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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,494 REPLIES 5,494

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:


In light of our assessment of the complaint and Public Mobile’s objection, we have concluded that the complaint does not meet the requirements of the Procedural Code; falls outside of the scope of our mandate.

Therefore, we have proceeded to close the complaint further to section 4.3 of our Procedural Code.


I don't like losing the legacy rewards like everyone here.  But putting aside my personal interest, I have to say they made the right call 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Record number could be a consequence of immigration distributing over 1M new residents in under a year. Odds are a sizable share of those will land on PM without having to do anything special to win them over.

Put another way. New subscribers is not as good a metric of competitive quality as number of phone numbers ported in vs ported out.


but at the same time, Telus has record number of mobile subscribers in the last quarter.  Over 10 millions have their confidence with Telus mobile family:)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am going to have to look elsewere.

First you take away my abillity to send a picture by text and now you screw with your rewards system.

Time to look elsewhere.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Fundamental problem with depending on referrals is those referrals also have to see the value in what you're selling them on. Kneecapping the incentive outside referrals just enables customers to drift elsewhere, and once it makes a marginal difference, then you know it's time to switch things up. Case in point... the FM annual is a great value at $119/y unlimited t&t 15gb. Average $9.92/m. As long as my referrals keep me under that, I'm better off here, but my referrals will be going up to nearly full cost. If enough referrals move on and my cost climbs over $9.92/m, then regardless of how many referrals I have left, I'm better off switching as well.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Only the maximum price for the set service level. The telcos were required to offer a plan with at least the specified service level for at most the specified price. Meeting that is the bare minimum they could get away with. They could optionally reduce the cost or raise the service to try to compete with the others. PM opted to reduce the cost. The others opted to raise the service.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Who wants to bet the average electricity and bandwidth required to provide traffic to a cell user on the $15 plan amounts to less than $8/m.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


I wonder what happened in early 2022 to cause such a decline in shareholder confidence... 🤣

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The fun part is for whatever they sold it for... They're fully equipped to just spin up another competitor. They already have the resources and the experience. Where are the original creators of public mobile, and what would it take to recruit them into mentoring some tech geeks.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@ily wrote:

@ily wrote:

@ily wrote:

@ily wrote:

Here are the steps I'm taking in response to this horrific announcement:

  1. Contact customer service expressing my deep dissatisfaction and asking to opt out of this forced migration. This is basically my attempt to resolve the issue with the provider, as per CCTS guidelines.
  2. Mark March 18th on my calendar: if the issue isn't resolved by then, I will file a CCTS complaint.
  3. Mark May 1st on my calendar: if I'm forced to the new points system, I will immediately port out!

Update: CS Agent got back to me saying that there's no way to stay on the legacy rewards program; no surprises there. In other words, the provider wasn't able to resolve the issue. Moving on to step 2. I'll keep y'all posted.

Update: I submitted a CCTS complaint. Now I'm just gonna sit back and watch closely until end of April. I'll also be doing some research to find my next provider, although I already have a good idea with who I'll likely end up.

Update: CCTS got back to me 2 weeks ago saying that they accepted my complaint and that they notified PM and asked them to contact me in order to resolve the issue. If the issue isn't resolved after 20 days, they will take further action.

The ball's in your court now PM, and has been for 2 weeks now. Whenever you're ready.

Update: As was the case for many of your CCTS complaints, PM objected to mine. I got a response from the CCTS saying that they reject PM's objection and that my complaint remains open.

Way to go CCTS!

@hTideGnow wrote:

@HALIMACS wrote:


Many users on this thread seem to have expressed that they declined public mobiles objection.

I wonder if Public Mobile stepped it up a notch and provided the CCTS with additional relevant information upon which to make a differing determination.

HI @HALIMACS this is normal how these complaints work.  Those agencies usually won't not reject the complaints  right away. 

Totally get that @hTideGnow .  They actually can outright dismiss it if it's conclusively determined to be outside the scope of the acts or legislation or reach of their powers.  But yes, they always find a soft way to say 'no' or a fancy way to refer a complainant to other avenues.

They will accept it and let both sides has another chance to work out something or reconfirm their position.  If you are lucky, they will let it drag on couple rounds before they reject it

here, the idea is clear, the lost of rewards saving is not a price hike , so PM has the legal reason to make rewards change

And even if it WAS a plan price hike, they can still do that as well - risking losing customers, however.  

tha's also how many businesses get around.  They will offer you some plan and throw in free staff.  One day, they will say the free staff (features) no longer free and they need to charge you for that.  Again, this is not a change to the plan they originally offer , so, they can do it with legal ground



Gosh @RetiredGuy1  - no apology needed.   I may have mis-read your initial post to suggest differently.


@jimbobs2023 wrote:

PM's objection to my complaint was refused.

Between CCTS mandate, the wording of the customer complaint to the CCTS and PM's response to that, there are plenty of loopholes, some to the customer's advantage, some to PM's advantage.  Without looking at all of the documentation involved, it's difficult to make generalisms.  In my complaint, I emphasized, repeatedly, the dramatic price increase I'd face as well as the lack of detail provided for my situation. In particular, PM has never provided an explanation of how many reward points I'll receive on May and how many I'll receive monthly, if I stay on my current plan (I have an idea about both but they've never said).

It also occurs to me that the removal of the automatic rewards is something that PM has ignored and downplayed.  For many, that's a huge benefit.  Having to check your account on a monthly basis and then manually select a benefit for a subsequent billing period is a significant inconvenience.

It's just a game, that's for sure @jimbobs2023 

There's no doubt that Public Mobile (probably TELUS) staff tasked with fielding and responding to the CCTS may be involved in informal consultations with them re process and messaging.  ( i was routinely in contact with the Regulator whom regulated the corporation i worked for - my role was specifically to receive, investigate, collaborate, and issue responses detailing the company's position to customer disputes put forth to the Regulator ).   

Full disclosure, not a telecommunications company.

We routinely had to wear different hats depending on whom we were dealing with.  The regulator's fully know their role is to act as a quasi-judicial body to balance the needs of customers with the customer base and the company they are regulating.  It always got dicey when elected officials entered the arena ...

Still - there were many cases lost, however much more are ruled in favor of the company.

In the case of this dispute, I'd be shocked if CCTS were to rule against PM. (but pleasantly surprised - as would several folks in our circle of users)  Simply put, I don't feel the CCTS has the jurisdiction to force continuation of the legacy rewards program.

But they'll play the game, give customers an avenue - a voice - the time of day, as if to suggest there's some hope.

At the end of the day, whether the company wins or loses, they will always find another way to make up the difference.

The choice it's customer base needs to make is which provider is the lesser of all evils.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I believe Telus instructed the management to deliberately damage the brand in every conceivable manner and upset customers, just to identify anyone irrational enough to remain with Public Mobile despite these manipulative tactics.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Interesting development.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

100% this as well. Telecoms have our politicians in their pockets. Not only do the politicians allow the telecoms to continue to do almost whatever they want in Canada, but they also often push policy on their behalf, as well as provide government contracts in return, and often fund them with taxpayer money for "projects" (Telus just received another 4.5m last year or something like that). It's one big scheme that screws over the populace, and sadly, the vast majority of the country is unaware of it, or simply don't care.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


At the risk of getting this moved to the Lounge, can I at least just say “Clap for the Wolfman - you gonna dig him till the day you die”

Seriously though, all valid points and I would just add the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology is another good outlet. Politicians love to grill CEOs by flexing their political authority while, at the same time, advancing arguments that have been provided to them to argue with in the first place. 

Also, your earlier post comparing $29 plans will likely be a contributing factor to the number of people who fall in that price range that will be putting PM in their rear-view mirror.

@HALIMACS wrote:


Many users on this thread seem to have expressed that they declined public mobiles objection.

I wonder if Public Mobile stepped it up a notch and provided the CCTS with additional relevant information upon which to make a differing determination.

HI @HALIMACS this is normal how these complaints work.  Those agencies usually won't not reject the complaints  right away.  They will accept it and let both sides has another chance to work out something or reconfirm their position.  If you are lucky, they will let it drag on couple rounds before they reject it

here, the idea is clear, the lost of rewards saving is not a price hike , so PM has the legal reason to make rewards change

tha's also how many businesses get around.  They will offer you some plan and throw in free staff.  One day, they will say the free staff (features) no longer free and they need to charge you for that.  Again, this is not a change to the plan they originally offer , so, they can do it with legal ground

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Yeah, the point of writing to CCTS was not about winning on that front; that was never going to happen. The point of contacting CCTS was simply to have our voices be heard. It's really one of the only outlets we have besides outright canceling. At the end of the day, Telus pays the bills of CCTS; they're the ones funding them. CCTS will never bite the hand that feeds them to any severe degree. They'll give the consumers some tiny wins once in a while (just to keep the act going), but would never let them win to a degree as large as this rewards program.

The CCTS route was/is about letting them know how many people are actually upset by this, creating a bit of public noise based on the amount of complaints, hopefully attracting some media attention, attacking their reputation/credibility, and in the end, hopefully convincing them to do the right thing and reverse course, thus repairing their reputation and satisfying customers. Sadly, this is what you have to go through in countries like Canada, where telecoms control the country, and don't allow for real competition. 

Now we just gotta wait and see if they'll do what's right. If not, I suspect a bit of a mass exodus ensuing, especially once people get those first credit card statements with the increased charges.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@kb_mv L Looking back at todays posts it was 2 hours between your post noting the new plans were out and mine noting the 4G 4GB plan had not only increased in cost but was still new activations only

thanks @RetiredGuy1 for sharing the news

yes, this is expected, just many here unrealistically thought their dream will come true.   

" As your complaint pertains to PSP making changes to their reward program, "  They basically confirmed and agreed that rewards program change , although affect price, is not a true price change, they have no control over that.  



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@kb_mv  I think we both must be missing something as I noticed that too! $200? Insane!

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:


Well, ideally PM would offer an annual plan which matches FM’s $149 4G 30GB annual plan which works out to about $14 a month (tax in) for 2.5 GB a month. Of course, we both know thats not going to happen. What would have been more realistic for me to at least consider staying would have been the 4G 4GB plan when it was $24 monthly (effectively $22 after consideration of the points) AND if it was available to me as an existing customer, which its not.

Of course, if you have a personal connection with Darren E. then feel free to DM me anytime within the next 6 weeks 😂

@RetiredGuy1 When the $26 plan came out and I posted it as new, I could have sworn it was available for everyone. I wonder how long that lasted?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Well, ideally PM would offer an annual plan which matches FM’s $149 4G 30GB annual plan which works out to about $14 a month (tax in) for 2.5 GB a month. Of course, we both know thats not going to happen. What would have been more realistic for me to at least consider staying would have been the 4G 4GB plan when it was $24 monthly (effectively $22 after consideration of the points) AND if it was available to me as an existing customer, which its not.

Of course, if you have a personal connection with Darren E. then feel free to DM me anytime within the next 6 weeks 😂

@RetiredGuy1    Unfortunate decision but, yep, hardly surprising either. 

Just a reminder to everyone porting out over the next few weeks/months to contact support and have any payment card removed from the account before it becomes inactive as PM/Telus doesn't permit us to remove it ourselves. 

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

Agreed and this article helps put the subject matter into perspective:

@RetiredGuy1 It's interesting that the article (last August) claims the average cost of a cell plan in Canada for 10-49GB of data is $205.78! I have 50GB Can-US for $34 I was on a 75GB Can-US for $40. Who pays $200? I don't see any of the totals in the article as being close to any prices I see from any of the providers. Am I missing something?

@RetiredGuy1 "At the same time, there is still a few weeks to keep an eye on what might become available"

What would be the ideal plan and price for you to stay?

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Just to ensure we’re on the same page - the CCTS did accept my complaint based on how I chose to word it. The email I received today is the one everybody whose complaint was accepted has been waiting for. If I’m not understanding what you’re saying, I apologize for any confusion. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Luddite wrote:

Soooo, the only cure is to jump ship. It's a reasonable answer to the aggravation Telus' has caused the $ rewards customers, but only if the cost is acceptable and you've spent all your points. In exploring alternatives be sure to confirm your number can be ported, and if there are any account activation/SIM fees. 
Happy hunting. 


@Luddite  I don’t disagree with what you’re saying but I only stated I was disappointed. I’m still undecided on what I will do come May. I’m leaning towards Freedom but I have some concerns with coverage so I need to do more research before I consider jumping ship (in that direction at least). At the same time, there is still a few weeks to keep an eye on what might become available.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@jimbobs2023 wrote:

@G_Pomzz wrote:

@Yatti4201 said;   We pay the higest telco costs in the world for a reason. 

More fake news... There are at least 21 countries with higher average cost than Canada.

Splitting hairs? Canada is by far the most expensive country for mobile services among comparable countries.


Agreed and this article helps put the subject matter into perspective:

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