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MMS /SMS vs IMessage speed with 3G

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Wonder if one only has 3G data if it would be faster to use MMS texting rather than data for iMessages ? —/


@ATHENS wrote:

OK thanks.


you are welcome

@eyes wrote:

I’m not stupid and don’t need reminders as to the plan I have. You always just seem to post never actually addressing the question.

HI @eyes 

no, I always find you smart, you always able to come up with interesting questions

But since your plan no longer has 3G data, what is the point to worry about it?   Maybe you are helping a friend? you are trying to bring someone in to PM and convince them to get rid of their 3G speed with the old carrier?

And maybe now you are also interested to know  if 5G would improve MMS and iMessage speed

MMS and iMessage both use the data you have, difference is iMessage is encrypted but MMS is not.  But the encrypted size would be similar to the unencrypted MMS messages, so the speed between them would be the same. 

For short message, the size would be just couple kb, 10kb or so, it wouldn't matter 3G or 4G or 5G, the speed would be near instant on both MMS and iMessage if the connection is good (of course, if you have poor network, then both MMS and iMessage will suffer the same)

But if you are transferring video, then yes, 3G 4G and 5G would be different.  But still, speed comparison between MMS and iMessage would be almost same

I hope you understand and like my detailed answer  to your question


@eyes wrote:

The reason I asked the subject question is because I now am on a 4G $19 plan but texting or iMessaging simple pictures seem to take forever if they sent at all. 

The slowness you experienced is a problem with iMessage.  Reboot the phone first, Reset Networks Settings and make sure Carrier Profile is updated

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The reason I asked the subject question is because I now am on a 4G $19 plan but texting or iMessaging simple pictures seem to take forever if they sent at all. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I’m not stupid and don’t need reminders as to the plan I have. You always just seem to post never actually addressing the question.

Mayor / Maire

@eyes   MMS requires data to be on while SMS doesn't, so two different things.

Mayor / Maire

@eyes wrote:

Wonder if one only has 3G data if it would be faster to use MMS texting rather than data for iMessage?

HI @eyes 

I think the 3G data does not apply to your case

You probably forgot that you reported that you switched to the new 4G $15 plan just couple days ago.  So, your plan is 4G and not 3G.  There is no more 3G plans now.  As you are on 4G plan, there is no more 3G data for you and you cannot "updating" to 4G as you are already 4G.

I hope you like the speed you have


upgrading to 4G or 5G would help. But unless the files are huge, the speed difference would not be significant


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Would updating to 4G  make any difference if using regular texting vs iMessaging?

Mayor / Maire


I don’t think speeds on MMS would be much of a diffence.



speed difference would be insignificant


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