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Rewards change

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I have been with PM for 6 years. I am only on the $15/month plan. My rewards with autopay, referral, and loyalty total $10/month. So every month I pay a mere $5/month plus tax.

My question is, when I get switched over to the points system, what discounts would I then receive every month? I know I will find out soon enough, but I was curious to know now if anyone had an exact answer.

Thank you!


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Oh gosh no I take no offense. I totally understand from a business perspective why they are mucking people about. I get my plans dirt cheap (it was PM not myself that gave me credit. Lol)

They have some great plans for new activations, so the best way to go would be to join anew. It's just a real p*sser is all. Lol 

Thanks for everyone's reply!


You will get 3 points/referral, 5% in points on your monthly bill and 10 points for anniversary date with PM.

SO, your will redeem your 15 points for $15 in 3 months.

3 points (referral) + 3 points ($15 x .05 x 3 months) + 10 points (anniversary) = 16 points.


@kmmooresc I don't intend any disrespect or offence here, but PM is not making any money off you at $5/month, so I don't think they'll be sad to see you go. The $15 plan to begin with is only there to satisfy a regulatory requirement to offer low cost plans; add to that $10 in discounts and there really isn't much incentive to keep you, hence the change in points. And even if you take out the referral points, that's still $7 is discounts right now, so your plan is only $8/month which doesn't make any business sense.

It's definitely not ideal from the consumer perspective, but it makes sense from a business perspective.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So from my understanding from replies I received, I will get .75 x 12=$9/year off my plan. Plus 10 points end of year anniversary. So every year I will get $19 worth of points?!

Currently, I get $120/year before tax in plan credits. (Yes, I know that's dirt cheap, but that's what PM gives me) lol

That's messed up! Lol  I guess loyalty doesn't mean much!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for replying. My apologies, I should've elaborated further, for example, I get $3/month rewards now for referrals. Do those referrals still count in the new points system or do I start fresh and only get points for new referrals? Do I collect points on my 6 years I've been with PM or will it reset? 

Thank you!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

You'll pay full price each month until your points add up to 15 which you can redeem for a $15 bill credit.



 PM is retiring the old reward system and everyone will be migrated on the new Public Points system.  With the new points system, discount will no longer be applied monthly, but the reward points will be added to your account after every transaction.

Basically the loyalty rewards (maybe $2 to $5 depends on your account history with PM) and autopay rewards ($2) will be gone.  You will be paying full plan price first and earn points for bill credit.     

You will earn 5% back in point of the amount you paid (So, if you have a $15 plan, you will pay in full first and earn 0.75  points), as well as the referral rewards will be paid in point.  Every year on your account anniversary , you will earn another 10 points. 

Whenever you accumulated 15 points, you can redeem for $15 bill credit and will be used towards the next renewal

Mayor / Maire


you'll be re-assigned to Points as of May. After that date, you get Points applied based on your plan cost. Once you've amassed 15 points you can then apply those points to your renewal if you want.

added from Help File...

5% of $15 is .75 points

Once per year you get 10 points / once per 12 months


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