10-19-2022 03:26 PM - edited 10-19-2022 03:27 PM
If anyone can post the referral dates for the bonuses, that would be great!
I know I am missing a bunch but I cannot remember when the promotion dates were (start and end date)
Let's consolidate them
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-06-2022 11:19 PM
Yes I agree....doubtful that one could do all. So appears to be 2 separate promos.
12-06-2022 11:08 PM
I took it as two separate offers ... ie. we don't have to upgrade to the 15GB plan in order to be eligible for the RAF. I don't know for sure, but that just seems too complicated lol.
12-06-2022 10:56 PM
Yes I found that one very strange. With no link to more information and no end date. Seems more like a mistake.
Was it one or the other OR only if you upgrade AND get a referral?
12-06-2022 10:19 PM
Oh, interesting. Well, it definitely makes me try harder to find a referral during the promo period. And I like that both sides get paid ... that seems more fair to me than only one side getting the credit.
12-06-2022 10:13 PM
@Tawny With PM off from storefront, I guess they are trying hard to promote people to bring friends into here
btw, PM used to have different kind of friends promo too. Before last year, it was more a one time amount , targeted offer, usually one side instead of both sides. I think PM find this new $5 x 5 months a better approach to make sure people staying here
12-06-2022 10:09 PM
Ah, I see. PM must like them, seeing as they've done so many this year.
12-06-2022 10:07 PM
@Tawny I think it was first started last December. . I think
12-06-2022 10:06 PM
I'm curious how long these promos have been going on? Did they start last year, or have they been going on for several years?
12-06-2022 10:00 PM
I was just going by the Nov 28 text that told of the $25 RAF, and assuming that meant it had started.
12-06-2022 07:48 PM - edited 12-06-2022 08:30 PM
Any comments or corrections/verifications??
12-06-2022 04:46 PM
Here are the emails recieved this year for bonus referral credits....
Also recieved a text offer for the September RAF that started on the 18th or 19th and ending on September 30th....couldn't find the associated email for any account.
12-06-2022 04:14 PM - edited 12-06-2022 06:45 PM
Also if any one has all the RAF promo dates since August 2022 I can start to build an excel file that I can post.
So I would need. If you have anything to back up dates etc...would be good too.
And how can I make it easily searchable?
Start Date, End Date, Promo, Begins to pay, Text or Email
Sent to email/text address <= for me only.
Feb 18 2022 Feb 28 2022 5 x $5 = $25 First Friday in Mar D EMAIL
May 19? 2022 Jun 06 2022 5 x $5 = $25 ??? D EMAIL
Aug 15 2022 Sep 02 2022 5 x $5 = $25 First Friday in Sep PD EMAIL
Sep 18/19? 2022 Sep 30 2022 5 x $5 = $25 First Friday in Oct D TEXT
Sep 23 2022 Sep 30 2022 5 x $5 = $25 First Friday in Oct h EMAIL
Oct 18 2022 Oct 31 2022 5 x $5 = $25 First Friday in Nov PD EMAIL
Nov 28 2022 Dec 12 2022 5 x $5 = $25 "A day" in last week of Jan 2023 PD TEXT
Dec 01 2022 Dec 12 2022 5 x $5 = $25 "A day" in last week of Jan 2023 PD EMAIL
Start dates and begin to pay in green are unverified
12-06-2022 04:02 PM
@Tawny wrote:Yes, you're correct! The current $5x5 promo started Nov 28th and runs until Dec 12th 11:59pm EST.
I have an email saying on Dec 1 saying it runs to Dec 12
Where do you get the start date of Nov 28? I had a text on Nov 28 offering a $25 RAF but no details and no end date.
Please clarify if you can.
12-04-2022 09:14 PM
Yes, it should be taboo. Ideally they'd follow their word and send on the first Friday, or just communicate if there's a problem and they need to send it late. It would save customers a lot of stress and anxiety.
12-04-2022 08:34 PM
Perhaps.....but for all online...should unspoken not be a taboo?
12-04-2022 08:24 PM
Oh dear, that sounds like a headache for you! Hopefully from here on out your credits come in automatically.
I like that idea of sending out each promo credit on a different day of the week. Perhaps PM sending some people their credits on the second Friday of the month is their unspoken way of spacing out the payments, lol.
12-04-2022 07:48 PM
I would think “if” PM was to have some logic to it all, perhaps they should have every RAF pay out on a different sequential day staring with Sunday. Then a CSA would have an idea what RAF they dealing with and also not overload system of paying out 3 or 4 RAF promos all on the first Friday of month. My RAFs have failed miserably....for my wife no automatic payment then had a CSA give a manual $5....next month no automatic payment, even though I was promised it would....CSA paid out $20 manually. My last one was not paid automatically so a CSA gave $5 manually. Then an automatic payment on second Friday of month.....so December first Friday.....no payment. Will wait to next Friday, second Friday of week, and see what happens. I wish PM would be more informative as others report second Friday of month payments too. Thus a list to include payment dates 🤪🤪
12-04-2022 07:27 PM
I believe for all three of the promos ending Sept 2, Sept 30 and Oct 31, the payouts are supposed to come out the first Friday of the month. However there have been a couple times when the payout was late. One was sent to me nearly two weeks late.
I see for the current promo ending Dec 12 that the payouts will be sent during the last week of the month. I'm wondering if that's to make things easier on the system ...?
12-04-2022 11:48 AM
Need a list and what the pay out dates are. As it appears some of the payout on are the second Friday of the month and not the first.
I think I am missing one.
12-04-2022 09:55 AM
Yes, you're correct! The current $5x5 promo started Nov 28th and runs until Dec 12th 11:59pm EST.
12-04-2022 04:09 AM
What's the current referral bonus deal? I heard it's $5 / 5 months. What's the end date of this promo?
10-26-2022 11:33 AM - edited 10-26-2022 11:39 AM
"I don't think that. I think that Public Mobile wants to limit the amount of credits."
Maybe so, I've managed to sign up a new customer in each of the $25 RAF promotions this year plus the $30 RAF last December. Working well for me !
10-19-2022 11:49 PM
@Tawny wrote:I think the reason for the "only one" RAF bonus is that the system isn't able to recognize more than one RAF bonus on the account at a time. So it won't automatically add the credit for a 2nd promotion to the account if the 1st promotion is ongoing.
I don't think that. I think that Public Mobile wants to limit the amount of credits.
10-19-2022 10:34 PM
I think the reason for the "only one" RAF bonus is that the system isn't able to recognize more than one RAF bonus on the account at a time. So it won't automatically add the credit for a 2nd promotion to the account if the 1st promotion is ongoing.
10-19-2022 10:10 PM
@Tawny wrote:I think it was Aug 15 - Sept 2, Sept 23 - Sept 30, and Oct 18 - Oct 31. I might be off by a day on the start dates, but I know those are the correct end dates.
It is interesting the CS agent said the promotion was "extended" and hence people can only got one bonus RAF from these promos. But if it is truely extended, why the dates are all broken. LoL
10-19-2022 10:08 PM
I think it was Aug 15 - Sept 2, Sept 23 - Sept 30, and Oct 18 - Oct 31. I might be off by a day on the start dates, but I know those are the correct end dates.
10-19-2022 03:54 PM
August, September, October 2022 promos started mid month and ended end of month
10-19-2022 03:36 PM