02-06-2022 12:55 AM
Hello everyone,
I am noticing that my data is hitting its limit without me using much data for a few months now. I currently have 2 GB data with my plan. I reviewed the usage history and it shows that i havent been using much. I just had my plan renewed and a day later got a warning that i used up 75% of the data. Im clueless. Can someone look into my account and see if i am missing something. Thanks in advance.
02-07-2022 05:43 PM
Your phone is off by less than 1mb. Not bad.....12mb+approximately 5mb buffer (5.2mb? 5.7mb? I can't remember the exact number?)=17mb.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-07-2022 04:02 PM
Most accurate tracking of data/minutes usage is your account at PM.
All these 3rd party apps and even phone's counter are not that accurate.
Even these messages from PM you are out of data might not be accurate. If in doubt, Always log in and see that actual status is.
For example my phone says I used 13MB of data. PM says 17MB.
02-06-2022 02:53 PM
Hi @rifatrahim
Managing Your Data Usage Here to save your data,
and turn off background data,
when your data limit used all, is will be off until next renewal cycle,
30 day prepaid service no fees extra charges.
02-06-2022 09:05 AM
@rifatrahim wrote:Hello everyone,
I am noticing that my data is hitting its limit without me using much data for a few months now. I currently have 2 GB data with my plan. I reviewed the usage history and it shows that i havent been using much. I just had my plan renewed and a day later got a warning that i used up 75% of the data. Im clueless. Can someone look into my account and see if i am missing something. Thanks in advance.
@rifatrahim if, as you say above in red, you are confirming this by looking at your Overview section on your Self Serve account, which would like similar to this:
then you are properly receiving these texts in error. And, it would be okay to ignore them, if you have enough data showing.
But, yes, this would still be annoying. So if you continue to receive them erroneously, that submit a ticket to CSA to complain about it.
Install an app to track your ‘live’ usage so you can keep track. Public Mobile are 30 day plans (not monthly).
If you are android, try this one:
Data Witness app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iwik.datawitnesspm&hl=en_CA&gl=US
I use this one myself and it gives me what I need from it.
You could also check out Data counter widget: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roysolberg.android.datacounter&hl=en_CA&gl=US
If you are an Apple user, I am sure there is a 30-day app that is available as well.
Managing Your Data Usage:
02-06-2022 06:01 AM
If you have your data tracker in your phone set to the correct 30 day billing period you can compare your phone's data usage to the data counter in your account. Next go to your daily usage pages and add up each days two 12 hour blocks of data usage reported around midnight each night from your renewal to present day. Since there is a delay in data usage reporting it won't be completely accurate but you will have a good idea if the usage reported daily and your overviews data counter have a large discrepancy then you will know whether or not your data counter reset upon renewal.
Your data counter and any minute or text counters you may have reset at midnight on the night of your renewal. It's good practice to take a screenshot of your overview page before and after renewal in case a glitch like this occurs as it makes it a much simpler task to ask customer support to reset them when presented with physical proof.
Taking screenshots of your 90 day transaction history 4 times a year ( quarterly) allows for good personal record keeping if any issues arise with your payments or plan/account charges. Just dont panic when you see EXPIRED or SUSPENDED messaging in your account on your renewal night as this is perfectly normal. The general rule of thumb is if you have working services then you can safely ignore those messages.
Contact customer support to reset your data counter if you discover a large discrepancy in data reportage between your daily usage pages and your overview page along with your phone's data tracker.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #
02-06-2022 01:13 AM
Login to your Self Serve account and look under View My Usage and the list will show all your calls, text and data that was used during that period.
Make sure you are connected to your wifi when you are at home so it doesn't use any data.
02-06-2022 01:00 AM
@rifatrahim wrote:Hello everyone,
I am noticing that my data is hitting its limit without me using much data for a few months now. I currently have 2 GB data with my plan. I reviewed the usage history and it shows that i havent been using much. I just had my plan renewed and a day later got a warning that i used up 75% of the data. Im clueless. Can someone look into my account and see if i am missing something. Thanks in advance.
The people you're having a conversation with here are customers and cannot look into your account. It is possible that all the data was used, but I believe that it's likely that the data amount never properly reset during the renewal. Only a customer support agent can fix that. Please open a ticket by going to: https://widget.telus.tiia.ai/publicmobile/publicmobile.html