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How to change the language of automated voicemail

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am not able to change the language in my voicemail account. The instructions are in French to change the language or to set the voice mail message. Since I do not know French, I am not able to change the language to English and voice mail message recording thereof. Please help.


@Meow wrote:

I am trying to change 'my name' to silence but somehow it is not working???


@Meow   you are ok to have user to hear the number instead ?


Mayor / Maire


By following the diagram....? I think you have to trick the system into making a recording that will then erase your muzak?


Going by my post time stamp it took me about 22 minutes longer than @dabr but you can click on their link and then click on @computergeek541 's link to the knowledge base article.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #

@darlicious wrote:

Follow this diagram....


Where do you get these nice diagrams from?

I am trying to change 'my name' to silence but somehow it is not working???

Mayor / Maire


Follow this diagram....


To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #

Mayor / Maire

@Hirensorathia    A couple of other threads with a similar request suggest that you need customer support to change the language option for your voicemail.


Click the chatbot bubble bottom right of screen to submit a ticket or click the envelope icon top right (next to your avatar) and send a private message to CS_Agent.


Edit:  @Hirensorathia   Actually this thread suggests you can change the options yourself by calling your voicemail and selecting 4, 4, 5 and 1:



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