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Texts , need help please

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have 2 icons on my iPhone for texting.   one is green and the other white background associated with Facebook.

If I use the the green one am I right to think that if the other person has an iPhone also my text should go through even if I have no wifi on or data turned on.

also if I use the other message icon can I text someone who does not have a Facebook account.

thanks for any help


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello Lynban1,

Please go to Settings, scroll down to Messages (the text message icon), click on it, scroll half way down and look for the "send as SMS" and turn it on (flick the button, it should be green if on) and this will allow you to send text messages if you're not connected to any wifi or data.  I hope this helps.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you, I will be testing all these solutions

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Will try that tonight

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, I am going to test all these ideas tonight when my grand daughter is home with her phone.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Using the default messaging app on the iPhone (green) you will be able to send messages to other iPhones and other phones without data as long as you are sending the messages as a SMS. You will need to enable SMS messaging in your settings. If iMessage isn’t available when messaging an iPhone as long as SMS is enabled it will send as an SMS. You can also manually send it as an SMS by holding the message you sent and then selecting send as sms. This option will be available for you as long as the message doesn’t properly deliver using iMessage.

For the white icon you are referring to I'm thinking you’re talking about Facebook messenger. From my understanding you can only message people that have a Facebook/Instagram account with that app. Facebook messenger also requires data to use so make sure you are on wifi or have data turned on if wifi is not available and you need to message a Facebook or Instagram account.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Lynban1 

Yes, the green one is the iMessage, it is the main text app, it can send iMessage to iPhone users and SMS to Android users.  So, use that 

The Facebook messenger usually is only used for sending to Facebook users, but I think it has the functionality to take over as the default texting app.  I usually decline that.



you use the iMessage one for regular SMS, it should be able to send to people with or without iPhone

To send to people without iPhone, the iMessage app will actually send regular SMS or MMS, make sure your mobile network is turn on and you see connected to Public Mobile 

on your Settings > Messages, Under SMS/MMS , please enable Text Message or Group Messaging and MMS Messaging

(if it is already turned on, disable it first, reboot, and go back to turn them back on)


Mayor / Maire

@Lynban1  On iPhone the bubbles should be blue for iMessage green for android or sms iPhone needs data to send iMessage if your out of data and not on wifi turn off iMessage and send text as sms instead 

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