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Usage History Downloads - random snippets - not following applied filter

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Tried to gather up my Usage History Download for last month, it doesn't seem to work properly anymore. It gives me some random snippet of time when I download it, looks like about a week, not the full range of the currently applied filter. When I tried again, I got a different time range.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It was my post, and the link within it, that was deleted.

Twice! 😡

@John-Q-Public wrote:


Thing is, I violated NO terms of service, that I know of. (check out what wrote, at the supplied link; If you find something, I'd like to know!)

When I clicked on the "appeal" link, and explained the situation, I got no reply. 

BTW, sorry to have replied to your reply 🙂. My reply was intended for @on2wheels .

The violation to the terms of services was by a different member.  That's why there was a link earlier in this thread that was inaccessible.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Thing is, I violated NO terms of service, that I know of. (check out what wrote, at the supplied link; If you find something, I'd like to know!)

When I clicked on the "appeal" link, and explained the situation, I got no reply. 

BTW, sorry to have replied to your reply 🙂. My reply was intended for @on2wheels .





@John-Q-Public wrote:

Hi, @on2wheels 

Unfortunately, that link got nuked by PM (no explanation given).

I just posted a reply to it, with another link. Hope it helps!

As I was saying earlier, the message contained in the link isn't supposed to be accessible.  The contents were removed due to a violation of the terms of service of this website.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi, @on2wheels 

Unfortunately, that link got nuked by PM (no explanation given).

I just posted a reply to it, with another link. Hope it helps!


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Replying to myself, hopefully to keep inline with the thread... So, it looks like PM deleted that post again, so I posted again... 4 months and change later, it seems to have held, so I'm posting its link here. Hope it helps!

Usage History download truncated: a Workaround - Community (


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It's been broken the same way for quite some time, I don't think anyone is doing anything to fix it.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Does anyone know if this usage history glitch is still being worked on?

@on2wheels wrote:


Is this feature still being worked on? It's not working today either (the download usage bug).

That message isn't supposed to be accessible. It is only a note that action was taken due to violation of terms of service by a another member.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Is this feature still being worked on? It's not working today either (the download usage bug).

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Take heart, Usage History Glitch Sufferers!
I have proposed a workaround here:
Hope this helps!

EDIT: PM nuked it again, no explanation. Try this:

Usage History download truncated: a Workaround - Community (

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

For cryin' out loud, PM, how hard can this be??

PLEASE, fix the usage download! It's ridiculous how long this, and other issues, take to fix!

(P.S.: I have been in IT for four decades, and am knowledgeable in programming and websites.)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I can't view anything before June 2nd. 

As well the helper people keep telling me to follow your instructions. Haha



At the moment, download Usage history is sort of broken, just 2 or 3 days usage from the XLS download.  But you can still go through each page on the Usage history on My Account for up to 3 months of usage. You will need to copy and paste manually for now

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm having this same issue. I need a month at a time for my P.O. and I've been trying to get last month's for since the 1st

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Nor can you select or filter SMS, talk etc. 


@umnikke8   basically usage download is broken  😞

the original usage download was designed to download the full history, not following the filter. 

But since the update, the full usage download has became just 3 days download only.  I have tagged agene and Jade on another post, they are aware of the issue, but not sure when they will have that fix:

Mayor / Maire

@umnikke8 yeah, I noticed the download didn't work for me a week or so ago. I just gave up at that time, in hopes it was 'being worked on'. 

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