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Mobile Data

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hello Everyone,

I have 2 questions pertaining to my data. 

Would someone please explain why this website tells me I have used 100.4 MB of data for Subscription Cycle Set 7, 2024 - Oct 7, 2024 but when I go to the Data Usage screen on my phone, I'm told that I've used 4.44 MB of data so far from Sept 1 - Sept 30?  What am I missing that would explain the discrepancy?

The second question is this...why can I not access the internet or my email when I'm out and about if I have my mobile data turned on?  My screen says 'No Internet Connection' but that shouldn't matter if my data is on, right?  This problem has only cropped up within the past 3 weeks.  Before that, I had no issues with access the internet/email when not connected to WiFi.  I haven't made any changes to my settings and I really, reeeealy hope that the solution doesn't involve me going into settings deep within my phone where I rarely go and don't really understand, being a tad tech-illiterate 😏.

As an aside, and I've mentioned this before...why on earth do the pages load so slowly on this site!  I don't have that issue at any other time.  If fact, I had to click on My Rewards three times before the page appeared.  The first two times, it got tired of loading and gave up! 

Thanks in advance for your help!  



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks for replying, JoeBlow2…I certainly do NOT blame you, fellow PM member 😏!  My response is delayed cause I needed a break from the headache these issues are causing me.  Yesterday, I did exactly what you recommended but I was looking at August’s data usage.  I didn’t feel like adding up all the numbers so I didn’t.  But today, I added up the usage only from September 7th until the present time and my data only usage was 1.14 MB, not the 100.9 MB my Subscription Usage indicates.  I can make it change to 1 MB by doing what dust2dust recommended…turning off my data, turning air plane mode on and then off and refreshing my PM account screen.

In your other message, were you referring to my complaint that the pages on PM load waaaaaay too slowly?  Cause I don’t have that issue with any other site.  Or were you referring to problem number 2…the fact that I can’t access the internet when my data is on and I’m not connected to WiFi?  It’s odd, cause sometimes I can access my gmail and Google Maps and sometimes, I can’t.  I can never seem to access the internet through Chrome, though…I always get the No Internet Connection screen…which doesn’t make sense cause I don’t need WiFi if my data is on.  In answer to your other question, no I don’t have airplane mode turned on.  The only time I’ve ever touched that button was when following dust2dust’s instructions during these exchanges.

My phone is a Samsung A14 which I’ve had since August 2023.  The issue of not being able to access my gmail, Google Maps or Chrome has only been happening for about 2-3 weeks…so why not before?  I only noticed the discrepancy in my data usage numbers cause, while I was waiting for a response, I was just looking through my account.

Thanks for trying to help me sort this out, BlowJoe2…I appreciate it.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It is very cumbersome, but here goes.  Login to the Public Mobile on from your browser, NOT the app. Select "Overview" in the top left.  Scroll down the page to "Subscription Usage".  Click on "Usage History".  Click on "Filters".  Select your "Data Range".  Unselect all except "Data".  The data usage is shown 2x per day and you need to add to add up, I don't know why.  Hope this helps.  Let me know.  PS.  I agree this is not user friendly, but don't blame me.  I'm a user just like you.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sounds to me like you are in an area where there is very poor reception, certainly no 5G or even 4G.  Can you  please tell us where you are when you are having these poor connection problems.  Also, check that you do not have "Airplane Mode" turned ON.  Let me know.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It took me 7 minutes for my screens to change to show me my data usage for August!  But I would have to add up each individual usage to get my August total...not gonna do that!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I just tried to see if I could view my data usage for August on the website but I can't find a way to do that, it just wants to give me September's usage. Any idea how to access August?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks for the speedy reply, hTideGnow!

My plan does give my only 250 MB of data, that's why I'm concerned.  Before, I used to turn my data on and off but when I realized I was only using about 40 MB a month, I decided for the month of August to leave it on.  My phone tells me that I used only 42.16 MB of data in August, in July only 55.85 MB.  Can you tell me how to contact a 'support agent'?

My phone is a Samsung A14 and I've had it for almost 2 years so I'm surprised that I've just recently started having internet issues.

Sorry, but could you please tell me how to reset 'All Networks'?




Mayor / Maire

hi @Griffyn1 

1. look like the 100Mb is just a buffer and it is not really being used.  If you have lots of data, like 10GB plus, the 100Mb buffer won't be a problem.  If you have only 250Mb, then you need to ask support agent to check 

2. With your connection problem, look like your phone was not properly set or your phone is not fully comptible with PM.  what phone is that? 

Try Reset All networks first.  But tell us what phone you have

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