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Switched over to points and I LIKE IT but wife doesn't.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I was a bit sceptical regarding switching over to the new point system -- but I thought that I would try it on one of  my - (don't want to let go ---still $10 plan). In my opinion the point system is great and allows flexibility in that one may purchase various add ons and even gamble a point or two towards the chance to win prizes. 


😎. My wife however is not on board because she doesn't want to be bothered with it all and prefers to continue having her rewards  automatically applied to her monthly  auto pay.


The PM statement below that I cut and pasted is in my opinion vague.  To me it reads that if one has tried the points system and doesn't like it then they may" opt-out of Public Points" but will not be able to switch back to the point system.

The statement is misleading because,  those that had switched from the old rewards system, may conclude that by opting out of points their plan would  revert back to the original rewards program. 

In view of PM not well thought out statement, that I doubt  was meant to deceive, I think it only fair for PM to allow those that have switched the option to revert back to the old rewards program.

Opting-out -----Our Rewards program, Public Points, is completely free. If you decide that you no longer want to earn points and redeem for exciting items, you can opt-out of Public Points. Once you opt-out, you will not be able to rejoin the program. If you wish to opt-out, contact us here.


101 REPLIES 101

@BEER   Please be aware Loyalty is NOT the same..


No more Loyalty reward, so no more $1/month up to $5/month.  Instead, they only give $10 every year on the anniversary. 

So, for someone with PM between 1st to 12th month

           old reward program will get $0 on that year compare with $10 at the end of the 12th month
So, for someone with PM between 13th to 24th months:
           old reward program will get $12 on that year compare with $10 on the new system 
So, for someone with PM between 25th to 36th months:
           old reward program will get $24 on that year compare with $10 on the new system 
for someone with  PM between 61th and 72th month (and same after this point)
             old reward program will get   $60/year compare with $10/year on the new system 


      so,  on the new system, you win on the first year, but you start loosing on the 2nd year and after



And the main thing on the new reward is you have to cumulate to 15 points and cash out 15 points for $15 at a time.  In the old system, even you get $1 and PM will apply it right on the following month

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I do realize that there are many negative posts regarding the switch to the point system.

After some consideration I conclude that it's not as bad as some think and do expect some back lash from members .

As far as I can tell -----and please correct me if I"m wrong.

The only negative would be the loss of the $2 auto pay kick back.

Based on the least expensive $15 plan.

The now 5% kick back = $0.75 results in $1.25/m less. (With no auto pay required)

The rest , loyalty (now $0.83/m)  refer a friend  and community rewards kick backs remain much the same.

Plus it allows for more flexibility on how you spent your $-points.

Plus let's not forget the one time lump reward incentive given for switching over from the old to the new system.


Mayor / Maire


I'm not saying that is what your "beef" is.....but that tidbit of info you revealed in my mind changes the basis of your argument if you wanted to be returned to the rewards program or more importantly your wife. That was my point since you have brought up many weaknesses in the wording that pm has used that up until now.....while valid points would not yield a result of being returned to the rewards program.


But if at least to make the wife a happy camper again if you had switched her accidently to the points program on the mistaken belief based on the email from pm sent error and before the corrective messages were communicated by pm then you may have a "legal" argument to be returned to the rewards program or be compensated for not being able to be returned. Pm has already compensated one member for their valid argument.


I assumed part of the reason you had posted your comments that started your thread was to seek opinion.....your previous post had revealed info that I think gives you an opening to challenge pm on their decisions its up to you if you want to pursue it. We haven't beaten the horse if it took 7 pages to yield a positive result if not for you but another customer in the same position who is willing to pursue it.





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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious wrote:


Lol....are you being sarcastic?

No not at all -I just think that I/we  flogged  this subject to death and it's  time to move on.

 I sincerely appreciate all responses. 





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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious wrote:


Through this whole thread you only now just mentioned that you made the switch after receiving the email that you had been switched to the points program but before the correction email was sent out and the public mobile made the announcement of the emails sent out in error?


The inquiries made by a couple of members who switched voluntarily but regretted their decision immediately were met with a flat out no. But your timing of the switch and the ambiguous wording when you have already been informed that you have been switched would lead one to dismiss the "Are you sure?" because you already believe according to the email pm themselves sent you that you don't have a choice that has been taken away from you. Human curiosity naturally makes you want to investigate this new loyalty program that pm has switched you to......warnings mean nothing if you already believe that you have switched. 


As mentioned a 24 hour "cooling off" period while pm prepares the switch of customer would prevent any "accidental" switches and pm from any "bad publicity" or complaints that have merit like I believe yours does. Why not implement a "cooling off" period or set up the switch to points like plan changes? Do you want to switch now? Or schedule the switch to occur in conjunction with your next renewal?


The problem with the way public mobile launched their Public Points program is timing. By combining it with the new community forum design stretching the IT teams time and resources along with a community manager whose holidays were scheduled to coincide with the launch of the new community has led to this debacle. They introduce the new points program with a mysterious precursor teaser announcement lacking any meaningful details of the program. Then they sent thousands (?) of incorrect emails telling customers (many of whom created their community accounts just to find why they were switched) they are now in the points program and pm doesn't expect a few of them at the very least to unknowingly switch to a program they don't want a part of but are begrudgingly checking out?


The program may have been set up to not allow a return to the rewards program for ease and pm's advantage to get customers out of the rewards program and into the points program but given the mistakes pm has made with the launch the onus should be on them to return the few customers in the first 48 to 72 hours who mistakenly switched realized their folly almost immediately and came to the community and/or opened a ticket with customer support to return to the rewards program.


Public mobile is rife with glitches and bugs and mistakes that are their responsibility and we accept and forgive them because they correct or fix them (per se) and they do the same when we make mistakes whether on our own or by the shortcomings of pm's system and design. This is same for the few customers like @BEER , @killer23d  and others who find themselves as unwilling participants in the points program but have been given no other choice but remain or ultimately opt out of having any loyalty program to benefit from being a public mobile customer.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Is that what you think my beef is and what I said?  

Anyways this is not a serious situation and $2 more or less will not break the bank. I will now rest this subject and have appreciated all responses received .

Cheers and on to another subject.

Mayor / Maire


Through this whole thread you only now just mentioned that you made the switch after receiving the email that you had been switched to the points program but before the correction email was sent out and the public mobile made the announcement of the emails sent out in error?


The inquiries made by a couple of members who switched voluntarily but regretted their decision immediately were met with a flat out no. But your timing of the switch and the ambiguous wording when you have already been informed that you have been switched would lead one to dismiss the "Are you sure?" because you already believe according to the email pm themselves sent you that you don't have a choice that has been taken away from you. Human curiosity naturally makes you want to investigate this new loyalty program that pm has switched you to......warnings mean nothing if you already believe that you have switched. 


As mentioned a 24 hour "cooling off" period while pm prepares the switch of customer would prevent any "accidental" switches and pm from any "bad publicity" or complaints that have merit like I believe yours does. Why not implement a "cooling off" period or set up the switch to points like plan changes? Do you want to switch now? Or schedule the switch to occur in conjunction with your next renewal?


The problem with the way public mobile launched their Public Points program is timing. By combining it with the new community forum design stretching the IT teams time and resources along with a community manager whose holidays were scheduled to coincide with the launch of the new community has led to this debacle. They introduce the new points program with a mysterious precursor teaser announcement lacking any meaningful details of the program. Then they sent thousands (?) of incorrect emails telling customers (many of whom created their community accounts just to find why they were switched) they are now in the points program and pm doesn't expect a few of them at the very least to unknowingly switch to a program they don't want a part of but are begrudgingly checking out?


The program may have been set up to not allow a return to the rewards program for ease and pm's advantage to get customers out of the rewards program and into the points program but given the mistakes pm has made with the launch the onus should be on them to return the few customers in the first 48 to 72 hours who mistakenly switched realized their folly almost immediately and came to the community and/or opened a ticket with customer support to return to the rewards program.


Public mobile is rife with glitches and bugs and mistakes that are their responsibility and we accept and forgive them because they correct or fix them (per se) and they do the same when we make mistakes whether on our own or by the shortcomings of pm's system and design. This is same for the few customers like @BEER , @killer23d  and others who find themselves as unwilling participants in the points program but have been given no other choice but remain or ultimately opt out of having any loyalty program to benefit from being a public mobile customer.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

What the heck - I just did what you suggested and waiting to see what happens.




While this back and forth is good consultation, if you want a definitive answer, request it in writing of a customer support agent, asking that they receive confirmation from PM staff. (Jade,  Melinda,  etc)


I can provide how to do that, but I'm sure you know.


Ah, what the heck:


To contact a Customer Support Agent, there are 2 methods:


  1. Use the ticketing system for a faster response time. Click here and type Customer Support Agent, then select Contact Us, then select Other (or the topic that more closely matches your request).  Click the result which states Click here to submit a ticket and follow the prompts,  or, 
  2. Send a private message to the Customer Support Agent by clicking here  You’ll need to be logged into your Community account for the link to work.


Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@softech wrote:

As written, you can click the (broken) link to opt-out to new Points - and opt-in to old Rewards

@Korth   @BEER , I am pretty sure NO.  After you opt-out to new points, you WON'T be able to join back old reward still



@BEER   All of us are pretty sure and said the same many times.  You still question that we are not sure.  Why don't you open a ticket with PM Support?  

I have never questioned that forum members "are not sure" just as I am certain, from experience,  that once you leave the old system one can not go back.

My beef is that as far as I can tell, PM has never cautioned us about the consequences of not being able to switch back. All the official info I received was about how great the point system is and we should switch to it. Also try to ask SIMON this simple question and get frustrated trying to get an answer.  Would it not have been reasonable that they would have included a caveat for us the loyal existing customers?

As written, you can click the (broken) link to opt-out to new Points - and opt-in to old Rewards

@Korth   @BEER , I am pretty sure NO.  After you opt-out to new points, you WON'T be able to join back old reward still


Old reward NO LONGER allows to be joined anymore!!.  For all of us still on it, we are lucky.  Once we left, you cannot get back in.  Any new member since Public Points go live able won't be able to join anymore.   


Honest, the idea of the new system to to get rid of the old.  Telus has been nice to let us stay.  That's why if we have left, they won't allow us to go back in. This is a cost cutting move.  Their intension crystal clear


@BEER   All of us are pretty sure and said the same many times.  You still question that we are not sure.  Why don't you open a ticket with PM Support?  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

As you stated ----"No. I don't think anybody knows with certainty."

That's exactly the problem! When we all first got the,the email advising that we would be switched to the new point system and of course later again advised that PM made a mistake and not to worry. Well they are allowed to make a mistake but before their correction  I did also switch my wife's  plan to the point system and their correction came too late. Now my wife is not happy because she preferred the old automatic hassle free rewards credits each month such as $2 for auto pay, loyalty credits etc..that resulted in a great plan cost that she would brag to her friends about.  With the points system her reward point credits will just accumulate unless she logs in to her rewards and applies them. Well to date she has never logged  in to her account much less her rewards page and I'm sure she won't even bother to do so now. I'm pretty sure that when she now starts noticing the higher PM charges on her credit cards she will eventually go back to a  bell plan. 

Mayor / Maire

@BEER wrote:

"As written, you can click the (broken) link to opt-out to new Points - and opt-in to old Rewards - even if you've automatically been put on the Points system as a new signup after 25 Jan 2022." 


Are you sure  "and opt-in to old Rewards" ------??

No. I don't think anybody knows with certainty. Because Public Mobile has somehow mangled things and has, so far, not been patiently forthright about providing a real, detailed, understandable answer. Probably haven't even figured the details out or reached a decision themselves, yet.


But why would you opt-out of getting something so you could get nothing? It seems obvious that one would only choose to abandon the new system in favour of the old system. It's a business deal, not a charity donation.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

"The Points system is not a rip-off."

Of-course it's not - and I never said it was.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

"As written, you can click the (broken) link to opt-out to new Points - and opt-in to old Rewards - even if you've automatically been put on the Points system as a new signup after 25 Jan 2022." 


Are you sure  "and opt-in to old Rewards" ------??


Mayor / Maire

Public Mobile's description is confusing. I think they worded it all backwards. And I think the word "Rewards" shouldn't be applied to both the new Points system and the old Rewards system. They've got to clean their exciting marketing claims up, make it clear, correct, and concise.

As written, you can click the (broken) link to opt-out to new Points - and opt-in to old Rewards - even if you've automatically been put on the Points system as a new signup after 25 Jan 2022.


"Can I opt-out of Public Points? Our Rewards program, Public Points, is completely free. If you decide that you no longer want to earn points and redeem for exciting items, you can opt-out of Public Points. Once you opt-out, you will not be able to rejoin the program. If you wish to opt-out, contact us here."

Mayor / Maire

@BEER wrote:

No I'm good - and happy with my present reward system. Just thought I would put it out there because, in my opinion there should be a caveat for the inexperienced in these matters. PM could have included a "beware" in order to make it crystal clear and avoid misunderstandings. But then it's best for PM not to make this crystal clear because in some cases, because it would increase their bottom line.

The Points system is not a rip-off. It is advantageous to many customers, those who choose higher-cost plans, those who are new, those who have not aggregated Rewards and who do not seriously intend to build Rewards through years of loyalty and referrals. Cash in pocket, immediately, every billing cycle. A good choice for most subscribers since the reality is that PM is a prepaid no-frills service, customers who intend to stick around year after year - instead of opportunistically chasing better deals wherever they appear - are going to get better deals (with "unlimited" data, faster data, VoLTE, eSIMs, and fancy new phones) by leveraging their long term commitments (and credit cards) elsewhere on postpaid contracts.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13 wrote:

It was stated that once you leave the old rewards system there is no going back.  So if you then chose to go to the New Points systems you would know  that you can't go back so the opting out statement is a pretty clear message to me.

With due respect Shawn,  I do realize that discussions on this forum concluded and warned exactly what you say.   BUT for those that don't frequent this forum.  where was it stated  "once you leave the old rewards system there is no going back." ? 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

No I'm good - and happy with my present reward system. Just thought I would put it out there because, in my opinion there should be a caveat for the inexperienced in these matters. PM could have included a "beware" in order to make it crystal clear and avoid misunderstandings. But then it's best for PM not to make this crystal clear because in some cases, because it would increase their bottom line.

@BEER    You have to understand the old system and the new one are two different independent systems.


It's not like a Level 1 and Level 2 .  Some system has base system free, the you upgrade for Level 2 , once you opt out, you are back on the Level 1.  You can do that because it is the same system but with Level 1 and Level 2.


PM old and new rewards systems do not have such relationship.  They are 2 independent systems.  

Old  system term is , one you decide to leave , you left and cannot join back.  The reason you cannot join back is that the old system no longer "accept" entry.


When you join the new system, you left the old system and join the new.    So, you left old system, a system no longer accepting re-entry. 


And then you join the new system.     

Then you choose to opt-out the old system and you are left with no reward system.  It won't automatically bring you back to the old system because they are 2 different independent system, not a level 1 level 2 relationship.  And the old system no longer accepting new entry 


If you already opt-out the new system and you are on no system at all and you are not happy, maybe open a ticket with PM agent and maybe they can help as the new system is accepting entry.  Maybe they can manually put you on. But definitely not the old reward system. 

It was stated that once you leave the old rewards system there is no going back.  So if you then chose to go to the New Points systems you would know  that you can't go back so the opting out statement is a pretty clear message to me.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@HALIMACS wrote:

@BEER , did you switch over to the new public points, subsequently opt out, and now have no points or reward system?


Just curious...

No I"m fine but I'm glad I thought this out and not just assumed that I can try the points system and if didn't like it always be able to as is stated "OPT OUT" and  revert  back to the old system. 😎Can anyone actually give us the link where it's warns that if one switched to the point system they would not be allowed to revert back to the old reward system.😎

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@hTideGnow wrote:

HI @BEER   from what I see, it is clear and no confusion at all.   Opt-Out means OUT.   it doesn't implies SWITCH.     So, it means you can OUT from the new points system and never mean that you can switch back.  Not a single word.  I think you are thinking too much



Yes I agree that is my point exactly. It borders on trickery because there is no caveat at all. 


HI @BEER   from what I see, it is clear and no confusion at all.   Opt-Out means OUT.   it doesn't implies SWITCH.     So, it means you can OUT from the new points system and never mean that you can switch back.  Not a single word.  I think you are thinking too much



@BEER , did you switch over to the new public points, subsequently opt out, and now have no points or reward system?


Just curious...

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

The PM statement below that I cut and pasted is in my opinion vague.  To me it reads that if one has tried the points system and doesn't like it then they may" opt-out of Public Points" but will not be able to switch back to the point system.

The statement is misleading because,  those that had switched from the old rewards system, may conclude that by opting out of points their plan would  revert back to the original rewards program. 

In view of PM not well thought out statement, that I doubt  was meant to deceive, I think it only fair for PM to allow those that have switched the option to revert back to the old rewards program.

Opting-out -----Our Rewards program, Public Points, is completely free. If you decide that you no longer want to earn points and redeem for exciting items, you can opt-out of Public Points. Once you opt-out, you will not be able to rejoin the program. If you wish to opt-out, contact us here.

Mayor / Maire


I couldn't have said it better I did say something similar to Jade in my thread wondering where access to my image library went? Anyways I'm back to building credit again just in case...rather than spreading the love with my community reward. Pm advertised bringing my monthly bill to $0 with rewards I expect them to keep that promise and arbitrarily moving me to the points program would violate that promise. If the CCTS won't take my complaint the competition board will and they have bigger fines and real judicial weight behind them not a voluntary membership in the good ship lollipop.






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@softech wrote:

Telus really hopes we all leave the old system, sooner than later.  Thats why there is no way they will let us go back if we left,  whether intentional or accidental.     I think in  2 or 3 years ,  Telus might review the number in the old system again, if the number is low enough,  they might kick those all out at that point

Telus always hopes to report profits to shareholders. More subscribers than competitors. Higher ARPU than competitors. In their ideal world, half of Canada would happily pay Telus $900+/year for wireless service.


They're always motivated to bump that ARPU. To offer incentives which move us up the "value chain". To hook everybody up a subsidized new device and 24-month postpaid contract.


But they're also always motivated to retain existing subscribers. They know that if their directives and dark patterns muck up Public Mobile's business model or discontinue PM's Rewards system then there'll be an exodus. A lot of customers will leave, and of course immediately sign up with a non-Telus provider. Consumers never return to brands which ripped them off, broke their trust, or betrayed them - not if there's any other option on the market - they'll only be angry (and vengeful) for a little while, but their business will be gone forever. There's only some 30 million Canadians who can (and do) subscribe to cellular service, it's basically a closed market, providers can only acquire new subscribers by taking them away from other providers. So I think Telus and Public will (eventually) shift all new customers to Points, it's the new game they wanna play ... but they'll carefully avoid changes which will disenfranchise existing customers with Rewards. But I expect a relentless series of temptations to seduce us away from Rewards over the next few years. Trying to reduce their Rewards customers below some calculated threshold before cutting Rewards forever. So the longer we can hold out, the more of us refuse to budge, the longer our Rewards will survive.

Mayor / Maire

@BEER  - I can see why you are questioning this, reading what you are posting.


Why even give the option to OPT OUT of a points program? To make is simpler for those who find it confusing?

Well, PM, you don't make it easy do you? 😝


If someone is with Public Mobile you should be entitled and get the rewards regardless, as part of being a customer.


Are they trying to phase us all out by word trickery?

Telus really hopes we all leave the old system, sooner than later.  Thats why there is no way they will let us go back if we left,  whether intentional or accidental.     I think in  2 or 3 years ,  Telus might review the number in the old system again, if the number is low enough,  they might kick those all out at that point

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