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No internet while account displays everything is fine and 6Mb already used

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Consumed all data before day of payment. Data service stops and account displays "service is suspended, pay to restore, if autopayment is active then discard the message". today payment is done, no warnings or notes, data is active, 6Mb has been used already (I did not use data at all!), but data is inactive on phone, connection is impossible. This is first time since service started. What is this?


Yes, as I said, there will be no line about data remaining after it has all been used, even if it's part of the base plan.

@computergeek541 wrote:

@Yummy wrote:

Could you please provide screenshot of your account showing 6144/6144 MB used?


A Self Serve account wouldn't show that as that line would disappear after all of the data has been used.

I never exhausted my data so I assumed it will show like this. I will try to use all my data before next renewal to see with my own eyes 🙄

I understand add-ons will be removed from account when completely used but default allowance...?

Thanks @computergeek541 

@Yummy wrote:

Could you please provide screenshot of your account showing 6144/6144 MB used?


A Self Serve account wouldn't show that as that line would disappear after all of the data has been used.

Mayor / Maire

Could you please provide screenshot of your account showing 6144/6144 MB used?

After renewal it should be 0/6144 MB

Mayor / Maire


Public Mobile has a 5.2mb buffer. This data is reset overnight or when you enable airplane mode. The other 0.08mb will be your phone's OS app and the system apps contained within. Whenever your phone connects to mobile data very small amounts of data will be used for your phone to configure to the network.





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@Tatyana12345678 wrote:

If data are disabled and I cannot connect internet why the apps can consume the data?

It's not really used. The 5MB is a known bug but it resets on its own.


If your wifi assistance is enabled, when there is weak wifi around. The wifi assistance will consume data for eg. apps updates in the background.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

If data are disabled and I cannot connect internet why the apps can consume the data?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Did it but no luck with data service return

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Today, I believe

Mayor / Maire



If you turn your data off and on or even turn your phone off with data enabled, your phone will call to the public mobile data server. This is to enable mms on your phone


This type of data is free for everyone. No need to worry about it. Usually between 5-6 MB.

Mayor / Maire


There might be apps working offline in the background that maybe using up the 6mb data.

Mayor / Maire

When was your renewal supposed to be? 

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