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Transfer Phone Number from Koodo

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi. Someone I know is interested in PM and asked me if it's possible to have the same phone number. If it is, what instructions should they follow?  Also do all Telus stores carry PM sim cards?



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hello, your first question has already been answered but adding to it, you can enter the person's address here and find a location near them to pick up a SIM card.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks I got it. ...Much appreciated!

Log in to your account. Sharing is caring.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

How do I get a referral code?


HI @cory_c 

actually, get it from for cheaper, only $5 and they ship fast with prime shipping

Mayor / Maire

Yes numbers can be transferred in. Read and follow the instructions. Use the app. If Koodo prepaid then take any number and then you need to ask support to transfer.

Only corporate stores sell sims (and some online options but you asked about stores). Click on the Pick up a sim card link down below to find a store.

Adding - don't forget to have them use your referral code during the sign up.

Mayor / Maire


1. yes, Koodo number can be ported here.  Depends postpaid or prepaid, steps different.  But get the Koodo account number first.  For Koodo Postpaid, you can activate, and then request porting at step 5 of the activation process.  For Koodo Prepaid, you need to get a new phone number temporarily first in step 5 of the activation process.  Once all activated, then you submit ticket with agent and ask them to port for you


2. yes, you can get PM sim card from Telus and Koodo stores.  Not every one has it, so it is best to call them first and ask 

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