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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,555 REPLIES 5,555

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

OK. Right now I get $7 off. $2 for autopay, $5 for longevity. That's $84 per year. Under the new system I'll get $25/yr including that $10. So, it's an annual increase of $74. You I have to call out bx on your post.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The new system is bogus. For me it's a 25% increase! Telus is like this in every dealing I have with them. We all need to send a letter to the CRTC and the Pres of Telus objecting.

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@Messe wrote:

 I would rather go somewhere else and pay more now that I'm being treated this way. WHAT A BUST!

I understand being mad about this decision but the above comment is what I don't understand and have read it many times in this thread.  People are willing to pay more elsewhere  (so financially hurt themselves more than just the rewards change) than to stay if the pricing and plan beats what they can find elsewhere?

You are speaking as a true defender / user of the $30+ plans where the impact of this change is small to minimal. A lot of users don't use 20+ GB of data or need a US roaming plan. They just need a little bit of data here and there. Your statement says, and confirms Public Mobile's new philosophy, that low usage customers don't have a right to reasonable pricing and don't belong here anymore.

Obviously can only speak for myself, but FWIW: Over the past year or so (essentially since they slapped the expiry date on data add-ons) I've put an effort in to make my Public Mobile plan work, hot-spotting at every opportunity to keep data usage to a minimum, not doing WhatsApp calls at opportune times because I was outside of WiFi range, etc. The only reason to do that was that, with $$ rewards, the price was right for what I got. As long as we had non-expiring data add-ons to dip into occasionally, it was perfect. When they took that flexibility away, it became ok-ish. Now it feels just overpriced for what I get on the plan, and the service model and QoS.

Public Mobile has, essentially, doubled my plan cost (what comes out of my bank account - I'd have to accumulate points for a year to get a plan cycle "free"). And, as additional insult, is refusing existing customers to switch to the $21/$19 plan. (yes, I tried, politely to upgrade, and was outright refused)

If I already pay more I might as well go a tiny step further ( = the cost of a coffee a month) and give myself more flexibility and convenience by getting considerably more data. It's PM's own fault that that money won't be going to them anymore.


I've also put several lines I help manage onto plans that are cheaper and offer more... average of $9.98/1.25GB/unlimited talk & text vs $15/ 0.25GB / 100 minutes out / unlimited in /unlimited text.... And yes, for those people, it can be compared directly: Where they use their phones most, Freedom even has the better network reliability than Public Mobile these days.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Fortunately it worked out well for my transfer to Fizz but I would 100% have moved even if it was more expensive, i wouldn't stay at a provider that lied and didn't understand that loyalty goes both ways. I had a similar issue st Fido when I first migrated to Canada and won't ever gonback even if they had the cheapest plans, I won't ever go back to Public in the future. 

@Messe wrote:

 I would rather go somewhere else and pay more now that I'm being treated this way. WHAT A BUST!

I understand being mad about this decision but the above comment is what I don't understand and have read it many times in this thread.  People are willing to pay more elsewhere  (so financially hurt themselves more than just the rewards change) than to stay if the pricing and plan beats what they can find elsewhere?


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What a total slap in the face!
After being with Public for years, referring at least 5-6 people, signing up for AutoPay, I am now going to start paying more for my monthly bill and get less? This is how you treat loyal customers? Well this is how you lose loyal customers. I would rather go somewhere else and pay more now that I'm being treated this way. WHAT A BUST!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Strange... I submitted a CCTS complaint accepted April 23. It's now been 14 days and I have yet to hear anything from Public Mobile... 

Was hoping to get some kinda resolution or response before my May 15 conversion (30 days after my April 15 text notification of change)

HI @jhhead 

one Oracle has confirmed that PM is moving ahead with the change.  And I saw the change on my accounts too

So, the update is, everyone going to be on Public Points this month 🙂

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

So it's now been over 2 months from this initial post. 

When is Public Mobile going to provide an update or more information?

HI @Stonechucker1 

the current $15 plan no longer hvae 250Mb.  Make sure you are aware of it

however, the $21 plan has 3GB and it is down to $19 for a 90 days option

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It took 3 days for a CS agent to respond to a inquiry of mine thank god I wasnt getting hacked at the time. This is the service they are providing while now charging me an extra 150% a month. Thanks again PM for giving me more of a reason to leave.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It would be very much appreciated if you would show us how you arrived at $ 6.78 a month in increased cost.  Your comment about a 75¢ reward indicates you are on a $ 15.00 plan.  That is $ 1.25 less than the $ 2.00 AutoPay.  If you have been getting $ 60.00 a year for loyalty ($ 5.00/month x 12), and are now getting $ 10.00, that's $ 50.00 less per year, or $ 4.17 a month.  Total is $ 5.42 per month ($ 1.25 + $ 4.17); with taxes, $ 6.07.  Referrals and Community remain the same.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@IzzyK wrote:

How do we close this thread? I still think public Mobile is the best deal for Canada USA plan. 

It's too early to close this thread. There are still many customers unaware of the changes that may not have seen it yet.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So with your new program instead of paying $10.17 a month for the same service I will be paying $16.95. The rewards on this amount is 75 cents if I understand. You are taking away my loyalty discount and my discount for automatic pay. I arrived at $10.17 for being with you for many years and receiving a small discount off my bill. I am upset with your company. We were told that you would keep the $2 off for auto payment. Seeing my bill that is not so. Now you want me to pay $6.78 more a month for same service. I am a senior. You should be ashamed of yourselves of the way you treat customers. I will not refer people to you. Community report this to your local politicians and newspapers and file with the Better Business Bureau. We are not going to take this sitting down.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I'm back for the punishment that is Public Mobile.


My wife and I were both fun Koodo and got great plans for $39/month, but I've just ported back today to 250mb plan which renews in a couple's, and I'm going for the $40 75 GB with CAN/US unlimited calling in data usage across North countries.





My legacy rewards from my 2016 were lost when I moved to Tiny mobile, but they almost lost phone number in their stupid way they do port puts.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for this. I like public Mobile for many years now. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@IzzyK - Oracles, PM mods, us normal community members... no. But yes, Public Mobile is tied with Freedom for Canada US plans. Why do I say Freedom? Freedom limits outside of network to Public Mobile's 4G 100mbps speed. While Public has max 250mbps anywhere.

But Freedom has Unlimited Data at reduced speeds on their 5G plans. At 128kbps down and 64kbps up on Nationwide and other Partner networks & 256 kbps down and 128kbps up on the Freedom Network.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How do we close this thread? I still think public Mobile is the best deal for Canada USA plan. 

@Jcpierce wrote:

The new rewards system is **bleep**. Will be jumping ship at nearest opportunity. 

Referred multiple people just before this was announced too. Would have told them to go elsewhere had I known. I'm sure they will be leaving asap too.

Nice work PM! 

@Jcpierce , if you just referred them before this announcement then it won't have any affect on them.  All new accounts as of Jan 2022 have been on the points system.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So my loyalty means nothing now? The only reason I chose Public Mobile was for the loyalty rewards and now all I get is this points crap for spending more money. Will not be referring anyone to Public Mobile again. This is a slap in the face to long time customers. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, if that is the case, I want it too...

It's hard enough to keep up with all this ranting and harping on what ultimately is here to stay, points are taking over as rewards, rather than outright money, they will have a monetary value. I lament as much as anyone else, how this has been handled, since a couple of months shy of ten years,i stand to lose a lot more than just discounts ($9 / month), and that is the trust that a signing cowboy brought up in us while we were on hold, when there was customer service!!!

The total lack of respect is what ails me, loyalty is loyalty and to tie that to how much i am spending per month is nonsense. So after dropping my plan to a basic $15/month in order to make room for this "gift" to reward me, I wound up with no data to even get on here and address the issue. Suffice it to say, my rewards had nothinng to do with community, i was insulted when asked to provide screen shots of the content I had received and being techno fragile, i retorted with pictures of screens that did the job. Held hostage, I had to cough up the "balance" in order to qualify for my so called reward.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jcpierce wrote:

The new rewards system is **bleep**. Will be jumping ship at nearest opportunity. 

Referred multiple people just before this was announced too. Would have told them to go elsewhere had I known. I'm sure they will be leaving asap too.

Nice work PM! 

The ending of the old Rewards won’t affect anyone who subscribed to Public Mobile after January 2022. They have only known the Points system.

hi @Jcpierce the friend referrals is the best saving this rewards has.  So if you have couple referrals, you already got couple points a month, that's couple dollars.  So, PM might still be the best price after you favor in friend referrals.  Don't leave just because you are upset, do the math first and go with your wallet 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The new rewards system is **bleep**. Will be jumping ship at nearest opportunity. 

Referred multiple people just before this was announced too. Would have told them to go elsewhere had I known. I'm sure they will be leaving asap too.

Nice work PM! 

@canuckyyc wrote:


Also expect this to be deleted as they don't seem to like honest views, so those who see it, enjoy.


HI @canuckyyc 

why you say this?  PM has been good, many offers different views and even other carriers' pricing and all those posts are still here

 in fact, PM has been nice, people earn community rewards just by saying how upset they are.  (on this note, congrats to @RetiredGuy1 , @Wolfcore for earning Top 5% and 10% in April!!!)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

ITs isnt the same old same old and move on with it. It is the way it was done with complete disregard to the customers that helped sell it to friends and family to get those referrals and discounts.  In my case, 4 lines, a couple that have the  4-5 year tenure. The original offer to switch to points said in PRINT on the bottom of the offer you would get 1 point for every month you have been with PM. OK fine, I'll change over on the May date.  I changed my account a few weeks early and guess what, I got 5 bonus welcome points. THAT WAS IT. I asked CS about it and the reply was we can do whatever we want, when we want, it is our terms. So because I waited for the cut off date to automatically switch to points, I was in a bait and switch fraud situation? Get 1 year of gas if you buy a car. OK sign me up. Come back a week later to pick up the car, sign the paper work and now the fine print is gone and that's OK with you??  Maybe you need to understand why or where the hate for this is coming from.  Yes they can pull the rug and pull the rewards and sell it as something else. But that tactic is very misleading and almost fraudulent. My other account also 4-5 years switched in May, what did it get? 5 points...  So once my cycles are up, my 4 accounts and the friends and family will leave. Enjoy the churn, PC, Virgin, Lucky all have similar deals now and better referral rates that are applied automatically and I don't need to deal with a company that treats loyal customers like dirt anymore.

Also expect this to be deleted as they don't seem to like honest views, so those who see it, enjoy.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm very disapointed in the new rewards program. It's a worse deal and a pain to use. The beauty of PM was that the rewards made it a great deal over time. That is over now and I hope I can find another company that offers comparable value to what public mobile used to. Just another company rolling back services to squeeze a little more out of their loyal customers.

@celo247 wrote:

Just received my May bill and it was a  40 percent increase. Lost all my monthly discounts. At a loss on how these behemoth companies get away with it.

HI @celo247 

PM can get away from it because rewards program is optional.  Carriers do not need to give that to customers, and in fact, most do not have any kind of rewards system

@erorr wrote:

Please close this thread. Same comments over and over again with no value added. Move on people.

HI @erorr  I agree people should move on and this thread can be closed. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just received my May bill and it was a  40 percent increase. Lost all my monthly discounts. At a loss on how these behemoth companies get away with it.

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