03-03-2022 01:26 PM
Hi there,
At the time of enrollment with PM, I was offered a 3GB bonus data and was told it would never expire. It used to show up in my account View page but not any longer.
I mainly use WIFI and hardly use any data or even my phone. I left the data for a rainy dat and emergency . Has it been cancelled? I was told it would be permanent until it is fully used.
Thank you,
03-04-2022 11:19 AM
@nnima1 Glad it all sorted out in the end.
I suggest you try to keep track of the data every month from now just in case it happens again
03-04-2022 11:14 AM
Thank you darlicious and all who looked into this. The CSA was able to reinstate the 3GB bonus into my account. It is all resolved now.
Thank you very much again all.
03-03-2022 10:44 PM
Lol...it took me awhile but I did find the same email. Check your welcome email as they have sometimes listed your promotion that you activated on as well. I would appeal to the CSA showing your usual data usage is well below your plan data and they may apply a 3GB bonus data add on back on to your account as a one time gesture of good will.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
03-03-2022 09:32 PM
@nnima1 if you are certain you didn't use all 3GB, maybe you can open a ticket with PM Support and have them to confirm. At least they should be able to tell when the 3GB dropped off from your account
03-03-2022 09:27 PM
Please see below;
03-03-2022 09:08 PM
Now that I think, I believe you are correct. It should be June or July 2020. I went through my papers but could find the records yet. I gained $1 loyalty reward for being with PM for a year. I believe this June or July I should get a 2nd $1 reward for the 2nd year. Therefore, I think 2020 is correct and not 2019. My sincere apologies for the mistake.
03-03-2022 08:49 PM
All images have been deleted as you have suggested.
03-03-2022 07:39 PM
I cannot find a promo from June or July 2019 that gave a 3gb bonus data add on. There is one from a June 2020.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
03-03-2022 07:20 PM
Hover over the image and click on the little x that appears in the upper right corner.
Or edit your local copy and then re-paste it and then delete the one in the library.
03-03-2022 07:11 PM - edited 03-03-2022 07:11 PM
Thanks. But you might want to edit out that last screenshot with the phone number showing. I will have to find your image library link to get rid of it unless someone else has that link handy? Your data usage is indeed minimal....maybe you can appeal to customer support on that basis alone but your welcome email if it denotes your 3gb bonus data add in would be helpful to supply to the CSA.
Your activation date likely proceeds my time here so I wouldn't by chance have a copy of the promotion but you may be able to find it in the announcement section. Without a somewhat recent screenshot of your overview account showing the bonus data add on as unused is the hardest thing to overcome. If I can find your promotion announcement for you then you can contact customer support and appeal to their hearts and ask for it to be returned to your account out of loyalty and kindness. The worst that can happen is they say no.....
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
03-03-2022 07:02 PM
@nnima1 : You might want to blank out those last couple numbers.
So yes it looks like very little data usage over 3 months.
03-03-2022 06:59 PM
Thank you Darlicious. I try my best to provide Data usage screenshots. It only shows from Dec. 2021 to March 3, 2022, today. Please see below. This is all it is.
Thank you for all your assistance;
03-03-2022 05:43 PM
@darlicious wrote:@Anonymous
This is a tough one for the OP.....without screenshots.
it's very hard, OP just said she remember seeing this couple months ago. Anything could have happened for couple months. Usage history might not even help as it only go as far as 90 days
03-03-2022 05:39 PM
This is a tough one for the OP.....without screenshots.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
03-03-2022 05:34 PM
@darlicious : The problem I had was entirely the CSA. I didn't get the gifts automatically on one of my accounts so I had to ask. Well...one thing led to another and I had nothing other than the gifts and a radically more expensive plan. I said nuh uh. They said uh huh. I had proof. I got escalated. All good and then some.
Now it's more like a visual memory thing. I know my list of add-ons. I look at my balance, I look at my rewards. I figure what I'll end up with after the renewal. I check next day and it looks right and the balance is right and I go on with my life.
I would recommend screenshots before talking to the agents of course. One never knows, do one.
03-03-2022 05:17 PM - edited 03-03-2022 05:18 PM
If you can edit out your phone # on your two posts that would be great otherwise @Luddite or perhaps @computergeek541 can do so for you ( please and thank you).
Have you ever taken a screenshot of your overview page showing the 3GB BONUS data under your "My promotions"? Did you have to contact customer support to get the 2021 "more is merrier" holiday gifts?
@Anonymous had some of his gifted data disappear at that time....maybe a similar glitch occurred on your account. However @Anonymous being obsessive like I am with my accounts had plenty of screenshots to prove he had the data before it suddenly disappeared.
Perhaps he can help with the dates of his anomaly that may coincide with your missing 3GB BONUS data promo disappearing....good luck as it may be hard to prove but with your minimal data usage a CSA may grant you the data back based on your usage. Do you have your welcome email or any other proof that you had originally recieved this bonus data at the time of your activation?
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
03-03-2022 03:33 PM
@nnima1 : Just fyi...we're all customers just like you. We can't see the internals of your account. Since you've been here this long, you must have got the 1gb gift back in summer '19. The Xmas gifts the last few years of which your 2gb is still there. What has happened to the other ones? I am also a very low usage user. Although I use data on another account here. But this is all the things I've received since I've been here:
03-03-2022 03:31 PM
@nnima1 Please remove your phone number from the post. We are just customers like you here.
Yes, you might be very low data usage person, but I just worry that some backup update went on and "eat" up the data. It happens sometime. Like App update or OS update
Did you check the Usage log as I suggested earlier? If you have not been using much every month, trace back last 3 months (sorry, the log can only go as far back as 3 months) and see how much data you have used each cycle and it might give you some hints
Check first.
If you really think it was removed by mistakes, then open ticket with PM Support and provide them your proof (how much data you have added up on those 90 days) and hope they can find out the reason
To open ticket with PM Support:
1. If you have access to Self-Serve My account: For faster response (2-48 hours) , Click on the bubble in the lower right to request CS Agent assistance, or use this direct link: https://publicmobile.ca/chatbot.
Start with typing "Submit a ticket", click "Contact Us", click "Other" from the choices, click "Click here to submit a ticket". Then follow to complete the ticket submission.
2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with above method: you can Send a private message to the CS Agent here: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/composepage/note-to-user-id/22437
**Monitor your Community inbox, envelope on the top right, after ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply and work with you via messaging there
03:27 PM
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05:41 PM
Hi Z10user4,
Frankly, I dont use my account so often as the payment for all my numbers is set as autopayment to my credit card. The last I saw the 3GB was a few months ago. Again, if you check my account xxxxxxxxxxxxx you will realize that I hardly use my phone for call or data. I might use about 20MB of data a month at most. I never used the 3GB even for a second. Currently I have a 2GB bonus data that was offered to me a few months ago along with 500 minutes long distance call, and 1GB my regular monthly data which so far I used 13.829BM.
03-03-2022 03:22 PM
@nnima1 : When did you notice it was gone? I wonder if it was actually just a one time and you've whittled away at it over the years until now it's all gone. Maybe. I don't suppose you have any screenshots of it?
There was a 5gb one time with the $25 plan (I think I actually picked up on that one).
There was a 1gb gift a little after that.
03:22 PM
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05:40 PM
Hi Softtech,
I hardly use my phone, whether for call or data. You can verify that by looking at my account (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx). I never use even my usual 1GB data. If I do, it would not go over 20MB. I never used the 3GB ever. It was showing until a few months ago. I dont check my account frequently as the payment is set as auto.
03-03-2022 03:16 PM
Hi Softtech,
I offered the 3GB bonus data in 2019 when I first signed up with PM. I checked my usage section and it shows, zero usage of the 500 minutes LD call, zero usage of the 2GB bonus data that I received a few months a go and 13.82MB of my monthly 1GB data. Nothing about the 3GB data.
03-03-2022 03:15 PM
@nnima1 wrote:I activated my PM account in June or July 2019. The 3GB used to show up on the right side of the overview page. Now everything shows in the left side under My data and adds-on section. in that section, I have a 2GB bonus which I received a few months ago, 500 minutes long distance call and the usual 1GB monthly data. The 3GB has vanished. I never changed my plan since activation.
@nnima1 the 3GB is a one time bonus, it will be done from the list once it is fully consumed. You should be seeing something like this on that line 2000/3072 , which means it was used 2000Mb out of the 3GB. Do you recall was the number really close to 3072 last time you saw it? Since the add-on was so long ago, I won't be surprise they are now all used and hence gone
03-03-2022 03:12 PM
I activated my PM account in June or July 2019. The 3GB used to show up on the right side of the overview page. Now everything shows in the left side under My data and adds-on section. in that section, I have a 2GB bonus which I received a few months ago, 500 minutes long distance call and the usual 1GB monthly data. The 3GB has vanished. I never changed my plan since activation.
03-03-2022 03:09 PM
Hi Mayor,
I activated my PM account in June or July 2019. The 3GB used to show up on the right side of the overview page. Now everything shows in the left side under My data and adds-on section. in that section, I have a 2GB bonus which I received a few months ago, 500 minutes long distance call and the usual 1GB monthly data. The 3GB has vanished. I never changed my plan since activation.
03-03-2022 02:15 PM
Most likely you were offered one time 3GB of data. That never expires until it is used up. Check your usage and if you remember ever seeing this bonus 3GB on your account.
I do not recall 3GB data offer as reoccurring month after month.
03-03-2022 01:47 PM
@nnima1 Were you offered a one time 3GB bonus? Yes, those one time bonus won't expired and will be there until all used up
How long you notice it was gone? Do you remember how much of the 3GB left when you last check?
You can login to My Account and confirm you data usage. When you are in My Account, click on "View My Usage" or https://selfserve.publicmobile.ca/Overview/viewUsageChangePlan/. You can then change the start date and end date and try to view your usage for the last 30 days or up to 90 days. Check the Web traffic and you can try to add it up and see if the usage make sense (DO NOT trust the sorting feature, the sorting might seems work but it does not. Really go through all the pages and check for Web traffic)
Also, you might also able to check your usage on your phone if you have an Android device. Go to Mobile Data usge page, change the Billing Cycle start date and you will see how much data you used
03-03-2022 01:33 PM
When did you activate the account? Did the 3GB show up on the left side of the overview or on the right in its own promo box? Have you changed your plan since activation?