01-25-2022 03:36 PM - edited 01-25-2022 03:38 PM
@J_PM: Three of my earned solutions from yesterday have since disappeared, two on posts about erroneous emails informing customers of switching to public points system that have since been moved and integrated into this one thread created since then. One from a previous post regarding "Call Control". I have earned total of five solutions as of yesterday; I have the emails sent by Public Mobile to prove it. I have already received a badge for having three accepted solutions and now I only have two solutions registered under my profile.
This is the second time that I have lost bravo's and solutions, recognitions that I feel I have received for my efforts and my work due to posts being moved to other threads. Previously for reasons still unknown, some of the replies of mine were moved from one thread to another duplicate thread created under exactly the same name in "The Lounge" that does not reward bravo's anymore and as a result, I lost bravo's on two of my replies. And now I lost three of my solutions just because again threads and replies were moved. We worked very hard trying to answer a flood of threads created from discontent customers who received emails erroneously sent to them as well as netowork outages in three provinces in a very timely manner and remained professional and calm amidst all the chaos created by two crises situation. Of course we are doing this out of our passion to help others in need and appreciate Public Mobile rewarding us with dollar awards but I feel taking away solutions that were bestowed upon us by other fellow customers just leaves us much disappointed especially that solutions I feel were hard-earned in particularly challenging situations. And as I have suggested earlier, any actions that will directly impact our payment cost to Public Mobile's products/services should be undertaken by Public Mobile personnel ONLY and not by other customers just like us. I thought with the elimination of multiple categories in all the boards, there should be no more need to move threads and posts around which creates tremendous confusion as well as disruption of conversation flow of topics and significantly reduces the integrity of the community forum. So I am quite puzzled why this is still going on. And in moving and aggregating threads and posts/replies, bravo'es and solutions are not preserved at all.
I hope this situation can be rectified as soon as possible with my solutions restored. Thank you.
01-27-2022 12:34 AM
you wonder why PM let Oracle manage the Community? They are paying Oracle $20/month , you think PM will hire a Full time for at least $5/hour (already a offshore worker rate)
I dun see anything wrong to merge some posts. If oracles not move others posts of the same topic but just moved yours, then it is a problem. But they are moving all those posts of the same topic. You were just lucky someone chose you before oracle moved posts.
01-26-2022 11:10 AM - edited 01-26-2022 03:48 PM
Not sure why everybody thinks that I am fighting against the Oracles when I have stated repeatedly in this and all my threads that I never have any problems with the Oracles. They are my fellow customers so why would I have problems with them? LOL They are just doing what they are entrusted to do by Public Mobile. It's Public Mobile that I have always raised issues with. I have always opened my thread message addressing to @J_PM if you haven't noticed.
I will take this up further with Public Mobile. I still don't believe it's right that we lose what we have earned due to something that another group of customers has done. Oracles can do whatever they want; they can move/merge things to the moon but it shouldn't affect what we have earned, not our posts, not our bravo's, and not our solutions which are directly included in the calculation of our community reward. So perhaps there should be a change in how community rewards are calculated in that it won't include bravo's and solutions, perhaps there should be a change in the system in that when posts/replies/threads are moved/merged, they won't affect the solutions/bravo's and etc. or perhaps posts/replies/threads don't need to be moved since there is no more sub-categories under each board like before. Why is there a need still to move things around and merge things? People who come onto the community to ask for help do not bother to search anyway because they see asking questions in the community as a way to log a ticket to get their issues resolved. All in all, it's Public Mobile who needs to resolve this issue by either implementing the necessary changes or maintaining the status quo and I will adjust my action accordingly.
Thank you all for your participation in this thread and I appreciate everybody's input but like I said, I will take this up with Public Mobile further. I am Public Mobile's customer and it's Public Mobile that I want to and should deal with.
01-25-2022 11:28 PM - edited 01-25-2022 11:35 PM
01-25-2022 11:13 PM - edited 01-25-2022 11:16 PM
Geez this is one red warning laden thread....what's up with that? Errors and permission denied galore!
I see your point. I agree with your point. But regardless of your point the reality of this community is oracles have the absolute power within their privileges to do what they think is the right thing to do. Some will discuss it with you, some absolutely refuse to discuss it, some tell you to take it up with Jade, very very, very rarely one might agree with you and change it but most likely they will not.
The forum itself isn't set up to just credit you back the accolades without returning everything back to where it originally was and that just isn't going to happen. It's not a democracy here despite its name.....its an autocracy. Just like me mother used to say to me when I was a kid when I complained "But that's not fair!" she would say "Well life's not fair. You just have to accept that." I still don't accept that answer but you have to pick your battles here. Speak up, say your piece but know when to concede and save your energy for one you can win.
I had 150 bravos and probably 10 solutions disappear overnight almost two years ago. In my search for a solution I had one thread moved to the lounge, another one archived , several other posts deleted and then recieved an unwarranted 24 hour ban all because I wanted to solve the mystery of my missing bravos.
About 10 months later a finally got my answer.....after several other members noticed their bravos, solutions and posts suddenly dropped. All those threads and bravos and solutions are still here and my mystery was solved along with theirs.....pm had done a sweep of the community and removed all the posts with the telus porting department number in them! Back when they first did it it was never admitted as only a few members were affected and I had made a specialty out of supplying that number so I had the most obvious drop and most don't track their stats that closely. Yes it dropped me down a badge level, yes it wasn't fair and yes I took it up with community manager at the time. But in the end there was no restorative justice, accept it and move on....not silently. Make your point, get off your chest and go make yourself feel better by helping someone and you will end up getting a heartfelt thank you that will make all this seem trivial....even though it isn't ....in the whole scheme of things its small potatoes.
Let's turn those taters into vodka and come have a nice dry wit martini with me in the lounge!😄🍸
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01-25-2022 10:25 PM - edited 01-25-2022 10:26 PM
@gpixel Well I don't know what % I am in but that's not the point. The point is I shouldn't lose them because of other customers' actions. And if I am going to lose them, it should be Public Mobile employees who cause me to lose them and not another group of customers. There, I think I have summarized my point succinctly enough.
All those "you need to do this because you like helping others", "it doesn't matter anyway", "it's not worth it anyway", "you are going to make up those shortly", "these solutions and bravos get lost all the time" are all besides the point.
01-25-2022 10:09 PM - edited 01-25-2022 10:16 PM
solutions are more important for the top 5% & 1%. if you're not in the vacinity than don't worry about it
01-25-2022 10:06 PM
@gpixel wrote:@Zyl,
not sure what your goals are, but to reach the top 5% you need to be putting at least 6-7 days(2-4hr) of helping customers, gaining accepted solutions, receiving Bravo's for posts, Bravo's etc.
top 10%, 25%, & 50% can be achieved without solutions. its unlikely the 3 solutions had any effect on the overall contribution.
I have seen my replies getting erased as well due to the complete removal of a thread. The thread was actually an older thread that I quoted in one of my replies to a newer thread because it was regarding a very similar situation and there were some very good replies in the older thread. And then all of sudden, the bravo that I received just disappeared so I did a little digging and I found out it was due to my reply that I received bravo on being erased, just totally gone because the older thread that I quoted in my reply is nowhere to be found. I was very puzzled and I verified several times and that was the only conclusion that I could arrive at. So for that one post, I lost the participation and the bravo. Since it was just one reply, so I thought I let it go and didn't say anything until I now see that bravo's and solutions and replies do disappear all the time due to this administrative action of moving and merging and deleting of threads. So basically you could be doing everything for nothing because technically everything that you do can be erased by other customers.
01-25-2022 09:45 PM - edited 01-25-2022 09:46 PM
@darlicious @ShawnC13 @gpixel Just to put things in perspective for all, I earned $2 per month for the last two months and I was and still am quite happy about it and I have been actually telling all my acquaintances about it that I am with a cellphone company that actually pays me for helping others and I have defended Public Mobile in many of my posts when I have encountered people who accuse Public Mobile of working us like slaves. So if this is still not enough to show that I am willing to do this as a "waste of my time" because I like to help people, I don't know what is. But just because I am willing to help others with little compensation doesn't mean that I should be willing to see a tiny bit of recognition that goes into the calculation of the community rewards that I still appreciate btw gets taken away, especially from somebody who's just customer just like me and who's paid $20 a month, 10 times more than me on a fixed basis permanently. Just my observation.
Anyway, I still feel Public Mobile should restore all solutions lost by me and others from posts/replies/threads being moved and merged. And in the future, moving and merging of posts/replies/threads shouldn't impact bravo's and solutions given which directly impacts the calculation of the community rewards. Should there be any actions that would directly impact the calculation of the community rewards, these actions should be carried out by Public Mobile personnel only and no one else. Other more senior level of customers can be assigned to do other duties but these duties shouldn't be ones that would directly impact the calculation of the community rewards which also in turn impact the cost of the product/service that we subscribe to at Public Mobile. That's my opinion.
01-25-2022 09:42 PM
Not saying it is right or wrong, but just telling what was happing.
They have been merging popular topic into single big thread. The December Holiday bonus was a one big thread from merging. Yesterday's one was another one
They have the reason to do it. But on the other hand, it is a big long one and hard to find some information out of it. Or some people replied on the main thread and no one notice and no one reply
01-25-2022 09:04 PM
not sure what your goals are, but to reach the top 5% you need to be putting at least 6-7 days(2-4hr) of helping customers, gaining accepted solutions, receiving Bravo's for posts, Bravo's etc.
top 10%, 25%, & 50% can be achieved without solutions. its unlikely the 3 solutions had any effect on the overall contribution.
01-25-2022 07:56 PM
Weird I tried to reply and every reply button gave me a red warning that the message couldn't be found?
Anyhow....some perspective. @AE_Collector is thrilled if he gets one solution a month!
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01-25-2022 07:54 PM
The post I was tagged in and going to reply to has been removed. But here is my reply
@Zyl you took the wording wrong. I said if you are here only to lower your bill that is a waste of time because the return on your time is very low. You need to come here because you like to help people and the monthly reward is a bonus.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
01-25-2022 07:47 PM - edited 01-25-2022 08:04 PM
@esjliv wrote:
@Zyl wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Zyl wrote:@dabr @esjliv I honestly don't mind bravo's being taken away in The Lounge tbh so Public Mobile doesn't reward us for chitchatting if they don't think it's worth it for their business. Ultimately it's Public Mobile's business decision and their choice. And I certainly don't mind posts/replies and threads being moved around except that they really destroy the flow of information and reduce the quality of the forum imo but again, it's Public Mobile's business and preference so I have nothing against Oracles.
My point is whenever something that impacts our cost, our financial well-being, our $$ shouldn't be done by another group of customers and should be done by Public Mobile personnel. I wouldn't care at all if bravo's and solutions don't get impacted when these threads/posts/replies are moved and merged or bravo's and solutions when they get impacted don't get counted towards the calculation of our community rewards. I am only raising an issue here because our financial well-being, our cost that we pay here are getting impacted as a result of these moves and merges of these threads/posts/replies. And anything that impacts our cost should be undertaken by Public Mobile and no one else because it's their business and it's their business decision.
@Zyl I am trying to think of a soft way to put it and I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you are only here to subsidize your phone bill that is a waste of time. Now let me explain, for the amount of time it takes to make a true impact on your bill you are looking at pennies on the hour. If you are looking at the lower level rewards I am sure you can spend the equivalent amount of time out walking and collecting returnable bottles for more money than what is distributed here. Again as you are relatively new there is no disrespect but something that has been talked about for a long time around here.
Now for your comment that if it is something that affects the financial reward it should only be done by Public Mobile personnel, I refer to the bolded portion from your post, it is Publics business decision and their choice that they have given a group of other customers the ability to keep the community tidy. Now you may have lost 3, but over time I am sure you will make those up and get some that say maybe you weren't the first to reply with the correct info but still get the solution. It happens.
Enjoy the community
That is NOT my point. True community rewards can be trivial in terms of subsidizing phone bills goes although it can be a large portion of the phone bill when the community rewards amount to $15, the highest level one can reach below the Oracle level. If your plan cost is $40 or $50 that subsidy is still at least 30% of the cost, hardly trivial in my opinion. Yes I can spend the day walking around, to get some fresh air, true but the thing is I have already given up all that and chose to spend the time on here helping people and have earned all those solutions and bravo's and only to see them all taken away just because somebody chose to merge and move some posts/threads/replies around. So it's like I have lost double, I have lost the time that I could've spent doing other things like walking around and getting fresh air, AND I have lost the small token of appreciation which is what I see "Solutions" rewarded to me for the time that I gave up doing other things.
And yes I recognize it's a business decision of Public Mobile so like I said before, since it's Public Mobile's business decision, I have asked Public Mobile via @J_PM to see if solutions that I have lost can be restored. Do I have to perhaps send a private message to them about this? I thought I create a thread here to appeal to Public Mobile to have everybody's lost solutions to be restored as a collective whole as I had the feeling that I was not the only one who lost solutions as a result of these organizational efforts.
Whether I will be able to make up the lost solutions and bravo's in the future is irrelevant. They were already earned and shouldn't have been taken away by other groups of customers' actions. And even in the future, what if they are taken away again, if this solution/bravo loss can always result due to merging and moving of threads/replies/posts?
@Zyl , I agree, every little bit helps, and just that much sometimes can be incentive enough to keep coming back and chuggin' away.
But, realize these Bravos/Solutions/Post counts are attached to the khoros software. So, it is basically a database collecting data and stats. I think it would be difficult to just add removed Solutions back onto your total count as that thread or post does not exist any longer in the state it once once was.
By hey, if you feel you want to ask a CSA, go for it..., not all CSA's are alike here; that is just a friendly, cautious note.
Although, I sympathize with how you may be feeling, perhaps a little cheated? It is currently a perk that is being offered; and really - enjoy what you can now, because you never know when things are 'a changin'.
@esjliv If I get 200+ solutions then yeah I wouldn't care if I just lost 3 but I just earned 5 yesterday and 2 were lost just because the reply was merged to create a bigger thread, that's a 40% loss for me! LOL All those work that I put in all morning all amounted to nothing. We started answering those threads at 8:00 AM and we were answering them all morning and then just when those threads started dying down, there were network outages in three provinces and we had to answer those too. I mean I enjoyed the fast-paced action and I was glad to see myself getting solutions but if this is how things are going to be that solutions earned can be taken away like that, I will take it easy myself next time and just let the CS_Agents get all the private messages and Oracles doing everything since they are the ones who get paid the most among us customers and it's just a "waste of time" for us like how @ShawnC13 puts it. LOL
Ultimately, it is Public Mobile's business decision. If they restore the solutions, they should restore them for everybody who lost them as a result of the merging/moving all of the replies, I believe. And in the future I still believe it should be Public Mobile's personnel who should be doing things that impact customers' payment amount.
01-25-2022 05:56 PM
@Zyl wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Zyl wrote:@dabr @esjliv I honestly don't mind bravo's being taken away in The Lounge tbh so Public Mobile doesn't reward us for chitchatting if they don't think it's worth it for their business. Ultimately it's Public Mobile's business decision and their choice. And I certainly don't mind posts/replies and threads being moved around except that they really destroy the flow of information and reduce the quality of the forum imo but again, it's Public Mobile's business and preference so I have nothing against Oracles.
My point is whenever something that impacts our cost, our financial well-being, our $$ shouldn't be done by another group of customers and should be done by Public Mobile personnel. I wouldn't care at all if bravo's and solutions don't get impacted when these threads/posts/replies are moved and merged or bravo's and solutions when they get impacted don't get counted towards the calculation of our community rewards. I am only raising an issue here because our financial well-being, our cost that we pay here are getting impacted as a result of these moves and merges of these threads/posts/replies. And anything that impacts our cost should be undertaken by Public Mobile and no one else because it's their business and it's their business decision.
@Zyl I am trying to think of a soft way to put it and I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you are only here to subsidize your phone bill that is a waste of time. Now let me explain, for the amount of time it takes to make a true impact on your bill you are looking at pennies on the hour. If you are looking at the lower level rewards I am sure you can spend the equivalent amount of time out walking and collecting returnable bottles for more money than what is distributed here. Again as you are relatively new there is no disrespect but something that has been talked about for a long time around here.
Now for your comment that if it is something that affects the financial reward it should only be done by Public Mobile personnel, I refer to the bolded portion from your post, it is Publics business decision and their choice that they have given a group of other customers the ability to keep the community tidy. Now you may have lost 3, but over time I am sure you will make those up and get some that say maybe you weren't the first to reply with the correct info but still get the solution. It happens.
Enjoy the community
That is NOT my point. True community rewards can be trivial in terms of subsidizing phone bills goes although it can be a large portion of the phone bill when the community rewards amount to $15, the highest level one can reach below the Oracle level. If your plan cost is $40 or $50 that subsidy is still at least 30% of the cost, hardly trivial in my opinion. Yes I can spend the day walking around, to get some fresh air, true but the thing is I have already given up all that and chose to spend the time on here helping people and have earned all those solutions and bravo's and only to see them all taken away just because somebody chose to merge and move some posts/threads/replies around. So it's like I have lost double, I have lost the time that I could've spent doing other things like walking around and getting fresh air, AND I have lost the small token of appreciation which is what I see "Solutions" rewarded to me for the time that I gave up doing other things.
And yes I recognize it's a business decision of Public Mobile so like I said before, since it's Public Mobile's business decision, I have asked Public Mobile via @J_PM to see if solutions that I have lost can be restored. Do I have to perhaps send a private message to them about this? I thought I create a thread here to appeal to Public Mobile to have everybody's lost solutions to be restored as a collective whole as I had the feeling that I was not the only one who lost solutions as a result of these organizational efforts.
Whether I will be able to make up the lost solutions and bravo's in the future is irrelevant. They were already earned and shouldn't have been taken away by other groups of customers' actions. And even in the future, what if they are taken away again, if this solution/bravo loss can always result due to merging and moving of threads/replies/posts?
@Zyl , I agree, every little bit helps, and just that much sometimes can be incentive enough to keep coming back and chuggin' away.
But, realize these Bravos/Solutions/Post counts are attached to the khoros software. So, it is basically a database collecting data and stats. I think it would be difficult to just add removed Solutions back onto your total count as that thread or post does not exist any longer in the state it once once was.
By hey, if you feel you want to ask a CSA, go for it..., not all CSA's are alike here; that is just a friendly, cautious note.
Although, I sympathize with how you may be feeling, perhaps a little cheated? It is currently a perk that is being offered; and really - enjoy what you can now, because you never know when things are 'a changin'.
01-25-2022 05:31 PM - edited 01-25-2022 05:42 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Zyl wrote:@dabr @esjliv I honestly don't mind bravo's being taken away in The Lounge tbh so Public Mobile doesn't reward us for chitchatting if they don't think it's worth it for their business. Ultimately it's Public Mobile's business decision and their choice. And I certainly don't mind posts/replies and threads being moved around except that they really destroy the flow of information and reduce the quality of the forum imo but again, it's Public Mobile's business and preference so I have nothing against Oracles.
My point is whenever something that impacts our cost, our financial well-being, our $$ shouldn't be done by another group of customers and should be done by Public Mobile personnel. I wouldn't care at all if bravo's and solutions don't get impacted when these threads/posts/replies are moved and merged or bravo's and solutions when they get impacted don't get counted towards the calculation of our community rewards. I am only raising an issue here because our financial well-being, our cost that we pay here are getting impacted as a result of these moves and merges of these threads/posts/replies. And anything that impacts our cost should be undertaken by Public Mobile and no one else because it's their business and it's their business decision.
@Zyl I am trying to think of a soft way to put it and I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you are only here to subsidize your phone bill that is a waste of time. Now let me explain, for the amount of time it takes to make a true impact on your bill you are looking at pennies on the hour. If you are looking at the lower level rewards I am sure you can spend the equivalent amount of time out walking and collecting returnable bottles for more money than what is distributed here. Again as you are relatively new there is no disrespect but something that has been talked about for a long time around here.
Now for your comment that if it is something that affects the financial reward it should only be done by Public Mobile personnel, I refer to the bolded portion from your post, it is Publics business decision and their choice that they have given a group of other customers the ability to keep the community tidy. Now you may have lost 3, but over time I am sure you will make those up and get some that say maybe you weren't the first to reply with the correct info but still get the solution. It happens.
Enjoy the community
That is NOT my point. True community rewards can be trivial in terms of subsidizing phone bills goes although it can be a large portion of the phone bill when the community rewards amount to $15, the highest level one can reach below the Oracle level. If your plan cost is $40 or $50 that subsidy is still at least 30% of the cost, hardly trivial in my opinion. Yes I can spend the day walking around, to get some fresh air, true but the thing is I have already given up all that and chose to spend the time on here helping people and have earned all those solutions and bravo's and only to see them all taken away just because somebody chose to merge and move some posts/threads/replies around. So it's like I have lost double, I have lost the time that I could've spent doing other things like walking around and getting fresh air, AND I have lost the small token of appreciation which is what I see "Solutions" rewarded to me for the time that I gave up doing other things.
And yes I recognize it's a business decision of Public Mobile so like I said before, since it's Public Mobile's business decision, I have asked Public Mobile via @J_PM to see if solutions that I have lost can be restored. Do I have to perhaps send a private message to them about this? I thought I create a thread here to appeal to Public Mobile to have everybody's lost solutions to be restored as a collective whole as I had the feeling that I was not the only one who lost solutions as a result of these organizational efforts.
Whether I will be able to make up the lost solutions and bravo's in the future is irrelevant. They were already earned and shouldn't have been taken away by other groups of customers' actions. And even in the future, what if they are taken away again, if this solution/bravo loss can always result due to merging and moving of threads/replies/posts?
01-25-2022 05:29 PM
@darlicious "And the fact that I found out its just @Luddite messing with my head"
I have the right tools to do so.
Protection from SIMon's bad vibes
01-25-2022 05:17 PM
@Zyl wrote:@dabr @esjliv I honestly don't mind bravo's being taken away in The Lounge tbh so Public Mobile doesn't reward us for chitchatting if they don't think it's worth it for their business. Ultimately it's Public Mobile's business decision and their choice. And I certainly don't mind posts/replies and threads being moved around except that they really destroy the flow of information and reduce the quality of the forum imo but again, it's Public Mobile's business and preference so I have nothing against Oracles.
My point is whenever something that impacts our cost, our financial well-being, our $$ shouldn't be done by another group of customers and should be done by Public Mobile personnel. I wouldn't care at all if bravo's and solutions don't get impacted when these threads/posts/replies are moved and merged or bravo's and solutions when they get impacted don't get counted towards the calculation of our community rewards. I am only raising an issue here because our financial well-being, our cost that we pay here are getting impacted as a result of these moves and merges of these threads/posts/replies. And anything that impacts our cost should be undertaken by Public Mobile and no one else because it's their business and it's their business decision.
@Zyl I am trying to think of a soft way to put it and I don't mean any disrespect at all, but if you are only here to subsidize your phone bill that is a waste of time. Now let me explain, for the amount of time it takes to make a true impact on your bill you are looking at pennies on the hour. If you are looking at the lower level rewards I am sure you can spend the equivalent amount of time out walking and collecting returnable bottles for more money than what is distributed here. Again as you are relatively new there is no disrespect but something that has been talked about for a long time around here.
Now for your comment that if it is something that affects the financial reward it should only be done by Public Mobile personnel, I refer to the bolded portion from your post, it is Publics business decision and their choice that they have given a group of other customers the ability to keep the community tidy. Now you may have lost 3, but over time I am sure you will make those up and get some that say maybe you weren't the first to reply with the correct info but still get the solution. It happens.
Enjoy the community
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
01-25-2022 05:12 PM - edited 01-25-2022 05:13 PM
@darlicious That's my point. I don't mind the moving and the merging of the posts/replies/threads but our solutions and bravo's shouldn't be lost as a result of it. And two, if the solutions and bravo's are going to be impacted, then this action should be undertaken by Public Mobile's personnel because it's their business decision. And it shouldn't be undertaken by other customers even if it's authorized by Public Mobile. That's what I am saying.
01-25-2022 05:06 PM - edited 01-25-2022 05:07 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:For the threads about points, I merged all of them as being duplicates. All of these threads were asking all the same thing. By combining them, this not only helps from an oranizationinal aspect, but it also helps the people who were askng the questions. This also helps anyone particiipating in the threads to be pointed towards the official company response.
I have no problem with that but as a result, we lost solutions that were given to us by our fellow customers thanking us for our efforts and time. And since solutions do count towards the calculation of our community rewards which directly impact our dollar cost for our payment here, I didn't think it was fair to have lost them due to the organizational efforts which I am sure was fully authorized by Public Mobile. That's the crux of the issue here. So since it's Public Mobile that has fully authorized these merging and moving of posts/replies/threads, I have asked Public Mobile via @Jade_S to see if they can restore the solutions that we have lost. We shouldn't have to lose our solutions and in turn our community rewards dollars due to the merging of replies/threads/posts, imo.
01-25-2022 04:58 PM
As much as I fight tooth and nail with the oracles over moved threads in this case it's the appropriate action especially with the new community forum set up. Having to scroll thru 10 or 20 thread topics all asking the same question makes it much more difficult for other customers with other issues to have the community help them.
The community's new layout contributes to this issue in that one main thread or announcement doesn't stand out on its own when the subsections of latest solutions, latest topics and latest replies all gave you the top 5 latest posts in those sections. So it was easier for infrequent members to find the official announcement or the first main thread created by first member affected by a large system issue.
Yes the loss of solutions is a bummer....so are the 20 or 30 solutions I get everyday in that latest notifications box on the landing page. At least one of them usually ends up being correct per day. And the fact that I found out its just @Luddite messing with my head and its not the halcyon makes me feel a lot better!😃
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To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
01-25-2022 04:54 PM - edited 01-25-2022 05:18 PM
@dabr @esjliv I honestly don't mind bravo's being taken away in The Lounge tbh so Public Mobile doesn't reward us for chitchatting if they don't think it's worth it for their business. Ultimately it's Public Mobile's business decision and their choice. And I certainly don't mind posts/replies and threads being moved around except that they really destroy the flow of information and reduce the quality of the forum imo but again, it's Public Mobile's business and preference so I have nothing against Oracles for doing that.
My point is whenever something that impacts our cost, our financial well-being, our $$ shouldn't be done by another group of customers and should be done by Public Mobile personnel. I wouldn't care at all if bravo's and solutions don't get impacted when these threads/posts/replies are moved and merged or bravo's and solutions when they get impacted don't get counted towards the calculation of our community rewards. I am only raising an issue here because our financial well-being, our cost that we pay here are getting impacted as a result of these moves and merges of these threads/posts/replies. And anything that impacts our cost should be undertaken by Public Mobile and no one else because it's their business and it's their business decision.
01-25-2022 04:28 PM
For the threads about points, I merged all of them as being duplicates. All of these threads were asking all the same thing. By combining them, this not only helps from an oranizationinal aspect, but it also helps the people who were askng the questions. This also helps anyone particiipating in the threads to be pointed towards the official company response.
01-25-2022 04:10 PM - edited 01-25-2022 04:21 PM
@Anonymous wrote:@Zyl : That can happen when threads get merged. I think a lot of those created threads were merged into one giant thread. Bravos might drop if a thread or parts thereof are dumped down to the lounge. Otherwise, they shouldn't go anywhere after a merge. Maybe that's a start to answering the mystery.
Edit: and then I read the whole essay. 🙂
Yeah that's not right. That's the point. You want to move and merge threads, that's fine if they really want to do it from an administrative point of view but our bravo's and solutions shouldn't be lost as a result of that. Replies/posts shouldn't be moved to The Lounge under duplicate threads at all. Duplicate threads shouldn't be created under any circumstances, imo. Another issue with this is that the bravo's and solutions all impact the community reward that we receive, that's impacting us financially and anything to do with that should be done by Public Mobile personnel, not by another group of customers just like us otherwise it's not fair. With what's been done here is like you going to a grocery store and force other customers to pay $3 for a bag of apples when you only pay $1 for the same bag of apples just by switching bags of apples around.
01-25-2022 04:09 PM
@Zyl - Welcome to the Community (and I say that knowing you are not brand new here) !
Organizing the posts and threads and topics, I imagine, is no easy feat. Oracles do the best they can, with what they are given, to fulfill their tasks.
Roll with the punches; you will notice you 'win' some you 'lose' some - happens to all of us. 🙂
01-25-2022 03:54 PM - edited 01-25-2022 04:02 PM
@Zyl Lol...you're not alone, I also lost my solution except I wasn't surprised that happened since merging of the same/similar queries around the new points rewards was to be expected, also this has happened many times in the past.
Main thing is you informed other customers why they were getting these emails. 😊
Edit: Your bravos shouldn't be affected though unless the thread was moved to the Lounge.
Edit 2: Just noticed bravos are back in the Lounge...wonder if they've finally decided to actually weight them against the Get Help posts.
01-25-2022 03:39 PM - edited 01-25-2022 03:42 PM
@Zyl : That can happen when threads get merged. I think a lot of those created threads were merged into one giant thread. Bravos might drop if a thread or parts thereof are dumped down to the lounge. Otherwise, they shouldn't go anywhere after a merge. Maybe that's a start to answering the mystery.
Edit: and then I read the whole essay. 🙂