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Double charged for subscription

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I think I accidentally charged myself twice for the new plan and am not sure on how to be reimbursed. Any ideas?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Always make sure when Pressing 'Pay Now' you only tap it once and wait patiently for it to load, otherwise you'll be double charged if you press it twice. 

Mayor / Maire

@Chris1398  If you changed plan now and not on renewal then that could be why . But you can submit ticket with support and see if they can reverse it for you . if just did it by accident . And didn’t use the data 

private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV



Mayor / Maire

Did you change planes with same value? If you did that and changed it Now there will be no reimbursement.
If you caused that charge by honest mistake, contact agent and explain situation:

To Contact CSA-agent:

Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -

Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.

If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here

Agent’s response is usually between 15 and 120 minutes with a ticket. Private messaging might take longer.

Watch for envelope in top right corner of Community page. It will show Number of unread emails.



PM is a prepaid provider and usually do not provide refund.

Did you manually paid twice on the same account?  If so, you should see the extra fund sitting as Available Fund on My Account, you can leave it there and the extra will be used on next renewal or add-on purchase

if you want , you can also message support here to see if they can help:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


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