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Data Usage

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Need Help!

I recently updated my plan to the $40/15GB earlier in the spring.  It just renewed on Aug 26th and it says that I've used up my 15GB.  When I check my usage from August 26 ownwards and add up my data usage it comes out to 1500MB = 1.5GB.    Did something now update on my account?   Have I been getting scammed since early spring?

Please help.




So did you click those spinners? Use incognito? What is telling you you're out of data? Maybe you could add an image of your overview page so we can see what you're seeing.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

not at all.  

If i used 15GB, then I would expect to see points of use such as:  3GB,  5GB,   1.5GB....   it my data usage in my account.


@BernieDoodle  do you happen not have a data limit set in your phone by any chance 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For sure, but this is all going back to Aug 26th.   I haven't used any data today as I'm at home on wifi.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

did that multiple times to be sure...     Used a different browser as well.

not sure if I know what is going on.  Not the best with this cellular data usage thing.  but if I add up all my usage from Aug. 26th it comes out to 1.5GB and it says I'm out of data...   

I'm using my computer to check usage, always do.


@BernieDoodle  Also note that PM updates it’s usage 2x a day so your seeing the usage used for the last 12 hours 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I always use my computer to check my usage.  not sure if I'm reading this correctly...   Here is an example:  it shows 256MB used.  If I add all of these in my data usage, it comes out to 1500MB...      1.5 GB...




Mayor / Maire

Try using different browser. Try Incognito/private mode. Clear browser’s cache. Try forced refresh. Use computer and not phone to log in.

Mayor / Maire


try this...


Mayor / Maire

Click on all the little spinner refresh icons to be sure you're looking at current info. What says you've used up data? A text? Something from your phone?

Mayor / Maire

HI @BernieDoodle 

maybe just browser cache.  Please use a browser and use Incognito/Private/Secret mode and check again

if you have been using app to login, try to go to app info and Delete Data and Detele Cache

Mayor / Maire

@BernieDoodle  Probably just a cache issue try this first 

Try again incognito/private mode

And or lap top /computer



simply try refreshing the page to check data plan / mins / add ons



For most up to date account info

Also make sure you don’t have a data limit set on your phone too 

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