considered in the future while mine says it’s offered as a feature and then goes on to describe the virtues of using it. That’s not a typo-those are two entirely different responses and that’s not acceptable. PM comes with reduced customer support but that’s not an excuse for misleading information. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I got the positive result, all I put in the chat box was “Wi-Fi calling?”

I guess AI has typo too.  Does and Does not got confused 



really? they have Wifi calling now?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When I asked the chatbot earlier today it indicated that it is a feature. PM needs to get their act together. They should be turning on wifi calling ASAP and they certainly shouldn't be misleading new customers by directly stating that it is a feature. See screen capture attached. 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Same here. This should be a basic safety feature. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just asked the PM chatbot if there is wifi calling and it responded that there is. I sure can't see it as an option and I'm on an esim. Not cool that PM is either hiding the option from existing customers or giving false info to new customers especially during the black Friday frenzy. The screen capture of the chat response is attached. I wasn't logged in as an existing customer at the time.Capture.PNG

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Freedom is T3 and has wifi calling.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

PM is Tier 3 , so unfortunately no extras like WIFI calling. I guess technically if they were able to offer these extra(s) they would move to Tier 2 status and then be able to directly compete with Virgin, Fido, or their affiliate Koodo. Inevitably, PM is mandated to maintain there bargain basement plan offering as Tier 3 (with the other 2 floors Telus Tier 1 and Koodo Tier 2) and simply expanding on their low-budget conscious customer base.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, I've seen people state that you need to move to upper tier carriers for wifi calling. I'm not 100% versed in who's Tier 1, 2, 3 but can tell you that Fido had wifi calling, so did Virgin. Both are PM's direct competitors, maybe PM should step up their game and enable wifi calling to keep up with Rogers' Fido and Bell's Virgin. 

hi @AntiBell yes Bell and Telus are independent but they have deal to share network towers.  I was just suggesting you to check with their deals and stay with the Telus family.  🙂


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, but doing online research and trusting observations like, "Telus and Bell are independent networks despite sharing many cell towers. In the reliability and speed arenas, Telus is slightly ahead of Bell. However, Bell gets better in these areas the further east you go. This is in large part due to the fact that Montreal is Bell's home base and Vancouver is Telus's."  I am leaning unfortunately to VM being totally East in NL.

hi @AntiBell don't think wifi calling will be coming to any tier 3 carriers any time soon

if you need it, check with Koodo and Telus plans 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It has been awhile since replying to the Community. I have been a long time happy Public Mobile customer. But now I'm sad to see that the no Frills plan offering cannot somehow incoporate the WIFI calling option even as an add-on. I left Bell in the dust long ago but now it has come time to say good bye PM and hello Virgin M.

HI @Harryup 

no, it is not.  Remember, you pay for a tier 3 carrier and one of the tier 3 carrier includes that.  It is strictly price vs features

if Wifi calling is important to you, you will need to use tier 2 or 1 carrier like Koodo or Telus

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

No wifi calling? Is that stupid or what.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That would be great!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My phone had WIFI calling as well and when I signed up to PM I didn't realize that feature wasn't supported.  I have good cell service in my area so not a big deal.  If I'm in an area that doesn't have cell service I'll be letting friends and family know the best way to connect with me.  My parents don't have WIFI calling and there is very poor cell service  at their cottage. I connect with them on FB messenger..that works well.       

hi @painchaud14 

i doubt it.  Only higher tier carriers have this.  I don't think any "no-frills" carrier offering Wifi calling

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Is Wifi Calling one of your priority at Public Mobile in terms of developpement?

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