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New rewards program

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Guys, 
I'm kind of late, but I just realized that the new rewards program is very bad.
Is there a way to get back the fidelity program?


Mayor / Maire

@JauneSale, it doesn't look like it's been mentioned here and just in case you were not aware, with the new points system you will need to manually redeem 15 points to get a $15 bill credit, or you can choose to use your points towards Add-ons like more data, long distance minutes etc.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@JauneSale We wished, we prayed but no go....alas at least you didn't screw up like I did and move the wife and myself to join the points program based on an erroneous email sent at the program's debut back in 2022.

Mayor / Maire

hi @JauneSale you just found out now? the announcement was back in March and everyone got moved in May

No one can stay with the legacy system. So, 5% point is what you getting.  But the Friend referrals is still here, easy 1 point per cycle

and of course the "easy but not so easy" Comminity points 


Mayor / Maire

sorry, no way to get back.  The old system is gont and there is only one rewards system now, Public Points 

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