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Account problem

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a problem with my account, because ive seen that they deducted me two times, how can i talk to customer service? 




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

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Screenshot_20230522_105739_RBC Mobile.jpg

 Since January i have a deduction of like that my PM is $15 minus all my rewards it only $11.20 but i have deduction also $12.32. I hope i can speak and raise my concern about this.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Screenshot_20230522_105732_RBC Mobile.jpg

Screenshot_20230522_105739_RBC Mobile.jpg

Since January i have a deduction of like that my PM is $15 minus all my rewards it only $11.20 but i have deduction also $12.32. I hope i can speak and raise my concern about this.

@Rayjen have you opened a ticket with suppor tand ask ?  Look like it is a $10 charge for something

But how you know it is a PM charge? At least the screenshot didn't show

but open a ticket with support ,  Private message CS agent at 

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No i havent change, the amount is different that is why i notice that they charge me 2 times.

Screenshot_20230522_105907_RBC Mobile.jpg


Mayor / Maire

@Rayjen08 wrote:

I have a problem with my account, because ive seen that they deducted me two times, how can i talk to customer service? 



Did you change plan immediately? If it is that's why you were charged twice. If not you can ask for help.

There are 2 methods for help:
1. Chat with Simon for help, if Simon can’t help, he would let you submit a ticket.
2, If have issue with Simon, send private message to CS_agent for help:

Mayor / Maire

@Rayjen08  I check credit card see if one charge is pending and the other is posted if so the pending charge should fall off but here how to contact support for credit / refund 

Getting support / submit ticket


  • Get support by starting a conversation with virtual Chat box /SIMon. Click here                 


Or while your already here and logged in the community


  • you can send a private message   To CS_Agents by clicking here.


  Watch for reply top of page to the

   Right ( envelope image )

Mayor / Maire


top of page click Get Help / Chat with Simon to start process of CSA assistance.

You PM account is for 30 days...not 1 month

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