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Canada/US 40 Gig 5 G 50 a month

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi why am I paying the same price for 4 g?I am unable to even view the plan features I have at present in the app or the 5 g plan for the same price?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

For the record - once Public read my request to change the plan to Canada-USA 5G for $50 they did so immediately at no charge. I was so happy with the service and the cost, we switched my wife's phone from Virgin, plus I bought a phone and Public service as a Christmas gift for a relative. Go Telus! 

@aavenger54 At launch it was a 4G plan; then a couple weeks they changed the offer to a 5G plan, but that didn't change any existing customers who were on the 4G plan already (you would have had to make that change proactively).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Still showing 4 g wrong plan ???


could be just PM not updated the plan details properly.  If you have ordered the $50 or $65 Canada-US plan, they are 5G plans.  You can message support to have them to confirm you have got the proper plan:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just order the Can/USA plan as 5G but once I had paid for it, the receipt showed 4G.  It's a Telus company, their ethics wouldn't allow bait & switch. Is there a simple explanation?

HI @aavenger54 

they will reply, usually they reply within 30 mins to 3 hours.  keep checking


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Messaged cs agent and identified myself..30 mins ago 

no reply since 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes both see it in browser not in app makes me sign into app.

@aavenger54 wrote:

Not showing any 5 g in app even under all !

HI @aavenger54 

are you checking the plan change using app or browser?

Mayor / Maire

Yeah that plan first launched as a 4G plan, but within 2-3 weeks of launch they changed it to a 5G plan. I had mine set to change to the 4G version at my next renewal, but the 5G version came out before that happened so I cancelled the change and did it again with the 5G version. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Not showing any 5 g in app even under all !

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I had to message a cs agent! The new plans are not showing in the 

app!Also not showing that mine is tbe us/Canada account but I’m using it for several  months…


make sure you select ALL on top.

or provide us a screenshot of what you see

and worst case, you can message support and ask them to schedule a plan change for you:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

@aavenger54  Try in the app instead of website also when on plans page be sure to tap “ALL” option 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I try and it says I already have a plan and it won’t show me any 5 g plans!

Mayor / Maire

@aavenger54  Change tot hey plan yourself for next renewal and not immediately or you lose money in your current cycle 

Change plan in 3 easy clicks



Once you find plan you want be sure to (change on renewal )So you don’t lose money on current cycle

Mayor / Maire

If you open your app it will show you your subscription information. You can even log into your account and it will show you your subscription.  

You can always change subs but do it at renewal date.



PM won't change plan for you even there are cheaper plans now

What you need to do is to check the good plans PM offers now and go to My Acocunt , Change Subscription and select the plan you want and schedule the plan change 

here are some good plans available now:

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