2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago by computergeek541
I spoke with ANA on chat that recommended I send a message here as she didn't have the available tools to help me. I live in Windsor, Ontario and I'm going to be working for a Calgary company. I need a Calgary area code (587) but ANA said I would only be assigned an area code tied with my billing address. She said you are able to provide me a 587 area code number if I reached out. Can you help me complete the necessary steps.
2 weeks ago
The phone number you have, has nothing to do with your address on your PM account.
Your name and address does not have to be true on your PM account. If not true, make sure you know what it is.
Your billing and taxes are based on your area code. So when you get an AB area code….you only have to pay GST and no PST.
You can try right now, if you like, to obtain an Alberta area code. The question is….will you find a 587 one?
And if not…how do you back out of a number change unscathed?
In BC I think you can still find a 604 number. You just need to know what area or city has a 587 area code AND is in the calling area as well. Ie 250 in BC is in more than one calling area and a call from a 250 number to a 250 number may require long distance.
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
@Goran50 wrote:I spoke with ANA on chat that recommended I send a message here as she didn't have the available tools to help me. I live in Windsor, Ontario and I'm going to be working for a Calgary company. I need a Calgary area code (587) but ANA said I would only be assigned an area code tied with my billing address. She said you are able to provide me a 587 area code number if I reached out. Can you help me complete the necessary steps.
All information that you mentioned above is incorrect. Feel free to choose a number from any city that Public Mobile offers phone numbers for. Also, a customer support agent's assistance is not required for any of this, nor is this somethinig that customers should be contacting Public Mobile about to get done. Public Mobile is a self serve carrier. Phone number selection and phone number changes are done from within the activation and self serve systems.
2 weeks ago
Perhaps use your AB work address temporarily, until you get your own place there.
(If the boss agrees....)
2 weeks ago
I do not know whom you talked with but PM chat is chatbot and no live person.
It used to be that you could pick your own area code and number (you could change number 4x per billing period).
BUT! you cannot keep same number with different area code. Try at My Account to change number (do not change, just try) to see if you can pick area code at will and corresponding number.
It that fails open a ticket and ask agent if changing area code (and number) is still possible.
2 weeks ago
@Phil_Adelphus Thanks your the heads up and link. Appreciate it!
2 weeks ago
@Goran50 We are only customers in this community, she probably meant for you to private message Public Mobile customer support, you can do that here