12:28 PM
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06:27 AM
I bought a CPO on line on Jan 10/23 the delivery through UPS have been a nightmare. No-one give me correct information about where is the phone. The carrier says that the package was sended back to the sender. And Public Mobile CS_Agent says the package is ready to pick up at the UPS Store. I'm now at the UPS Store and they said they don't have the package
01-26-2023 04:00 PM
The tracking number should tell the story - if UPS tells you that it was sent back to sender then that's what they did. Give the PM agent the tracking number and ask them to re-sent the phone.
01-26-2023 01:04 PM
@PattyG It’s strange situation and I’m sorry you have to go thru all this as @softech says it may arrive at ups later today .. but also keep Watch on you credit it card because if it does make its way back to public mobile then I’m sure they will refund or credit your account ..still sucks thou cos you obviously want and need a phone
01-26-2023 01:04 PM
@PattyG wrote:The notification I received this morning from UPS said it was delivered atc10:40 am at Dock.
@PattyG did it say 10:40 delivered to the store or 10:40 the package just still in transit ? if it is just on the truck, you might not get it in the store until later in the day
honest, this situation, is more UPS fault then PM. Sometimes, if they cannot deliver to your address, it really take a long time to track it back down
BTW, did PM ever send you the tracking ? like it sent you when the shipment was made originally ? or only after you opened ticket?
01-26-2023 01:01 PM
I'm in contact with CS since Monday...the reason I started this is because something is wrong and I wanted the community to know what is happening
01-26-2023 01:01 PM
Can UPS give you a tracking # or an order # that you can give pm to prove its on the way back to them?
01-26-2023 12:58 PM
Please keep pestering the customer support agents or go higher until they find out what has happened to your phone or they should give you a full refund. This is disappointing response from each side.
01-26-2023 12:58 PM
The notification I received this morning from UPS said it was delivered atc10:40 am at Dock. I came to the UPS Store because I arranged with UPS_CS to pick up at store Then, they said that it was send it back to the sender and it was delivered today at 10:40 am
01-26-2023 12:48 PM
I already did.
01-26-2023 12:46 PM
We are customers like you and trying to help other members on this public Community.
There seems to be a transition period between communication between the two. I don’t think UPS has update PM so contact a CS_Agent that the package was sent back according to UPS.
01-26-2023 12:44 PM
I've been in contact with CS_Agents since Monday. Going back and forward to the store and nobody gives me the right information
01-26-2023 12:42 PM
The store says the sender has the package. And you said the package is at the store. I'm confused and frustrated
01-26-2023 12:41 PM
Who signed for the package at UPS because they will need a photo ID for proof.
You should definitely file a claim with UPS and contact the CS_Agent with the mixup.
01-26-2023 12:36 PM
That's a terrible situation with both sides trying to pass the buck. You should send another message to customer support agents and let them know that you've been to the ups store and they don't have your phone. Your phone is somewhere and I think it's public mobile's responsibility to find out for you.
01-26-2023 12:36 PM
@PattyG honest, it will be a messy situation
you are talking to PM support already?
do they provideyou the tracking number? If you have the tracking, it should show whether it is in UPS store for pickup or not.
If they resend it back to store, it is possible the store won't have the package until later this evening, So, what did the agent say? ask them for the tracking number
01-26-2023 12:34 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. You will need to respond back to CS_Agent via your private messages. We are all customers like yourself and have no access to your account, etc.
01-26-2023 12:33 PM
@PattyG Open ticket
Getting support / submit ticket
Or while your already here and logged in the community