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Top Contributors - February 2020

Customer Support Agent
Hi Community,


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations on the Community last month! The Community could not be such a great place to get support without you all.


We’d like to give a special thanks to all our members who earned Community Rewards for their contributions. These members were able to make a big impact and support their fellow Community members by providing detailed and high quality solutions.


A huge thank you to our Oracles, who go above and beyond by not only starting healthy discussions, but also help others to better understand our services and contribute to our awesome Community on a daily basis.


A big congrats to the 3 Community members who earned the Top 1% Reward. The daily work of these awesome folks is truly amazing!


And a big shout out as well to the 11 members who earned the Top 5% Reward and the 14 members who were in the Top 10%! Their contributions to the Community should not go unnoticed.


Together, the Community members in the top 1%, 5% and 10% had a total of 435 accepted solutions in February. Thank you all for your amazing work!


A monthly badge for your contribution level has been added to your Community profile.  A Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date.




Want to learn more about how to be a top contributor? Getting started is easy. All you have to do is give help to your fellow Community members, acknowledge solutions, and share ideas.  And, of course, your suggestions and feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.


Here’s how you can get started –


See a post you like? Show it some love and give it a bravo!



If someone is able to deliver a great solution to your problem, mark their response as an “Accepted Solution” to appreciate the efforts of your helper.




  • The Public Mobile Community Team

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Congratulations to all contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Well i made the top 25% least thats something, im glad for anything i can get. Thanks to everyone.


I got the full collectors set this month as well. It seems to me to be every second third when this happens. December was the month that we all got two full sets as they retracted and redid the awards but not the badges.



Mayor / Maire

I see I still got a fixed $2 Reward along with a full set of Community Reward badges - 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 1%, Oracle! Same thing month after month, regardless of what my actual Community participation (or lack thereof) might have earned.


Alas, I didn't get the full badge set twice this time. They should fix this bug so the other bug can malfunction properly.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Congrats! WOOT!


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Dropped down to 50% 😢 

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@pm-smayer97 wrote:

@Luddite wrote:

I would prefer the following lead-in to the awards table. I have no interest in the numbers of each category. 🙏



Still prefer the old format. As one person suggested, even a simple list would be fine. Otherwise, I would find this thread meaningless.

Then there is no need to post in the thread if it is meaningless to you.  Others still like to know when the rewards are posted.  Not everyone is on the site all the time and get a notifications on announcements


Not sure whom you are addressing since you quoted both... if it is me, are you chiding me for posting my opinion? And if not, what is the point you are trying to make?

@pm-smayer97 wrote:

@Luddite wrote:

I would prefer the following lead-in to the awards table. I have no interest in the numbers of each category. 🙏



Still prefer the old format. As one person suggested, even a simple list would be fine. Otherwise, I would find this thread meaningless.

Then there is no need to post in the thread if it is meaningless to you.  Others still like to know when the rewards are posted.  Not everyone is on the site all the time and get a notifications on announcements



I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@Luddite wrote:

I would prefer the following lead-in to the awards table. I have no interest in the numbers of each category. 🙏



Still prefer the old format. As one person suggested, even a simple list would be fine. Otherwise, I would find this thread meaningless.


I would prefer the following lead-in to the awards table. I have no interest in the numbers of each category. 🙏


"Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations on the Community last month! The Community could not be such a great place to get support without you all.


We’d like to give a special thanks to all our members who earned Community Rewards for their contributions. These members were able to make a big impact and support their fellow Community members by providing detailed and high quality solutions.


Together, the Community members in the top 1%, 5% and 10% had a total of 435 accepted solutions in February. Thank you all for your amazing work!


A monthly badge for your contribution level has been added to your Community profile.  A Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date."


Reward Chart.png

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@darlicious wrote:

     Can you imagine the community if the only first responders were @Jb456 and @gblackma ? (No offense guys.....great work in February!) Community members would start thinking they're Batman and Robin and they would soon be suffering from problem solving PTSD.

Uhm..... you mean they're NOT!?!? 😉

@darlicious  are you insinuating something? ....."imagine community forums only first responders were JB n gblack"

.......that can be taken in multiple contexts........


Anywho. Stay safe with covid19 lurking around 😝

      Congratulations to all the badge/reward awardees....regardless of the badge you have received everyone's contribution is valued and makes the community more diverse, interesting and engaging. Can you imagine the community if the only first responders were @Jb456 and @gblackma ? (No offense guys.....great work in February!) Community members would start thinking they're Batman and Robin and they would soon be suffering from problem solving PTSD.

     The new members and new contributors have made an impact. @mpcdesign  and @ddeep91 come to mind as making their presence known and posting some interesting reads. Keep up the good works community.....the more the better. Individuality makes the community come together and work better as a team when everyones opinion can make discussions a breeding ground for new ideas and new possibilities. Sometimes there is only so much help we can give but participating in the exchange of thoughts, conversation and even humour or annoyance will bond us and in turn let public mobile understand what we want from them as our mobile provider.

My "contributions to the Community have not gone unnoticed", aw shucks <blushing>

Great work everyone. Many people were helped in February! Let's keep it going through March.


Koodos to @CannonFodder for the list of 1-10% reward earnings 👍

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congratulations to the top contributors.  Your insight helps to run the community - thank you all for your time.

Congratulations to everyone. Am a top 10%, and I got $5 bucks to show for it. I am so thrilled with that I saved $5 for a cup of coffee! whoohoo!

Yup Congrats to all (whomever you are) BUT I still do not like the new format (though I see someone did some leg work and posted the list). It is truly meaningless without it.

@darlicious  typed: "now come on now you know you just copied my list and bumped everybody up a spot you only really had to find out those bottom few in the top 10%! "


LOL, and to remind myself what you're referring to, I just poked around(briefly) in the Lounge, to find that post, and I couldn't find it..... so to sum it up..... yeah, that's EXACTLY what I did!!! 😝 


Edit - before you feel the need to educate me on finding stuff in the Lounge, I suppose you're referring to your "Predictions" thread? This one:  ? Turned out to be buried a little further down than I thought it would be..... that, and I couldn't remember what you'd called it.....


Sorry, I guess I backed off on covering every detail of this problem with you I called the problem as being case sensitivity months and months ago now. Email addresses are NOT case sensitive but since PM is just using the email addresses to tie two areas together things my hunch was they had inadvertently (?) made it so the email addresses in each place had to be identical including the case of letters. 

In my case after months of missing reward money several things were done all at once trying to fix the problem. One change Meade was re-entering email addresses ensuring there were no differences what-so-ever. Consequently I never determined for certain what fixed the problem for me but a rogue capital letter in one of the email address fields was my guess. 


I'll share my thoughts on all the top contributors for February once I get home and off my mobile phone since I hardly ever use my phone  to access the community now I know why people complain so much about it.... it's a real pain in the hip trying to respond to anyone using your phone especially with a small screen.

@CannonFodder  now come on now you know you just copied my list and bumped everybody up a spot you only really had to find out those bottom few in the top 10%! But thank you it saved me having to copy and paste out of the lounge. Lol......

How many months and counting now? Should be about time but gets fixed properly. That eventually happens as long as you can avoid dying of Old Age, ConavirusCoronavirus, or BOTH.

Well, I never would have figured, but we have a solution! Apparently the system that matches up your community account email address/account name to your self-serve email address/account name account is CASE SENSITIVE! My community account was lowercase, and my self-serve was all uppercase. (Thanks to the Walmart in-store setup haha)


Now we'll see what happens for me next month. Here's the relevant excerpt from my ticket today:


Now, concerning the ongoing missing rewards, I've done some digging around and spoke to Tiana_V about it. In your particular case the rewards aren't being applied because the emails on the Public Mobile account and Community are different, well sort of. Problem is that the program that verifies the eligibility checks for matches between the email addresses and they are case sensitive.


The solution is to change the email address from your Public mobile account, the one you use to log in to self serve, from AAAAA@BBBBB.CCC to aaaaa@bbbbb.ccc


Best regards,


Eddy PM Mod


@CannonFodder  Well done on doing the legwork again:) 


Congradulations to everyone who helped this month.  


Winter is almost over.  Stay safe.  

Ok then, since the exclusion of the names seems to bother some folks, I'll do this once more.


Top 1% - gblackma, Jb456, z10user4


Top 5% - popping, geopublicdarlicious, CannonFodder, kselmak, Triguy, dabr, Dunkman, Staliger, srlawrenAE_Collector


Top 10% - ddeep91, mpcdesign, Korth, Nezgar, iPhoneUser, DOA, hairbag1, SD08, LovesToPM, totalUser, zblackmaChuckYeah, wetcoaster, PAULRANG18


Since the list of members receiving the 25% and 50% community rewards is a little too large for my copy & pasting fingers to withstand, that concludes this month's proceedings.


Congrats to all those that have contributed some nuggets of wisdom, to folks needing help, and congrats to those that have received community rewards for their efforts! 👍 

Thanks PM and congratulations to everyone:)

Mayor / Maire

Woohoo! Congratz to all contributors for making this an awesome forum.


Thanks PM for another reward! This one was my personal all-time highest ROI based on time spent. Smiley Very Happy

Not applicable

@ShawnC13 wrote:

I thought people were here to help because they like to and the reward was just a bonus.  If people want they could always self identify their reward level in the on going thread in the lounge about monthly rewards.

Like I said...don't bother then. It's meaningless now. We get our reward. We get a pat on the back with the badge. We can all look at others' profiles to see what they got.

Forget about it.

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