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Unable to make calls or send text messages

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I recently asked my son to reset the iPhone he was using with his public mobile account (I got him a new phone with a different company and now the phone with this public mobile mobile account is going to be used by his younger brother). After resetting the phone, my son set up an Apple account for his brother with a different email address and password. Since then, my youngest son is unable to make calls or send text messages with the public mobile account. I wonder if someone can help me with this issue. 

Thank you in advance, 


@Julia1979  Have you resolved the difficulty transferring older son's service to the new Apple ID? As you made no changes to the PM account and only had problems after changing the Apple accounts, the problem is almost certainly caused by the phon3 settings and not the PM account. 

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the email and SIM card that was used for that account on the old phone at Public Mobile… wondering if I am able to simply get a new SIM card, keep the same old phone number on that phone… but change the email address? Or would it be best to just cancel that phone plan and open a new one with a new SIM card? 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The sim card and account were activated using a specific email address.  You need that to log in to that account.  

Mayor / Maire

@Julia1979 , I’m sorry, I feel at a loss! You have tried everything we suggested & none of it worked so please send a private message to ask a CS_Agent to look into the issue then please update Us on what worked with them!

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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I did not change the SIM card on this old phone… 

In that setting, it is set to LTE, onkk lol y other option is 3G… 

The package from public mobile is the very basic one… 2GB/mth, unlimited talk

Thanks again for trying to help! 

@Julia1979 , 

Can you please turn off the iPhone & check to see if the SIM Card is in the iPhone correctly? In my new iPhone it goes in a different way then my older iPhone!

Also, @Julia1979  in Cellular, Cellular Data Option, Voice & Data what is it set to? I have “5G Auto, 5G On, LTE & 3G” to choose from.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

K, I tried this and it didn’t work 😞

thank you though for trying to help

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your reply. No silly questions at all! My eldest son is 12 and can do more techy things than me! 

So to answer the questions… 

yes the account is still active with pub mobile. 
yes it’s the same phone number on the public mobile phone. and also the same SIM card in the public mobile phone. 

for the last question, I’ll have to check with my son who is at a sleepover tonight… but that sounds like what he did. He transferred everything from the old phone (public mobile phone) to his new (preowned) phone. 

@Julia1979 ,

Go to Settings, Cellular, Network Selection & Remove Automatic then select Public Mobile. Restart iPhone. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your comments. 
My eldest son has the new (preowned) phone with a new company (new phone number, new SIM card for the “new phone”). My youngest has the old phone (with the old SIM card and has the same old phone number). 
My oldest son reset the the old phone and set up a new Apple account for his brother… I just figured everything would work the same as before… just under a diff account… the public mobile account is under my email address and information so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work… 

when I go to settings, I can’t see network settings… 

thanks again! 

Mayor / Maire

@Julia1979 ,

This may be a silly question but is the Public Mobile account still currently active (payment made on it)?
Also, is it still the same phone # or did your other Son port out the phone # to a different company?

Did your Son remove the iPhone from his Apple account & add the iPhone to your other Son’s Account? (I am thinking yes it was done this way) Not just reset the iPhone as new?

If these are silly questions please forgive me.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Julia1979 

the youngest son cannot make calls and text, so the youngest one is the one who just have the iPhone setup?

can you put the same sim card into another phone, test calls on that other phone

Mayor / Maire


take the sim outta the phone and try it in a different unlocked phone.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Julia1979 

You sound like a great mom looking after her kids. Wish I had a mom who bought me a cell phone when I was a kid. Wait, didn't have cell phones back then. Only Atari and Colecovison. LOL

So, your other son SIM card is in the phone. Try this. Go to settings, network settings and remove Automatic and choose Public Mobile and reboot. Let me know if it worked.

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