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Switching back to rewards from the points program

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am an old customer and accidentally switched to PM's new points program (from rewards program). Is there a way to switch back?


The new program is a huge downgrade.

I have all my points intact (didn't spend them)




Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I understand. I just prefer the old rewards, that's all. (I'm suspecting it will take another three years before I'm earning enough points to equal the savings I've lost, assuming the monthly charges don't increase again during that time.)

@Old_Mike wrote:

This is very unfortunate. I was just moved over to the new points program because of the end of the old one, and I feel like I'm being punished. The old one was superior.

You're not being singled out.  This change affects all customers who were on the old rewards program.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is very unfortunate. I was just moved over to the new points program because of the end of the old one, and I feel like I'm being punished. The old one was superior.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I made the same mistake.  Cost was a huge win for this old program.  I'm afraid I will need to change carriers to be competitive again...crap.

Mayor / Maire


Think've entered the lucky draw. Hoping you will win is part of what you have "paid" for....enjoy dreaming about what you will do with your "prize". Disappointment is for losers....😀.





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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah, I accidently signed up to points. 

Used up a few points  for the jackpot draw, I dont think I'll win though. 

Mayor / Maire


You can't win if you're not in.....theres a whole lotta customers that can't be in and only handful of customers that can be in. If I were in your position I would be redeeming a few points on lucky draw entries.🤞





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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yup the new points is terrible.

But Only if I could win iphone with one point.


Mayor / Maire


All I can say is I'm sorry and that sucks!



It is not $1 or 1pt per month. After 12 months its 10 pts per 12 months as a customer.  5 years = 50 points total earned compared to $180 in loyalty rewards for the first 6 years and $60 per year or $300 per 5 years thereafter.





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@princepaul wrote:

I am a newish customer (less than 1yr) and don't have any other monthly rewards other than autopay. I don't recall reading about autopay in the "you're nearly there" box.

If you never refer any friends and didn't get the Community Reward ,  yes, you won't only see Autopay $2 reward monthly.  However, once you have completed your full year with PM, you will start getting $1 reward


for the "You're nearly there box", it is only useful if you need your to switch to the new reward program.  For most of us, the old reward program will save more money and hence most of us stay.  If you are not thinking to switch, you didn't miss anything  🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am a newish customer (less than 1yr) and don't have any other monthly rewards other than autopay. I don't recall reading about autopay in the "you're nearly there" box.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes and No. 


I guess it had enough literature, but I was under the impression that I won't get rewards if I don't sign up. After signing up I realized my mistake, that I signed up for points.


The funny thing is that I logged in to the points website after reading a thread on RFD about it. And how terrible the new points are compared to existing rewards. 




@Lieux wrote:

@popping You will see that… before the last click…6972BE39-6446-45FB-A167-8650A05A0FE1.png


The line under "Ready to Join?" ....Take control of your Rewards with Public misleading and should really be removed in favour of a line that warns and further reiterates that joining Public Points is permanent and irreversible.





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Mayor / Maire

@esjliv   Are you using your phone for the community too?  Yes I can see you'd want to be careful when using this site on small screen but on a desktop you can safely click Discover Points and just get some general information about the new points.

Mayor / Maire

@popping @Lieux  -

popping - there is no problem signing into My Reward..but I was afraid to hit that "Join Public Point" button.

Ta DA-thanks for sharing that Lieux, now I know it is okay if i do.


@popping You will see that… before the last click…6972BE39-6446-45FB-A167-8650A05A0FE1.png

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I am avoiding login to my "My Rewards" account using my mobile phone with touch screen.

Someone had said that clicking the "Joining Public Points" button is not permanent yet.  But I am too chicken to try it.

Mayor / Maire

@princepaul wrote:

I am an old customer and accidentally switched to PM's new points program (from rewards program). Is there a way to switch back?


The new program is a huge downgrade.

I have all my points intact (didn't spend them)



@princepaul  - how did you accidentally switch? I am curious, because if it is too easy to switch by mistake, many people will be in the same boat as you.

@princepaul wrote:

I am an old customer and accidentally switched to PM's new points program (from rewards program). Is there a way to switch back?

Sorry, but as the old rewards program is no longer offered, any switch to points would be permanent.

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