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New points program is better?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I joined public mobile many years ago because of the great pricing. My subscription plan cost per month has nearly doubled because all of my credits are gone. How is the new point system supposed to benefit me the customer? I can't find any way to apply those points to my plan on a monthly basis. Is this time to say goodbye to public mobile?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Other providers provide similar or better $19 plan, it’s up to individual to change to the new $19 1GB or move to a different provider, stay or port back to PM for $57 9 GB every 90 days.

HI @EB0 

but if you are on $25 plan, there is a $19 plan now, also 1GB but 4G speed.   Any $25 plan owner should change to that one , bascially same price like the old rewards system 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The new points system is not supposed to benefit the customer, it’s just getting more money from you.

PM may be still good for you, if you have referrals or in CAN/US plans, 

Mayor / Maire

Points are NOT beneficial for average customer, period.

If you heavily participate in community and can be in top 1% or 5% AND have quite a few referrals then you might collet 15 points every 30 days, cash them and have similar discount as before. And it helps if you have the most expensive plan where you would get 5% off in points.

On a long run (consider 1 year) even with points PM is slightly cheaper than competition.

Mayor / Maire


Like everything else…everything is going up in price like groceries, restaurant food etc.

Good thing PM is offering a perk for future discounts off your bill but it will now take longer to collect enough points to redeem.

Other carriers only offer a onetime referral discount and that is it.


Mayor / Maire

@mark_mackay2003  it's all perspective.  I am on both systems so I get both sides of the coins.

Now I am been switched to points for all accounts. 

I liked the old system where everything was automatically done.

With the points system you have to sign into your account and redeem. 

Sign in click My Rewards and you will see the catalog and redeem.

But yes, it will cost more on each accounts yes.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You have to manually cash in for $15 off when you get 15 points.

If you do not want to keep logging in you could let them bank up and cash in a few at once and it will just add to your account balance.

While you are saving less you are still saving a bit. Do you have any referrals? If so they add up quickly...

I have a few referrals so I just let them bank up and cash in like 4 x $15 off at once every few months.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The new points plan is much less beneficial to us.  You have to accumulate at least 15 points if you want money off your monthly bill. Once you have 15 points you have to manually log in and apply the discount for the next bill. 
While the rewards benefits arent as great as they used to be, it is better than nothing and their price plans are still competitive.  I prioritize the actual price plan now, and go with whatever the best monthly plan deal i can get.  It also doesnt hurt to ask a CS Agent if you can get a new activation plan price applied to your account before you leave. They may not give it to you, but its worth a shot. goodluck.

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