While I appreciate Public Mobile's efforts to refresh the community with a new look and reorganisation of the forums, there is one important feature that is now missing from the new design that was previously available: the page containing the latest topics. I know there is now a link to go to the latest posts, but there needs to also be a link to latest topics. There is an important distinction between these two. Going to latest posts takes us to a list where every latest post is listed. That means that when a single active topic has just had a lot of posts, those all appear at the top of the list, possibly crowding out the previous topics from appearing on the first page. One or two active topics can easily monopolize the entries on the first page. Depending on the timing of when a new topic is posted, it could easily get pushed down quickly by posts to older, active topics even before members have a chance to see it. If we only have the latest posts page to work with, this can make it cumbersome to sift through in looking for other topics that have maybe not had as much attention. It might even cause us to miss a topic entirely. In the previous design, it was much easier to look through a page where all the latest topics appear by chronological order of original post, with the newest topics at the top, and each topic only occupying one entry in the list. Additionally, the previous forum design gave us the ability to see how many replies have been made to each topic. Please bring this feature back. This was useful to know because the topics that have had few or no replies are where most members would naturally like to direct their attention first, to at least see if they can contribute.
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