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Anyone else have problems with delayed text messages?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So for the past month or two I have been having off and on issues with delayed text messages. Like I tried to log into my PM account today and it took 15 minutes for it to arrive. It doesn't happen to all messages usually ones from my wife or codes for logging into other sites.

I tried resetting my mobile connection on my phone and a PM agent reset my service on their end. Neither worked. If I restart my phone then message will usually show up and if I send out a message it will usually cause the incoming ones to show up too. Any other suggestions?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So after some further experimentation I think it might be just a reception issue. I don't seem to have the problem when I am outside or at work on the 14th floor of an office building. But I do have it at home, and it seems to be worse in the basement. My wife has the same issue at home. Last year we basically tripled the amount of blown in insulation in our house so maybe that did it?

@Kel_varnsen Do you have RCS on or off? That could make a difference between when you're on wifi and when you're not. Although that shouldn't make a difference for 2FA codes. And if RCS is on, do you have it set to fallback to SMS when there's no data connection?

The part that is throwing me off is when you say if you send a text or kicks it into gear and your incoming texts arrive at that time. That very much sounds like some sort of a power saving mode. What phone are you using? Do you have a different experience whether it's an iPhone or am Android texting you?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So I don't think it was the battery thing because I got home and tried it and am getting delays again. I tried logging into my bank account and it took 25 minutes to get the code.

Although now I am wondering if location is a factor. Since it worked fine while I was at my office but now at home it is not. And my wife said she got a text message from a neighbor quite awhile after it was sent. But looking at my phone I have a full signal. Is there any way to test that otherwise.

Great suggestion @DennyCrane !!!

@Kel_varnsen , i hope this is the end of the issue  🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So you might be onto something here. I checked and the text message app didn't have any battery restrictions. But the battery manager was restricting 32 other apps. I turned off the battery manager and so far it seems to be working longer without issue than it has since the problem started.

@Kel_varnsen It almost sounds like the phone or the app is going into sleep or battery saving mode. Check the app settings to make sure the App Battery Usage is set to Unrestricted. And that the phone itself isn't in battery saving mode.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The other weird thing is if there is a text out there that I am waiting for and if I send a text out, to basically any number it's like it wakes up the system and the one I am waiting for will come through.

@Kel_varnsen wrote:

I didn't think having the 3g plan could be the issue, considering I have had the same PM plan for years.

Google messages is my default texting app that came with my phone. Would it be worth it to try a different app?

Apps can have delayed notifications becaue of battery saver settings but changing app probably won't fix it. It's probably a network problem.  For more important messages, use a chat or instant message service that gives confirmation of delivery so that others know that you got the message.

@Kel_varnsen Make sure to turn on RCS and then set it to backup to SMS if needed. No need to change apps, it's a great messaging app.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I didn't think having the 3g plan could be the issue, considering I have had the same PM plan for years.

Google messages is my default texting app that came with my phone. Would it be worth it to try a different app?

@Kel_varnsen wrote:

They did get back to me but didn't say a whole lot. Asked me some questions then asked if I tried resetting my phone. I told them that when I do that it works for awhile then the problem comes back. One of the agents also suggested it might be because I am on a 3G plan which is slower. 

I am also not entirely sure but back in July I was in the US and purchased a US talk and text add on and it seems like the problem has been since I got back from that trip.

A 3G plan doesn't make text messaging slower. 3G plan is only slower internet data.  Text messaging can be delayed from network congestion.  Using LTE network can be used on a 3G plan and might help for texting if you've been using the 3G network.


3G plan would not be the reason of the delayed text.

did you have a chance to try a Google Message and set it ad the default text app??

@Kel_varnsen  You could also ask support to just refresh your account  on their end .

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

They did get back to me but didn't say a whole lot. Asked me some questions then asked if I tried resetting my phone. I told them that when I do that it works for awhile then the problem comes back. One of the agents also suggested it might be because I am on a 3G plan which is slower. 

I am also not entirely sure but back in July I was in the US and purchased a US talk and text add on and it seems like the problem has been since I got back from that trip.

HI @Kel_varnsen 

did agent get back to you ? what did they say?

@Kel_varnsen  Sometimes taking SIM card out phone and putting it another phone will force the sim to re provision itself and fix glitches. Fingers crossed it’s finally fixed and no more sim swapping in and outta phones . It’s why I mentioned it to you in your first reply to try 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So it's hard to know what works and what doesn't. I put my sim card in another phone and it worked. But it's my daughter's phone so unless I borrow it for awhile there is no way to know if it will stop working.

I put the card back in my phone and it worked. Later in the evening it stopped. So I pulled the SIM card and put it back in without shutting off my phone and now it is working, but who knows for how long.

Mayor / Maire


Are you using a 3rd party Spam blocker? Disable it if you are and see if that helps.

Mayor / Maire

No issues here. A lot of times delayed MFA codes are a result of the sending service providers system (e.g. your bank), not the phone service. Most of mine are fine, but I have one credit card that consistently has delays (or I never receive it at all) with their MFA codes (to both email and SMS).


yes, putting your sim in another phone will force a sim reprovision and could resolve your issue

Also, if you have an Android phone, download Google Message and set it as the default message app and see if it helps


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I will try the SIM card in a different phone later today and see if that works.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't think it is an RCS thing. Like I said a lot of times it is verification codes like from banks or pm.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Put in a ticket awhile ago and PM refreshed my connection on their end. It didn't seem to help. I just tried the cache clearing. We will see if that helps. Also coincidentally I had to dona system update on my phone this morning, maybe that will help.

Mayor / Maire


you tried clear app cahce or use a different messaging app?

But , delay inbound  text would t be system problem more than device. please submit a ticket with CS agent and they can refresh your account


Mayor / Maire


is it possible these messages are being sent using an RCS service such as iMessage or Android chat and if they are unsuccessful being delivered to the recipient, a little while later, they revert to SMS?

Mayor / Maire

@Kel_varnsen  It’s working fine for me . Sounds like you tried a few things to help like rebooting the phone and resetting network settings . Are you able to test the SIM card in another phone to test 

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