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Black Friday deals on now

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

For those hoping, no changes to the $15 and $25 plans.

Canada's First 5G Subscription Phone Service | Public Mobile


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'm surprised that the provinces outside of QC aren't seeing any tempting 90 day plans. I'm currently on the $120 5G 120GB unlimited 90 day plan, which looks to be good value when compared to the current $40 30 day offers.

@Kristowhy 💯

And yeah, I agree they should do something about the 3Mbps speed. In the end I wasn't even getting that. 10Mbps is more reasonable.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow wrote:

HI @dust2dust 

I think the $34 is an effective way to make people upgrade, i have couple friends on $25 either already upgraded to it or going to.   When the $35 still there, I know people has been jumping between $25 and $35 as 1GB really not enough.  So, $34 with 20 GB will really make those settle for it.  I really think it is a good move for PM

Bingo.  I can't see PM touching their $15 or $25 plans.  The only way to get bottom end plan customers to upgrade is to keep their service levels/amounts sub par whilst dangling the carrot with a fairly small incremental price increase with a giant service level increase.  The $34 plan right now could be quite attractive, especially to those with plenty of monthly discounts for loyalty and referrals. 

The name of the game now is get people hooked on using more and more data.  There has been a big shift the past 18 months from call carriers to "speeds" and data amounts...voice minutes have become irrelevant.

What's interesting is that PM and Koodo "3G" continues to be up to 3Mbps while LuckyMobile and Chatr "3G" are both up to 10Mbps.  I think PM should at least match the 10Mbps of the competition on the $15 and $25 plans

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Sansan wrote:
  • I have the $15 plan for years now with no intention to change.
  • I see that koodo is now also offering the same 15$/ 250 mb. 2 months ago I don't recall seeing them having it.

Koodo prepaid has had the $15/250MB for many many years

Mayor / Maire
  • I have the $15 plan for years now with no intention to change.
  • I see that koodo is now also offering the same 15$/ 250 mb. 2 months ago I don't recall seeing them having it.

@hTideGnow- For me, it's all about cost outlay, not bang for the buck. I can still get by with the limited features of the old plan that is the least cost plan this place ever offered. They jacked the price for no reason and I'm still on it as the least cost plan. Mountains of data that I would never use in a month and outlay so much more just because the data is cheaper per unit cost holds no attraction to me.

HI @dust2dust 

I think the $34 is an effective way to make people upgrade, i have couple friends on $25 either already upgraded to it or going to.   When the $35 still there, I know people has been jumping between $25 and $35 as 1GB really not enough.  So, $34 with 20 GB will really make those settle for it.  I really think it is a good move for PM

@DennyCrane- But those low price users aren't going to be incented to pay more. I'm not interested in paying more. Many are fine with their usage levels and their costs. They tossed an offer at the $25 plan and we know people leapt at it. Duh. More for less. Or really, more for same.

@dust2dust It's called capitalism. By throwing too many features at the entry level plans, they reduce the incentive for those subscribers to move up to higher spend plans. So while there may not be a direct cost to increasing the data allowance of the $15 plan (for example), there is absolutely the indirect cost of not ever having those users increase their spend in exchange for more features. 

Full 4G speed on the trusty old 50/50 plan. It's all the same price logic though - reduce cost per feature (primarily data) and get more for less as the old slogan went. So why not sweeten the PovertyPlans? There's regulatory minimums. Nothing to say that they can't provide more for the same price. Except they hiked the $10 plan with nothing to justify it. So there's that. It's just standard business hypocrisy.


if they want to sweeten those PovertyPlans with a bit more data and 4G...that's long as price point isn't hiked, I'm all for it then. I use the $15 plan for the last few years and occasionally have a bit of data unused at renewal..but..I also use wifi  for most things.


I think many are expecting 1GB 4G speed for $15 and 5GB of 4G speed for $25. I think both scenarios are unlikely en masse, but we may eventually see them moved from 3G to 4G speed. And of course the odd targeted offer to encourage someone to bump up from $15 to $25 spend.

Let's leave the $15 and $25 plan alone !! For some of us, we use wifi more than data and these plans fit our lifestyle and budgets perfectly.  😁

Mayor / Maire

@hTideGnow Agreed. We're not going to see any love for the $15 plan. It's a regulatory requirement that doesn't make money. And even the $25 is a stretch, but I guess we can hope. I personally think the $34 plan is targeted at the $25 plan holders (and new acquisitions of course); I've already switched a few people over, who likely won't use a lot more data, but who will be giving over $9 more each month. That's their goal.



Let's see what the competition does.  Hopefully, even lower prices.  

I also doubt that PM will touch the $15 or $25 3G plans.  Unfortunately, from my experience, the 3G data experience has been less than ideal.  At times, unusable......  

Mayor / Maire

thanks @mojorising  for breaking the news!!!

For $15, it will be going nowhere, almost certain

for $25, they sent out targeted offer for 5GB , i hope it will be for everone eventually

the $34 deal is really sweet.. just last year, they were still offering $35 for 3GB, then people got upset they removed $35 option.. now, for $1 less, you got 17 more GB and in 5G!!!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It’s good that Public Mobile is offering Black Friday plans.

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