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HELP! unable to send/receive calls (data and texting always work, i do have strong 5G signal)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My last call that is received successfully was on Feb 7th (data and texting always work, i do have strong 5G signal).  after that:

1. when i dial out, it keeps dialing for like 1530 seconds without ring tone, then showing the network is busy with busy line tone

2. when my friends call me, i didnt hear/receive any incoming call, and my friends'call go to voicemail since no one answers.

what I tried:

1. I put my SIM card into another phone (same brand phone, they both use 5G network and it worked fine until i hit this issue), it works.

2. I put another SIM card into my phone (same brand phone), it works.

3. I reset my networking setting, but it still doesnt work with my phone (data and texting always work, i do have strong 5G signal)

What else can I do? please help! thanks a lot!!!




you'll likely need Customer Support to look into your case. Click on the orange bubble, lower right side of the page to start that process. Watch the little envelop icon on top right side of page will be highlighted when they respond to you. Good luck.

added...if that method fails, use this link to message Customer Support...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes, i do have the 5G at the top status bar all the time, no change. I am in Canada, no roaming...

I didnt change anything (location, phone, app, setting, and so on), and hit this issue suddenly.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

my phone is 2 year old and I always use 5G it has been working great, if i turn 5G=off (I suppose this mean 3/4G mode), the issue persists

I tried something:

I tried a Petro mobile sim card with my phone, it works well,

I tried other 2 PM sim cards, neither of them works on my phone.

the conclusion is only PM sim card+only my phone causes issue, but only with calls, the texting and data works!

Mayor / Maire

@linsunrise1  If you turn off wifi but leave cellular data on and try to make a phone call, does the 5G at the top status bar change?   I'm assuming this is happening in Canada and not while roaming in the USA?

Mayor / Maire

What phone you have? Maybe your phone not VoLTE whitelisted with PM and still using 3g for voice. there have been couple posts about voice problem today 

Try change network mode to 3G , check if calls work 

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